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James Stuart, James II and VII King of England, Scotland, and Ireland
- Close sectionThe Proclamations of King James I 1603–1625
- 1 By the King. A Proclamation, declaring the undoubted Right of our Sovereign Lord King James, to the Crown of the Realms of England, France and Ireland. [London 24 March 1603]
- 2 By the King. A Proclamation signifying his Majesty's pleasure, That all men being in Office of Government at the death of the late Queen Elizabeth, should so continue till his Majesty's further direction. [Whitehall 5 April 1603]
- 3 By the King. A Proclamation declaring at what values certain Moneys of Scotland shall be currant within England. [Whitehall 8 April 1603]
- 4 By the King. A Proclamation for attendance on the Kings person, and for receiving of him by the Sheriffs of the several Counties, at his first coming into England. [Whitehall 10 April 1603]
- 5 By the King. A Proclamation for the discovery and apprehension of William Ruthen, and Patricke Ruthen, brethren to the late Earle of Gowrie. [Burghley 27 April 1603]
- 6 By the King. A Proclamation inhibiting the use and execution of any Charter or Graunt made by the late Queen Elizabeth, of any kind of Monopolies, &c. [Theobalds 7 May 1603]
- 7 By the King. A Proclamation against unlawful Hunting. [Greenwich 16 May 1603]
- 8 By the King. A Proclamation charging all Actors or partners in the incursion on the Borders, to resort to the Kings Commissioners at a day limited. [Greenwich 17 May 1603]
- 9 By the King. A Proclamation for the uniting of England and Scotland. [Greenwich 19 May 1603]
- 10 By the King. A form of Proclamation to be proclaimed by the Clerk of the Market, and he to see it executed touching prices of Victuals. [Whitehall 27 May 1603]
- 11 By the King. A Proclamation commanding Gentlemen to depart the Court and City. [Greenwich 29 May 1603]
- 12 By the King. A Proclamation for reformation of great abuses in Measures, published by the Kings Commandement. [Greenwich 1 June 1603]
- 13 By the King. A Proclamation commanding that no man abuse the Earl of Tyrone. [Greenwich 8 June 1603]
- 14 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the Patents for Tinne. [Greenwich 16 June 1603]
- 15 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Warlike ships at Sea. [Greenwich 23 June 1603]
- 16 By the King. A Proclamation for the adjournment of part of Trinity Terme. [Greenwich 23 June 1603]
- 17 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehension of Anthony Copley. [Windsor 2 July 1603]
- 18 By the King. A Proclamation for reformation of great abuses in Measures. [Windsor Castle 5 July 1603]
- 19 By the King. A Proclamation signifying the Kings Majesty's pleasure, touching the resort of people to his Coronation. [Windsor Castle 6 July 1603]
- 20 By the King. A Proclamation for Justice to be indifferently ministered to the subjects of England and Scotland. [Windsor Castle 8 July 1603]
- 21 By the King. A Proclamation for the deferring of S. James Faire, for certain days. [Windsor Castle 11 July 1603]
- 22 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehension of certain Conspirators. [Hampton Court 16 July 1603]
- 23 By the King. A Proclamation enjoyning all Lieutenants, and Justices of Peace, to repair into their Countries, and all idle persons to depart the Court. [Hampton Court 29 July 1603]
- 24 By the King. A Proclamation, prohibiting the keeping of Bartholomew Faire, and Sturbridge Faire. [Hampton Court 8 August 1603]
- 25 By the King. A Proclamation against Inmates and multitudes of dwellers in strait Rooms and places in and about the City of London: And for the raising and pulling down of certain new erected buildings. [Woodstock 16 September 1603]
- 26 By the King. A Proclamation for the adjournment of part of Michaelmas Term. [Woodstock 16 September 1603]
- 27 By the King. A Proclamation for the due and speedy execution of the Statute against Rogues, Vagabonds, Idle, and dissolute persons. [Woodstock 17 September 1603]
- 28 By the King. A Proclamation to repress all Piracies and Depredations upon the Sea. [Winchester 30 September 1603]
- 29 By the King. A Proclamation for the further adjournment of part of Michaelmas Term from Westminster to Winchester. [Winchester 18 October 1603]
- 30 By the King. A Proclamation concerning such as seditiously seek reformation in Church matters. [Wilton 24 October 1603]
- 31 By the King. A Proclamation against the unlawful conveying of goods between the two Realms of England and Scotland. [Wilton 4 November 1603]
- 32 By the King. A Proclamation for transplantation of the Greames. [Wilton 4 December 1603]
- 33 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the choice of Knights and Burgesses for the Parliament. [Hampton Court 11 January 1604]
- 34 By the King. A Proclamation commanding all Jesuits, Seminaries, and other Priests, to depart the Realm by a day appointed. [Westminster 22 February 1604]
- 35 By the King. A Proclamation for the Authorising and Uniformity of the Book of Common Prayer to be used throughout the Realm. [Westminster 5 March 1604]
- 36 By the King. Orders for thorow Posts, and Curriers, riding in Post in our affairs.1 [London before 25 March 1604]
- 37 By the King. Orders for the Posts of our Realms, and for all men to observe and obey in the speedy carriage of Packets, directed for our affairs. [London before 25 March 1604]
- 38 By the King. A Proclamation for the true winding or folding of Wools. [East Greenwich 18 June 1604]
- 39 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding Londoners to resort to Bristol Faire. [Westminster 8 July 1604]
- 40 By the King. A Proclamation for the prices of Victuals within the Verge of the Court. [Whitehall 10 July 1604]
- 41 By the King. A Proclamation enjoyning conformity to the form of the service of God now established. [Oatlands 16 July 1604]
- 42 The Proclamation Upon the peace with Spain and the Archdukes. [Whitehall 19 August 1604]
- 43 By the King. A Proclamation appointing the day and place for the meeting of the Commissioners of England and Scotland. [Windsor Castle 15 September 1604]
- 44 Proclamation against selling of Ships. [Hampton Court 15 October 1604]
- 45 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the Kings Majesty's Stile, of King of Great Britain, &c. [Westminster 20 October 1604]
- 46 By the King. A Proclamation for the search and apprehension of certain Pirates. [Westminster 12 November 1604]
- 47 By the King. A Proclamation for Coins. [Westminster 16 November 1604]
- 48 By the King. A Proclamation for the Proroguing of the Parliament. [Westminster 24 December 1604]
- 49 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Leases and Asserts. [Westminster 17 February 1605]
- 50 By the King. A Proclamation for revocation of Mariners from foreign Services. [Thetford 1 March 1605]
- 51 By the King. A Proclamation for Buildings, in and about London. [Thetford 1 March 1605]
- 52 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Assart lands. [East Greenwich 12 May 1605]
- 53 By the King. A Proclamation with certain Ordinances to be observed by his Majesty's subjects toward the King of Spain. [Windsor Castle 8 July 1605]
- 54 By the King. A Proclamation for proroguing the Parliament. [Ampthill 28 July 1605]
- 55 By the King. A Proclamation to redress the mis-employment of Lands, Goods, and other things given for Charitable uses. [Rockingham Castle 11 August 1605]
- 56 By the King. A Proclamation for the annihilating of Commissions formerly granted for taking up of Hounds, &c. [Hampton Court 27 September 1605]
- 57 By the King. A Proclamation for the search and apprehension of Thomas Percy. [Westminster 5 November 1605]
- 58 By the King. A Proclamation denouncing Thomas Percy and other his adherents to be Traitors. [Westminster 7 November 1605]
- 59 By the King. A Proclamation promising reward to him that shall apprehend Tho. Percy. [Westminster 8 November 1605]
- 60 By the King. A Proclamation for the searching for, and apprehending of Robert Winter, and Stephen Littleton. [Westminster 18 November 1605]
- 61 By the King. A Proclamation warranting Sheriffs to prosecute Rebels into other Counties. [Westminster 19 November 1605]
- 62 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehension and discovery of John Gerrard, Henry Garnet, and Oswald Tesmond. [Westminster 15 January 1606]
- 63 By the King. A Proclamation touching a seditious rumour suddenly raised. [Westminster 22 March 1606]
- 64 By the King. A Proclamation declaring what Flags South and North Britain shall bear at Sea. [Westminster 12 April 1606]
- 65 By the King. A Proclamation for prevention of future abuses in Purveyance. [Westminster 23 April 1606]
- 66 A Proclamation charging all Jesuits, Seminaries &c. to depart the land. [Greenwich 10 June 1606]
- 67 By the King. A Proclamation for the search and apprehension of certain Pirates. [Greenwich 13 June 1606]
- 68 By the King. A Proclamation touching Passengers. [Farnham Castle 23 August 1606]
- 69 By the King. A Proclamation for the adjournment of part of Michaelmasse Term. [Hampton Court 23 September 1606]
- 70 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding all Londoners and other Inhabitants of places infected, to resort to the Court. [Westminster 1 November 1606]
- 71 By the King. A Proclamation for suppressing of persons riotously assembled for the laying open of enclosures. [Westminster 30 May 1607]
- 72 By the King. A Proclamation signifying his Majesty's pleasure as well for suppressing of riotous Assemblies about enclosures, as for reformation of Depopulations. [Greenwich 28 June 1607]
- 73 By the King. A Proclamation for repeal of a Statute made Anno 5 Ric. 2. and to restrain the Kings Subjects from departing out of the Realm; And also concerning the transportation of Gold and Silver. [Westminster 9 July 1607]
- 74 By the King. A Proclamation signifying his Majesty's gracious pardon for the Offenders about enclosures. [Windsor Castle 24 July 1607]
- 75 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Starch. [Salisbury 23 August 1607]
- 76 By the King. A Proclamation for proroguing the Parliament. [Hampton Court 30 September 1607]
- 77 By the King. A Proclamation for Jurors. [Hampton Court 5 October 1607]
- 78 By the King. A Proclamation touching new buildings and Inmates. [Royston 12 October 1607]
- 79 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of the inhabitants of places infected, from coming to the Court. [Westminster 2 November 1607]
- 80 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Earles of Tyrone and Tyrconnell. [Westminster 15 November 1607]
- 81 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehending of the L. Maxwell. [Westminster 19 December 1607]
- 82 By the King. A Proclamation for proroguing of the Parliament. [Westminster 10 January 1608]
- 83 By the King. A Proclamation against Transportation of Leather. [Westminster 31 March 1608]
- 84 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the Oath of Allegiance to be tendred to all the Kings Majesty's Subjects coming from beyond the Seas, except Merchants and men of quality. [Westminster 29 April 1608]
- 85 By the King. A Proclamation for the preventing and remedying of the dearth of Grain, and other Victuals. [Oatlands 2 June 1608]
- 86 By the King. A Proclamation against making of Starch. [Windsor Castle 5 July 1608]
- 87 By the King. A Proclamation for Buildings. [Toddington 25 July 1608]
- 88 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of the Shipping and transporting of Horses. [Holdenby 14 August 1608]
- 89 By the King. A Proclamation for proroguing the Parliament. [Windsor 4 September 1608]
- 90 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Fines for Alienations of Lands holden in Chief, made without Record. [Hampton Court 1 October 1608]
- 91 By the King. A Proclamation touching Maltsters, Common-brewers and Alehouse-keepers. [Thetford 12 December 1608]
- 92 By the King. A Proclamation for proroguing the Parliament. [Westminster 4 January 1609]
- 93 By the King. A Proclamation against Pirates. [Whitehall 8 January 1609]
- 94 By the King. A Proclamation for preservation of Woods. [Royston 14 February 1609]
- 95 By the King. A Proclamation giving a further day for Fines for Alienations of Lands holden in Chief, made without Record. [Royston 18 February 1609]
- 96 By the King. A Proclamation for the calling in of such of the Books of his Majesty's Apology of the Oath of Allegiance, as were of an erroneous impression. [Westminster 7 April 1609]
- 97 By the King. A Proclamation signifying his Majesty's pleasure, to confirm by all means the estates of his Subjects against all defects in their Assurances, and all concealed Titles. [Whitehall 22 April 1609]
- 98 By the King. A Proclamation touching Fishing. [Westminster 6 May 1609]
- 99 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding any person to cary Packets, or Letters to or from any City or town, by foot or on horseback, except such as are allowed by Authority. [Greenwich 15 May 1609]
- 100 By the King. Orders decreed upon for the furtherance of our service, as well in writing, as riding in Post; specially set down, and commanded to be observed, where our Posts are established within our County of Kent. [Greenwich 15 May 1609]
- 101 By the King. A Prohibition for Allome. [Greenwich 19 June 1609]
- 102 By the King. A Proclamation against Hunters, stealers and killers of Deer within any of the Kings Majesty's Forests, Chases or Parks. [Hampton Court 9 September 1609]
- 103 By the King. A Proclamation for the adjornment of part of Michaelmas Term. [Hampton Court 22 September 1609]
- 104 By the King. A Proclamation for the proroguing of the Parliament. [Hampton Court 29 September 1609]
- 105 By the King. A Proclamation inhibiting the Importation of Pepper from foreign parts, by any other persons then those of the East Indian Company. [Newmarket 30 November 1609]
- 106 By the King. A Proclamation giving a further time for the amendment of defective Titles. [Newmarket 30 November 1609]
- 107 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding the making of Starch. [Westminster 10 January 1610]
- 108 By the King. A Proclamation for defective Titles. [Whitehall 11 February 1610]
- 109 By the King. For the supply of the Market at the fixed rates. 1 [London before 25 March 1610]
- 110 By the King. A Proclamation touching D. Cowels book called the Interpreter. [Westminster 25 March 1610]
- 111 By the King. A Proclamation for the due execution of all former Laws against Recusants, giving them a day to repair to their own dwellings, and not afterwards to come to the Court, or within 10. miles of London, without special Licence; And for disarming of them as the Law requires. [Whitehall 2 June 1610]
- 112 By the King. A Proclamation for the utter abolishing of the making of Starch of any stuff whatsoever, within the Realm of England, and dominion of Wales. [Woodstock 22 August 1610]
- 113 By the King. A Proclamation signifying his Majesty's pleasure touching some former Proclamations; and some other things. [Hampton Court 24 September 1610]
- 114 By the King. A Proclamation signifying his Majesty's pleasure for dissolving the Parliament. [Westminster 31 December 1610]
- 115 By the King. A Proclamation for the British Undertakers to repair into Ireland. [Royston 13 April 1611]
- 116 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the Customing of Merchandises brought out of Scotland, according to the Statute of 22 Edw. 4. [Westminster 17 May 1611]
- 117 By the King. A Proclamation against melting or conveying out of the Kings Dominions of Gold or Silver, coined or currant in the same. [Greenwich 18 May 1611]
- 118 By the King. A Proclamation, whereby it is commanded, That the Oath of Allegiance be administered according to the Laws. [Whitehall 31 May 1611]
- 119 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the Lady Arbella and William Seymour. [Greenwich 4 June 1611]
- 120 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of Building, in and about London. [Salisbury 3 August 1611]
- 121 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of Building, in and about London. [Hampton Court 10 September 1611]
- 122 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the alteration of the prices of Gold. [Newmarket 23 November 1611]
- 123 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehension of the Lord Sanquir and Robert Carlile. [Whitehall 13 May 1612]
- 124 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the bringing of Gold or Silver either in foreign coin or Bullion into the Realm and to the Kings Majesty's Mint; and of the prices thereof. [Whitehall 14 May 1612]
- 125 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the deceitful dying of silk, or bringing in or selling of Silk deceitfully dyed. [Theobalds 17 July 1612]
- 126 By the King. A Proclamation against the use of Pocket-Dags. [Newmarket 16 January 1613]
- 127 By the King. A Proclamation against transportation of Corn and Grain. [Newmarket 19 January 1613]
- 128 By the King. A Proclamation for Farthing Tokens. [Whitehall 19 May 1613]
- 129 By the King. A Proclamation against the uttering of light Spanish Silver Coin. [Westminster 20 May 1613]
- 130 By the King. A Proclamation for the search and apprehension of John Cotton Esquire. [Westminster 11 June 1613]
- 131 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the untimely bringing in of Wines, &c. [Wanstead 11 September 1613]
- 132 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the publishing of any reports or writings of Duels. [Hinchinbrooke 15 October 1613]
- 133 By the King. A Proclamation for the prices of victuals within the Verge of the Court. [Whitehall 5 November 1613]
- 134 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Felts. [Royston 2 December 1613]
- 135 By the King. A Proclamation for the true Working and Dying of Cloth. [Royston 7 December 1613]
- 136 By the King. A Proclamation against private Challenges and Combats: With Articles annexed for the better directions to be used therein, and for the more judicial proceeding against Offenders. [Westminster 4 February 1614]
- 137 By the King. A Proclamation containing His Majesty's Royal pleasure, for the Warrant and continuance of the Patent, and former Proclamation concerning Farthing Tokens. [Greenwich 21 June 1614]
- 138 By the King. A Proclamation containing the Kings Majesty's pleasure concerning the apprehension of the Greames. [Royston 22 July 1614]
- 139 By the King. A Proclamation against the Exportation of Clothes, undyed and undressed contrary to Law. [Westminster 23 July 1614]
- 140 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the bringing in of Whale-Finnes into his Majesty's Dominions, &c. [Wanstead 11 September 1614]
- 141 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Exportation of Sheep, Wools, Wool-fells, and Fullers Earth. [Hampton Court 26 September 1614]
- 142 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of Allome into any his Majesty's Dominions. [Royston 10 October 1614]
- 143 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the repair of Noblemen and Gentlemen into their several Countries, at the end of the Term. [Royston 24 October 1614]
- 144 By the King. A Proclamation against the Transporting of Woollen Yarn, &c. [Theobalds 9 November 1614]
- 145 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Merchant Adventurers Charter from henceforth to be put in practise or execution, either within the Kingdom, or beyond the Seas. [Newmarket 2 December 1614]
- 146 By the King. A Proclamation against sending over of Children and relief to Seminaries. [Whitehall 23 March 1615]
- 147 By the King. A Proclamation against Exportation of Gold and Silver. [Whitehall 23 March 1615]
- 148 By the King. A Proclamation, prohibiting the bringing in of any Commodities traded from the Levant, into this Kingdom; as well by Subjects as Strangers, not free of that Company: Also containing a publication of certain Statutes, for the restraint of all His Majesty's Subjects, from Shipping any Commodities in Strangers Bottoms, either into this Kingdom, or out of the same. [Whitehall 17 April 1615]
- 149 By the King. A Proclamation for restraining of the serving of Fee-Deer. [Westminster 22 April 1615]
- 150 By the King. A Proclamation touching Glasses. [Greenwich 23 May 1615]
- 151 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the due execution of two Statutes against falsifying of Wool, and woollen Yarn, for the better maintenance of clothing. [Greenwich 31 May 1615]
- 152 By the King. A Proclamation for Buildings. [Theobalds 16 July 1615]
- 153 By the King. A Proclamation for the due execution of Forrest Laws. [Theobalds 16 September 1615]
- 154 By the King. A Proclamation extending a former Proclamation for the Restraint of Shipping any Commodity in Strangers Bottoms, either into this Kingdom or out of the same, unto the special case of Wines of the growth of France, to be imported into this Kingdom, either by Subject or Stranger, according to a Statute in that case provided. [Royston 12 October 1615]
- 155 By the King. A Proclamation establishing the Continuance of His Majesty's Farthing Tokens, And prohibiting the use of all other Tokens whatsoever. [Royston 26 October 1615]
- 156 By the King. A Proclamation for restraining the abuses in Tin, according to the Laws and ordinances of the Stanneries. [Royston 26 October 1615]
- 157 By the King. A Proclamation for the confirmation of all Authorized Orders, tending to the Universal publishing and teaching, of a certain Religious Treatise, compiled by Authority, And Entitled by the Name of God, And the King. [Theobalds 8 November 1615]
- 158 By the King. His Majesty's Proclamation, requiring the Residence of Noblemen, Gentlemen, Lieutenants, and Justices of Peace, upon their chief Mansions in the Country, for the better maintenance of Hospitality, and discharge of their duties. [Newmarket 9 December 1615]
- 159 By the King. A Proclamation concerning The Kings Evil. [Whitehall 25 March 1616]
- 160 By the King. A Proclamation against Steelets, Pocket Daggers, Pocket Dagges and Pistols. [Whitehall 25 March 1616]
- 161 By the King. A Proclamation for the punishing of Vagabonds, Rogues, and idle persons. [Bletsoe 24 July 1616]
- 162 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Fee Deer. [Westminster 18 January 1617]
- 163 By the King. A proclamation for the prices of victuals within the Verge of the Court, with two blank Inquisitions for the Clerk of the market. [Whitehall 24 February 1617]
- 164 By the King. A Proclamation for the continuing of Farthing-Tokens. [Theobalds 17 March 1617]
- 165 By the King. A Proclamation for removing the Staple of Wools from parts beyond the Seas, unto certain principal Cities and Towns within this Our Realm. [Burley on the Hill 24 March 1617]
- 166 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the repair of Noblemen and Gentlemen into their several Countries, during his Majesty's journey into Scotland. [Warsop 8 April 1617]
- 167 By the King. A Proclamation for restoring the ancient Merchants Adventurers to their former Trade and Privileges. [Ashton 12 August 1617]
- 168 By the King. A Proclamation for the better and more peaceable government of the middle Shires of Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmerland. [Westminster 23 December 1617]
- 169 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of Allome, and the Buying, or Spending thereof in any His Majesty's Dominions. [Westminster 16 March 1618]
- 170 By the King. A Proclamation for reforming the abuses in making of Gold and Silver Thread within this Realm, and for the inhibiting the Importation thereof, from the parts beyond the Seas. [Whitehall 22 March 1618]
- 171 By the King. A Proclamation commanding all Apothecaries of this Realm, to follow the dispensatory lately compiled by the College of Physicians of London. [Whitehall 26 April 1618]
- 172 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's pleasure concerning Sir Walter Raleigh, and those who adventured with him. [Greenwich 9 June 1618]
- 173 By the King. A Proclamation inhibiting all persons after Bartholomewtyde next, to use the Trade of a Pedler or Pettie-Chapman, unless they be Licensed according to a course lately taken by Us in that behalf. [Windsor Castle 6 July 1618]
- 174 By the King. A Proclamation to restrain the excessive Carriages in Wagons, and four wheeled Carts, to the destruction of Highways. [Westminster 20 July 1618]
- 175 By the King. A Proclamation for revoking all Licences heretofore granted for erecting new Buildings within the City of London, or two miles distance: together with a Restraint for building within the same Compass. [Westminster 20 July 1618]
- 176 By the King. A Proclamation for the settling and increase of the manufacture of Pins in this Realm. [Basing 20 July 1618]
- 177 By the King. A Proclamation at the solicitation of the King of Spain's Agent for pardon of such persons as were convicted, for making of a seditious assault upon the house of the Spanish Ambassador in Barbican. [Whitehall 10 September 1618]
- 178 By the King. A Proclamation for the better execution of the Statutes provided against the false making of Broad Clothes. [Whitehall 7 November 1618]
- 179 By the King. Vagabonds, &c. to leave the Court. [Whitehall 10 November 1618]
- 180 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Alehouses. [Newmarket 19 January 1619]
- 181 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing and eating of Flesh this next Lent, to be executed as well by the Lord Mayor within the City and Suburbs of London, and by the Officers of the Liberties, and exempt places in and about the same, as by Order to be prescribed through all the Counties of this Realm, to the Justices of Peace, Lords of Liberties, and Officers of Corporate Towns. [Newmarket 29 January 1619]
- 182 By the King. A Proclamation for Reformation of the great abuses in Weights and Measures, and for the due execution of the Office of Clerke of the Market of Our Houshold, and throughout Our Realm of England. [Whitehall 2 February 1619]
- 183 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the exchange of Monies for profit, the making of Plate of any his Majesty's Coynes, and the excessive use of Gold and Silver Foliate. [Whitehall 4 February 1619]
- 184 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding the eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish-dayes, appointed by the Law. [Westminster 6 February 1619]
- 185 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's Royall grace, to confirme to his Subjects their defective Titles or Estates. [Whitehall 13 February 1619]
- 186 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's further pleasure for matter of Buildings. [Newmarket 12 March 1619]
- 187 By the King. A Proclamation inhibiting the Importation of Whale Finnes into his Majesty's Dominions by any, but the Muscovy Company. [Greenwich 18 May 1619]
- 188 By the King Hangers-on of the Court sent away. [Greenwich 30 June 1619]
- 189 By the King. A Proclamation for reforming sundry inconveniences touching the Coynes of this Realm. [Abthorpe 31 July 1619]
- 190 By the King. A Proclamation for the annihilating of a former Proclamation, intituled, A Proclamation prohibiting the untimely bringing in of Wines. [Bagshot 2 September 1619]
- 191 By the King. A Proclamation for the better setling of his Majesty's Manufacture of Gold and Silver thread within this his Realm. [Royston 10 October 1619]
- 192 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the viewing and distinguishing of Tobacco in England and Ireland, the Dominion of Wales, and Town of Barwicke. [Theobalds 10 November 1619]
- 193 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish dayes, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people. [Royston 14 November 1619]
- 194 By the King. A Proclamation for restraining Inholders, Cookes, Chandlers, Alehousekeepers, and other Victuallers, from the use of Wine Caskes, or other large vessels prohibited by Law. [Newmarket 9 December 1619]
- 195 By the King. A Proclamation to restraine the planting of Tobacco in England and Wales. [Westminster 30 December 1619]
- 196 By the King. A Proclamation for suppressing of light Golde. [Newmarket 7 February 1620]
- 197 By the King. A Proclamation restraining the Importation of any sort of Glasse from beyond Seas. [Theobalds 25 February 1620]
- 198 By the King. A Proclamation for prevention and restraint of the abuses and inconveniences, occasioned by dying with Logwood. [Whitehall 29 February 1620]
- 199 By the King. A Proclamation for the ordering of the Use of the hot Press. [Westminster 22 March 1620]
- 200 By the King. A Proclamation against making of Starch. [Greenwich 5 May 1620]
- 201 By the King. A Proclamation declaring his Majesty's pleasure concerning Captain Roger North, and those who are gone forth as adventurers with him. [Greenwich 15 May 1620]
- 202 By the King. A Proclamation commanding Conformity to his Majesty's pleasure, expressed in his late Charter to the Tobacco-pipe-makers. [Theobalds 27 May 1620]
- 203 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of the disordered trading for Tobacco. [Greenwich 29 June 1620]
- 204 By the King. A Proclamation for explaining and enlarging his Majesty's former orders for Buildings, in and about London. [Theobalds 17 July 1620]
- 205 By the King. A Proclamation against Tenant-rights. [Charlton 28 July 1620]
- 206 By the King. A Proclamation for settling the Company of Apothecaries of London, And for reforming abuses in that Art. [Salisbury 4 August 1620]
- 207 By the King. Concerning election to next Parliament. [Theobalds 6 November 1620]
- 208 By the King. A Proclamation against excess of Lavish and Licentious Speech of matters of State. [Whitehall 24 December 1620]
- 209 By the King. A Proclamation for the prorogation of the Parliament, from the sixteenth of January next coming, to the three and twentieth of the same month. [Westminster 28 December 1620]
- 210 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish days, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people. [Westminster 30 January 1621]
- 211 By the King. A Proclamation for the finding out and apprehending of Sir Giles Mompesson Knight. [Westminster 3 March 1621]
- 212 By the King. Suppressing the lottery for Virginia, and all others. [Westminster 8 March 1621]
- 213 By the King. A Proclamation for the Banishing of Giles Mompesson. [Westminster 30 March 1621]
- 214 By the King. A Proclamation for repeal of certain Letters Patents, Commissions, and Proclamations, concerning Inns, Ale-houses, and the Manufacture of Gold and Silver Thread. [Westminster 30 March 1621]
- 215 By the King. A Proclamation for abolishing of abuses, by Bills of Conformity. [Westminster 31 March 1621]
- 216 By the King. A Proclamation for suppressing insolent abuses committed by base people against persons of quality, as well Strangers as others, in the Streets of the City and Suburbs of London, with the parts adjacent. [Westminster 8 April 1621]
- 217 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's grace to his Subjects, touching matters complained of, as public grievances. [Whitehall 10 July 1621]
- 218 By the King. A Proclamation against excess of lavish and licentious speech of matters of State. [Ashby 26 July 1621]
- 219 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of the transportation of Corn. [Theobalds 16 September 1621]
- 220 By the King. A Proclamation for the adjournment of the Parliament, from the fourteenth day of November next, to the eight[h] day of February following. [Royston 6 October 1621]
- 221 By the King. A Proclamation against abuses in preparing and preferring Bills and other Writings to his Majesty's Signature. [Royston 7 October 1621]
- 222 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the adjournment of the Parliament. [Whitehall 3 November 1621]
- 223 By the King. A Proclamation declaring his Majesty's pleasure concerning the dissolving of the present Convention of Parliament. [Westminster 6 January 1622]
- 224 By the King. A Proclamation for relief of the subject that might be otherwise damnified by the late burning of Records in the Sixe Clarkes Office.1 [Westminster 7 January 1622]
- 225 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish days, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people. [Newmarket 4 February 1622]
- 226 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the making of Starch. [Theobalds 16 May 1622]
- 227 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of the exportation, waste, and consumption of Coin and Bullion. [Greenwich 11 June 1622]
- 228 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the bringing in of any Commodities traded by the Eastland Merchants into this Kingdom, as well by subjects as strangers, not free of that Company; with a publication of certain Statutes for the restraint of all His Majesty's subjects from shipping any commodities in strangers bottoms, either into, or out of this Kingdom. [Theobalds 21 July 1622]
- 229 By the King. A Proclamation for the preventing of the exportation of Wools, Wool-fels, Yarn, Fullers earth, and Woadashes, and for the better vent of Cloth, and Stuff made of Wool, within this Kingdom. [Oatlands 28 July 1622]
- 230 By the King. A Proclamation for better furnishing the Navy and Shipping of the Realm, with able and skilful Mariners. [Windsor 6 August 1622]
- 231 By the King. A Proclamation to restrain the excessive carriages in Wagons and four wheeled Carts, to the destruction of the Highways. [Windsor 6 August 1622]
- 232 By the King. A Proclamation for garbling of spices, and other things garbleable. [Theobalds 5 November 1622]
- 233 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting interloping and disorderly trading to New England in America. [Theobalds 6 November 1622]
- 234 By the King. A Proclamation for the due making and sizing of Brick. [Theobalds 7 November 1622]
- 235 By the King. A Proclamation commanding Noblemen, Knights, and Gentlemen of quality, to repair to their Mansion houses in the Country, to attend their services, and keep hospitality, according to the ancient and laudable custom of ENGLAND. [Newmarket 20 November 1622]
- 236 By the King. A Proclamation for relief of the poor, and remedying the high prices of Corn. [Whitehall 22 December 1622]
- 237 By the King. A Proclamation for prevention of abuses touching Gunpowder and Saltpetre. [Westminster 16 January 1623]
- 238 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish days, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people. [Whitehall 30 January 1623]
- 239 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's grace to His Subjects for their relief against public Grievances. [Theobalds 14 February 1623]
- 240 By the King. Against sailors taking service with foreign princes. [Newmarket 27 February 1623]
- 241 By the King. A Proclamation commanding persons of quality to reside in their Countries. [Newmarket 26 March 1623]
- 242 By the King. A Proclamation restraining the carrying of munition to Algeers and Tunis. [Whitehall 6 April 1623]
- 243 By the King. A Proclamation for registering of Knights. [Windsor 25 April 1623]
- 244 By the King. A Proclamation for the search and apprehension of Henry Feild. [Greenwich 30 May 1623]
- 245 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Wire, Thread, and other Manufactures made of Gold and Silver. [Greenwich 16 June 1623]
- 246 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Felts. [Theobalds 17 September 1623]
- 247 By the King. A Proclamation against the disorderly Printing, uttering, and dispersing of Books, Pamphlets, &c. [Hampton Court 25 September 1623]
- 248 By the King. A Proclamation for the well storing, and furnishing the Realm with Corn. [Whitehall 27 December 1623]
- 249 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing and eating of Flesh in Lent or on Fish days, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people. [Whitehall 27 December 1623]
- 250 By the King. A Proclamation for Ambassadors and foreign Ministers. [Whitehall 8 March 1624]
- 251 By the King. A Proclamation for the restraint of serving of Fee Deer. [Theobalds 2 May 1624]
- 252 By the King. A Proclamation charging all Jesuits, Seminaries, &c. to depart the Land. [Greenwich 6 May 1624]
- 253 By the King. A Proclamation for avoiding the consumption of Coin and Bullion. [Wanstead 10 July 1624]
- 254 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Royal Mines. [Wanstead 10 July 1624]
- 255 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Buildings in, and about London. [Theobalds 14 July 1624]
- 256 By the King. A Proclamation against Seditious, Popish, and Puritanical Books and Pamphlets. [Nottingham 15 August 1624]
- 257 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Tobacco. [Hampton Court 29 September 1624]
- 258 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the Prorogation of the Parliament. [Whitehall 1 October 1624]
- 259 By the King. A Proclamation commanding persons of quality to reside in their Countries. [Royston 19 October 1624]
- 260 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehension of Edward Ekins. [Cambridge 14 December 1624]
- 261 By the King. A Proclamation for the preservation of Grounds for making of Salt-Peeter, and to restore such Grounds which now are destroyed, and to command assistance to be given to his Majesty's Salt-Peeter-makers. [Westminster 26 December 1624]
- 262 By the King. A Proclamation for proroguing the Parliament. [Newmarket 19 January 1625]
- 263 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish daies, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people. [Newmarket 7 February 1625]
- 264 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Surveying of the Seacoales of Newcastle, Sunderland, and Blythe. [Newmarket 16 February 1625]
- 265 By the King. A Proclamation for the utter prohibiting the importation and use of all Tobacco, which is not of the proper growth of the Colonies of Virginia and the Summer Islands, or one of them. [Theobalds 2 March 1625]
- 266 By the King. A Proclamation for Proroguing the Parliament. [Theobalds 3 March 1625]
- 267 By the King. A Proclamation for better furnishing the Navy, and Shipping of the Realm, with able and skilfull Mariners. [Theobalds 20 March 1625]
James F. Larkin, c.s.v. and Paul L. Hughes (eds), Stuart Royal Proclamations, Vol. 1: Royal Proclamations of King James I 1603–1625
- Close section Front Matter
- Close sectionThe Proclamations of King James I 1603–1625
- 1 By the King. A Proclamation, declaring the undoubted Right of our Sovereign Lord King James, to the Crown of the Realms of England, France and Ireland. [London 24 March 1603]
- 2 By the King. A Proclamation signifying his Majesty's pleasure, That all men being in Office of Government at the death of the late Queen Elizabeth, should so continue till his Majesty's further direction. [Whitehall 5 April 1603]
- 3 By the King. A Proclamation declaring at what values certain Moneys of Scotland shall be currant within England. [Whitehall 8 April 1603]
- 4 By the King. A Proclamation for attendance on the Kings person, and for receiving of him by the Sheriffs of the several Counties, at his first coming into England. [Whitehall 10 April 1603]
- 5 By the King. A Proclamation for the discovery and apprehension of William Ruthen, and Patricke Ruthen, brethren to the late Earle of Gowrie. [Burghley 27 April 1603]
- 6 By the King. A Proclamation inhibiting the use and execution of any Charter or Graunt made by the late Queen Elizabeth, of any kind of Monopolies, &c. [Theobalds 7 May 1603]
- 7 By the King. A Proclamation against unlawful Hunting. [Greenwich 16 May 1603]
- 8 By the King. A Proclamation charging all Actors or partners in the incursion on the Borders, to resort to the Kings Commissioners at a day limited. [Greenwich 17 May 1603]
- 9 By the King. A Proclamation for the uniting of England and Scotland. [Greenwich 19 May 1603]
- 10 By the King. A form of Proclamation to be proclaimed by the Clerk of the Market, and he to see it executed touching prices of Victuals. [Whitehall 27 May 1603]
- 11 By the King. A Proclamation commanding Gentlemen to depart the Court and City. [Greenwich 29 May 1603]
- 12 By the King. A Proclamation for reformation of great abuses in Measures, published by the Kings Commandement. [Greenwich 1 June 1603]
- 13 By the King. A Proclamation commanding that no man abuse the Earl of Tyrone. [Greenwich 8 June 1603]
- 14 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the Patents for Tinne. [Greenwich 16 June 1603]
- 15 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Warlike ships at Sea. [Greenwich 23 June 1603]
- 16 By the King. A Proclamation for the adjournment of part of Trinity Terme. [Greenwich 23 June 1603]
- 17 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehension of Anthony Copley. [Windsor 2 July 1603]
- 18 By the King. A Proclamation for reformation of great abuses in Measures. [Windsor Castle 5 July 1603]
- 19 By the King. A Proclamation signifying the Kings Majesty's pleasure, touching the resort of people to his Coronation. [Windsor Castle 6 July 1603]
- 20 By the King. A Proclamation for Justice to be indifferently ministered to the subjects of England and Scotland. [Windsor Castle 8 July 1603]
- 21 By the King. A Proclamation for the deferring of S. James Faire, for certain days. [Windsor Castle 11 July 1603]
- 22 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehension of certain Conspirators. [Hampton Court 16 July 1603]
- 23 By the King. A Proclamation enjoyning all Lieutenants, and Justices of Peace, to repair into their Countries, and all idle persons to depart the Court. [Hampton Court 29 July 1603]
- 24 By the King. A Proclamation, prohibiting the keeping of Bartholomew Faire, and Sturbridge Faire. [Hampton Court 8 August 1603]
- 25 By the King. A Proclamation against Inmates and multitudes of dwellers in strait Rooms and places in and about the City of London: And for the raising and pulling down of certain new erected buildings. [Woodstock 16 September 1603]
- 26 By the King. A Proclamation for the adjournment of part of Michaelmas Term. [Woodstock 16 September 1603]
- 27 By the King. A Proclamation for the due and speedy execution of the Statute against Rogues, Vagabonds, Idle, and dissolute persons. [Woodstock 17 September 1603]
- 28 By the King. A Proclamation to repress all Piracies and Depredations upon the Sea. [Winchester 30 September 1603]
- 29 By the King. A Proclamation for the further adjournment of part of Michaelmas Term from Westminster to Winchester. [Winchester 18 October 1603]
- 30 By the King. A Proclamation concerning such as seditiously seek reformation in Church matters. [Wilton 24 October 1603]
- 31 By the King. A Proclamation against the unlawful conveying of goods between the two Realms of England and Scotland. [Wilton 4 November 1603]
- 32 By the King. A Proclamation for transplantation of the Greames. [Wilton 4 December 1603]
- 33 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the choice of Knights and Burgesses for the Parliament. [Hampton Court 11 January 1604]
- 34 By the King. A Proclamation commanding all Jesuits, Seminaries, and other Priests, to depart the Realm by a day appointed. [Westminster 22 February 1604]
- 35 By the King. A Proclamation for the Authorising and Uniformity of the Book of Common Prayer to be used throughout the Realm. [Westminster 5 March 1604]
- 36 By the King. Orders for thorow Posts, and Curriers, riding in Post in our affairs.1 [London before 25 March 1604]
- 37 By the King. Orders for the Posts of our Realms, and for all men to observe and obey in the speedy carriage of Packets, directed for our affairs. [London before 25 March 1604]
- 38 By the King. A Proclamation for the true winding or folding of Wools. [East Greenwich 18 June 1604]
- 39 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding Londoners to resort to Bristol Faire. [Westminster 8 July 1604]
- 40 By the King. A Proclamation for the prices of Victuals within the Verge of the Court. [Whitehall 10 July 1604]
- 41 By the King. A Proclamation enjoyning conformity to the form of the service of God now established. [Oatlands 16 July 1604]
- 42 The Proclamation Upon the peace with Spain and the Archdukes. [Whitehall 19 August 1604]
- 43 By the King. A Proclamation appointing the day and place for the meeting of the Commissioners of England and Scotland. [Windsor Castle 15 September 1604]
- 44 Proclamation against selling of Ships. [Hampton Court 15 October 1604]
- 45 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the Kings Majesty's Stile, of King of Great Britain, &c. [Westminster 20 October 1604]
- 46 By the King. A Proclamation for the search and apprehension of certain Pirates. [Westminster 12 November 1604]
- 47 By the King. A Proclamation for Coins. [Westminster 16 November 1604]
- 48 By the King. A Proclamation for the Proroguing of the Parliament. [Westminster 24 December 1604]
- 49 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Leases and Asserts. [Westminster 17 February 1605]
- 50 By the King. A Proclamation for revocation of Mariners from foreign Services. [Thetford 1 March 1605]
- 51 By the King. A Proclamation for Buildings, in and about London. [Thetford 1 March 1605]
- 52 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Assart lands. [East Greenwich 12 May 1605]
- 53 By the King. A Proclamation with certain Ordinances to be observed by his Majesty's subjects toward the King of Spain. [Windsor Castle 8 July 1605]
- 54 By the King. A Proclamation for proroguing the Parliament. [Ampthill 28 July 1605]
- 55 By the King. A Proclamation to redress the mis-employment of Lands, Goods, and other things given for Charitable uses. [Rockingham Castle 11 August 1605]
- 56 By the King. A Proclamation for the annihilating of Commissions formerly granted for taking up of Hounds, &c. [Hampton Court 27 September 1605]
- 57 By the King. A Proclamation for the search and apprehension of Thomas Percy. [Westminster 5 November 1605]
- 58 By the King. A Proclamation denouncing Thomas Percy and other his adherents to be Traitors. [Westminster 7 November 1605]
- 59 By the King. A Proclamation promising reward to him that shall apprehend Tho. Percy. [Westminster 8 November 1605]
- 60 By the King. A Proclamation for the searching for, and apprehending of Robert Winter, and Stephen Littleton. [Westminster 18 November 1605]
- 61 By the King. A Proclamation warranting Sheriffs to prosecute Rebels into other Counties. [Westminster 19 November 1605]
- 62 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehension and discovery of John Gerrard, Henry Garnet, and Oswald Tesmond. [Westminster 15 January 1606]
- 63 By the King. A Proclamation touching a seditious rumour suddenly raised. [Westminster 22 March 1606]
- 64 By the King. A Proclamation declaring what Flags South and North Britain shall bear at Sea. [Westminster 12 April 1606]
- 65 By the King. A Proclamation for prevention of future abuses in Purveyance. [Westminster 23 April 1606]
- 66 A Proclamation charging all Jesuits, Seminaries &c. to depart the land. [Greenwich 10 June 1606]
- 67 By the King. A Proclamation for the search and apprehension of certain Pirates. [Greenwich 13 June 1606]
- 68 By the King. A Proclamation touching Passengers. [Farnham Castle 23 August 1606]
- 69 By the King. A Proclamation for the adjournment of part of Michaelmasse Term. [Hampton Court 23 September 1606]
- 70 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding all Londoners and other Inhabitants of places infected, to resort to the Court. [Westminster 1 November 1606]
- 71 By the King. A Proclamation for suppressing of persons riotously assembled for the laying open of enclosures. [Westminster 30 May 1607]
- 72 By the King. A Proclamation signifying his Majesty's pleasure as well for suppressing of riotous Assemblies about enclosures, as for reformation of Depopulations. [Greenwich 28 June 1607]
- 73 By the King. A Proclamation for repeal of a Statute made Anno 5 Ric. 2. and to restrain the Kings Subjects from departing out of the Realm; And also concerning the transportation of Gold and Silver. [Westminster 9 July 1607]
- 74 By the King. A Proclamation signifying his Majesty's gracious pardon for the Offenders about enclosures. [Windsor Castle 24 July 1607]
- 75 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Starch. [Salisbury 23 August 1607]
- 76 By the King. A Proclamation for proroguing the Parliament. [Hampton Court 30 September 1607]
- 77 By the King. A Proclamation for Jurors. [Hampton Court 5 October 1607]
- 78 By the King. A Proclamation touching new buildings and Inmates. [Royston 12 October 1607]
- 79 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of the inhabitants of places infected, from coming to the Court. [Westminster 2 November 1607]
- 80 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Earles of Tyrone and Tyrconnell. [Westminster 15 November 1607]
- 81 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehending of the L. Maxwell. [Westminster 19 December 1607]
- 82 By the King. A Proclamation for proroguing of the Parliament. [Westminster 10 January 1608]
- 83 By the King. A Proclamation against Transportation of Leather. [Westminster 31 March 1608]
- 84 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the Oath of Allegiance to be tendred to all the Kings Majesty's Subjects coming from beyond the Seas, except Merchants and men of quality. [Westminster 29 April 1608]
- 85 By the King. A Proclamation for the preventing and remedying of the dearth of Grain, and other Victuals. [Oatlands 2 June 1608]
- 86 By the King. A Proclamation against making of Starch. [Windsor Castle 5 July 1608]
- 87 By the King. A Proclamation for Buildings. [Toddington 25 July 1608]
- 88 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of the Shipping and transporting of Horses. [Holdenby 14 August 1608]
- 89 By the King. A Proclamation for proroguing the Parliament. [Windsor 4 September 1608]
- 90 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Fines for Alienations of Lands holden in Chief, made without Record. [Hampton Court 1 October 1608]
- 91 By the King. A Proclamation touching Maltsters, Common-brewers and Alehouse-keepers. [Thetford 12 December 1608]
- 92 By the King. A Proclamation for proroguing the Parliament. [Westminster 4 January 1609]
- 93 By the King. A Proclamation against Pirates. [Whitehall 8 January 1609]
- 94 By the King. A Proclamation for preservation of Woods. [Royston 14 February 1609]
- 95 By the King. A Proclamation giving a further day for Fines for Alienations of Lands holden in Chief, made without Record. [Royston 18 February 1609]
- 96 By the King. A Proclamation for the calling in of such of the Books of his Majesty's Apology of the Oath of Allegiance, as were of an erroneous impression. [Westminster 7 April 1609]
- 97 By the King. A Proclamation signifying his Majesty's pleasure, to confirm by all means the estates of his Subjects against all defects in their Assurances, and all concealed Titles. [Whitehall 22 April 1609]
- 98 By the King. A Proclamation touching Fishing. [Westminster 6 May 1609]
- 99 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding any person to cary Packets, or Letters to or from any City or town, by foot or on horseback, except such as are allowed by Authority. [Greenwich 15 May 1609]
- 100 By the King. Orders decreed upon for the furtherance of our service, as well in writing, as riding in Post; specially set down, and commanded to be observed, where our Posts are established within our County of Kent. [Greenwich 15 May 1609]
- 101 By the King. A Prohibition for Allome. [Greenwich 19 June 1609]
- 102 By the King. A Proclamation against Hunters, stealers and killers of Deer within any of the Kings Majesty's Forests, Chases or Parks. [Hampton Court 9 September 1609]
- 103 By the King. A Proclamation for the adjornment of part of Michaelmas Term. [Hampton Court 22 September 1609]
- 104 By the King. A Proclamation for the proroguing of the Parliament. [Hampton Court 29 September 1609]
- 105 By the King. A Proclamation inhibiting the Importation of Pepper from foreign parts, by any other persons then those of the East Indian Company. [Newmarket 30 November 1609]
- 106 By the King. A Proclamation giving a further time for the amendment of defective Titles. [Newmarket 30 November 1609]
- 107 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding the making of Starch. [Westminster 10 January 1610]
- 108 By the King. A Proclamation for defective Titles. [Whitehall 11 February 1610]
- 109 By the King. For the supply of the Market at the fixed rates. 1 [London before 25 March 1610]
- 110 By the King. A Proclamation touching D. Cowels book called the Interpreter. [Westminster 25 March 1610]
- 111 By the King. A Proclamation for the due execution of all former Laws against Recusants, giving them a day to repair to their own dwellings, and not afterwards to come to the Court, or within 10. miles of London, without special Licence; And for disarming of them as the Law requires. [Whitehall 2 June 1610]
- 112 By the King. A Proclamation for the utter abolishing of the making of Starch of any stuff whatsoever, within the Realm of England, and dominion of Wales. [Woodstock 22 August 1610]
- 113 By the King. A Proclamation signifying his Majesty's pleasure touching some former Proclamations; and some other things. [Hampton Court 24 September 1610]
- 114 By the King. A Proclamation signifying his Majesty's pleasure for dissolving the Parliament. [Westminster 31 December 1610]
- 115 By the King. A Proclamation for the British Undertakers to repair into Ireland. [Royston 13 April 1611]
- 116 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the Customing of Merchandises brought out of Scotland, according to the Statute of 22 Edw. 4. [Westminster 17 May 1611]
- 117 By the King. A Proclamation against melting or conveying out of the Kings Dominions of Gold or Silver, coined or currant in the same. [Greenwich 18 May 1611]
- 118 By the King. A Proclamation, whereby it is commanded, That the Oath of Allegiance be administered according to the Laws. [Whitehall 31 May 1611]
- 119 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the Lady Arbella and William Seymour. [Greenwich 4 June 1611]
- 120 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of Building, in and about London. [Salisbury 3 August 1611]
- 121 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of Building, in and about London. [Hampton Court 10 September 1611]
- 122 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the alteration of the prices of Gold. [Newmarket 23 November 1611]
- 123 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehension of the Lord Sanquir and Robert Carlile. [Whitehall 13 May 1612]
- 124 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the bringing of Gold or Silver either in foreign coin or Bullion into the Realm and to the Kings Majesty's Mint; and of the prices thereof. [Whitehall 14 May 1612]
- 125 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the deceitful dying of silk, or bringing in or selling of Silk deceitfully dyed. [Theobalds 17 July 1612]
- 126 By the King. A Proclamation against the use of Pocket-Dags. [Newmarket 16 January 1613]
- 127 By the King. A Proclamation against transportation of Corn and Grain. [Newmarket 19 January 1613]
- 128 By the King. A Proclamation for Farthing Tokens. [Whitehall 19 May 1613]
- 129 By the King. A Proclamation against the uttering of light Spanish Silver Coin. [Westminster 20 May 1613]
- 130 By the King. A Proclamation for the search and apprehension of John Cotton Esquire. [Westminster 11 June 1613]
- 131 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the untimely bringing in of Wines, &c. [Wanstead 11 September 1613]
- 132 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the publishing of any reports or writings of Duels. [Hinchinbrooke 15 October 1613]
- 133 By the King. A Proclamation for the prices of victuals within the Verge of the Court. [Whitehall 5 November 1613]
- 134 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Felts. [Royston 2 December 1613]
- 135 By the King. A Proclamation for the true Working and Dying of Cloth. [Royston 7 December 1613]
- 136 By the King. A Proclamation against private Challenges and Combats: With Articles annexed for the better directions to be used therein, and for the more judicial proceeding against Offenders. [Westminster 4 February 1614]
- 137 By the King. A Proclamation containing His Majesty's Royal pleasure, for the Warrant and continuance of the Patent, and former Proclamation concerning Farthing Tokens. [Greenwich 21 June 1614]
- 138 By the King. A Proclamation containing the Kings Majesty's pleasure concerning the apprehension of the Greames. [Royston 22 July 1614]
- 139 By the King. A Proclamation against the Exportation of Clothes, undyed and undressed contrary to Law. [Westminster 23 July 1614]
- 140 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the bringing in of Whale-Finnes into his Majesty's Dominions, &c. [Wanstead 11 September 1614]
- 141 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Exportation of Sheep, Wools, Wool-fells, and Fullers Earth. [Hampton Court 26 September 1614]
- 142 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of Allome into any his Majesty's Dominions. [Royston 10 October 1614]
- 143 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the repair of Noblemen and Gentlemen into their several Countries, at the end of the Term. [Royston 24 October 1614]
- 144 By the King. A Proclamation against the Transporting of Woollen Yarn, &c. [Theobalds 9 November 1614]
- 145 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Merchant Adventurers Charter from henceforth to be put in practise or execution, either within the Kingdom, or beyond the Seas. [Newmarket 2 December 1614]
- 146 By the King. A Proclamation against sending over of Children and relief to Seminaries. [Whitehall 23 March 1615]
- 147 By the King. A Proclamation against Exportation of Gold and Silver. [Whitehall 23 March 1615]
- 148 By the King. A Proclamation, prohibiting the bringing in of any Commodities traded from the Levant, into this Kingdom; as well by Subjects as Strangers, not free of that Company: Also containing a publication of certain Statutes, for the restraint of all His Majesty's Subjects, from Shipping any Commodities in Strangers Bottoms, either into this Kingdom, or out of the same. [Whitehall 17 April 1615]
- 149 By the King. A Proclamation for restraining of the serving of Fee-Deer. [Westminster 22 April 1615]
- 150 By the King. A Proclamation touching Glasses. [Greenwich 23 May 1615]
- 151 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the due execution of two Statutes against falsifying of Wool, and woollen Yarn, for the better maintenance of clothing. [Greenwich 31 May 1615]
- 152 By the King. A Proclamation for Buildings. [Theobalds 16 July 1615]
- 153 By the King. A Proclamation for the due execution of Forrest Laws. [Theobalds 16 September 1615]
- 154 By the King. A Proclamation extending a former Proclamation for the Restraint of Shipping any Commodity in Strangers Bottoms, either into this Kingdom or out of the same, unto the special case of Wines of the growth of France, to be imported into this Kingdom, either by Subject or Stranger, according to a Statute in that case provided. [Royston 12 October 1615]
- 155 By the King. A Proclamation establishing the Continuance of His Majesty's Farthing Tokens, And prohibiting the use of all other Tokens whatsoever. [Royston 26 October 1615]
- 156 By the King. A Proclamation for restraining the abuses in Tin, according to the Laws and ordinances of the Stanneries. [Royston 26 October 1615]
- 157 By the King. A Proclamation for the confirmation of all Authorized Orders, tending to the Universal publishing and teaching, of a certain Religious Treatise, compiled by Authority, And Entitled by the Name of God, And the King. [Theobalds 8 November 1615]
- 158 By the King. His Majesty's Proclamation, requiring the Residence of Noblemen, Gentlemen, Lieutenants, and Justices of Peace, upon their chief Mansions in the Country, for the better maintenance of Hospitality, and discharge of their duties. [Newmarket 9 December 1615]
- 159 By the King. A Proclamation concerning The Kings Evil. [Whitehall 25 March 1616]
- 160 By the King. A Proclamation against Steelets, Pocket Daggers, Pocket Dagges and Pistols. [Whitehall 25 March 1616]
- 161 By the King. A Proclamation for the punishing of Vagabonds, Rogues, and idle persons. [Bletsoe 24 July 1616]
- 162 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Fee Deer. [Westminster 18 January 1617]
- 163 By the King. A proclamation for the prices of victuals within the Verge of the Court, with two blank Inquisitions for the Clerk of the market. [Whitehall 24 February 1617]
- 164 By the King. A Proclamation for the continuing of Farthing-Tokens. [Theobalds 17 March 1617]
- 165 By the King. A Proclamation for removing the Staple of Wools from parts beyond the Seas, unto certain principal Cities and Towns within this Our Realm. [Burley on the Hill 24 March 1617]
- 166 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the repair of Noblemen and Gentlemen into their several Countries, during his Majesty's journey into Scotland. [Warsop 8 April 1617]
- 167 By the King. A Proclamation for restoring the ancient Merchants Adventurers to their former Trade and Privileges. [Ashton 12 August 1617]
- 168 By the King. A Proclamation for the better and more peaceable government of the middle Shires of Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmerland. [Westminster 23 December 1617]
- 169 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of Allome, and the Buying, or Spending thereof in any His Majesty's Dominions. [Westminster 16 March 1618]
- 170 By the King. A Proclamation for reforming the abuses in making of Gold and Silver Thread within this Realm, and for the inhibiting the Importation thereof, from the parts beyond the Seas. [Whitehall 22 March 1618]
- 171 By the King. A Proclamation commanding all Apothecaries of this Realm, to follow the dispensatory lately compiled by the College of Physicians of London. [Whitehall 26 April 1618]
- 172 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's pleasure concerning Sir Walter Raleigh, and those who adventured with him. [Greenwich 9 June 1618]
- 173 By the King. A Proclamation inhibiting all persons after Bartholomewtyde next, to use the Trade of a Pedler or Pettie-Chapman, unless they be Licensed according to a course lately taken by Us in that behalf. [Windsor Castle 6 July 1618]
- 174 By the King. A Proclamation to restrain the excessive Carriages in Wagons, and four wheeled Carts, to the destruction of Highways. [Westminster 20 July 1618]
- 175 By the King. A Proclamation for revoking all Licences heretofore granted for erecting new Buildings within the City of London, or two miles distance: together with a Restraint for building within the same Compass. [Westminster 20 July 1618]
- 176 By the King. A Proclamation for the settling and increase of the manufacture of Pins in this Realm. [Basing 20 July 1618]
- 177 By the King. A Proclamation at the solicitation of the King of Spain's Agent for pardon of such persons as were convicted, for making of a seditious assault upon the house of the Spanish Ambassador in Barbican. [Whitehall 10 September 1618]
- 178 By the King. A Proclamation for the better execution of the Statutes provided against the false making of Broad Clothes. [Whitehall 7 November 1618]
- 179 By the King. Vagabonds, &c. to leave the Court. [Whitehall 10 November 1618]
- 180 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Alehouses. [Newmarket 19 January 1619]
- 181 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing and eating of Flesh this next Lent, to be executed as well by the Lord Mayor within the City and Suburbs of London, and by the Officers of the Liberties, and exempt places in and about the same, as by Order to be prescribed through all the Counties of this Realm, to the Justices of Peace, Lords of Liberties, and Officers of Corporate Towns. [Newmarket 29 January 1619]
- 182 By the King. A Proclamation for Reformation of the great abuses in Weights and Measures, and for the due execution of the Office of Clerke of the Market of Our Houshold, and throughout Our Realm of England. [Whitehall 2 February 1619]
- 183 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the exchange of Monies for profit, the making of Plate of any his Majesty's Coynes, and the excessive use of Gold and Silver Foliate. [Whitehall 4 February 1619]
- 184 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding the eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish-dayes, appointed by the Law. [Westminster 6 February 1619]
- 185 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's Royall grace, to confirme to his Subjects their defective Titles or Estates. [Whitehall 13 February 1619]
- 186 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's further pleasure for matter of Buildings. [Newmarket 12 March 1619]
- 187 By the King. A Proclamation inhibiting the Importation of Whale Finnes into his Majesty's Dominions by any, but the Muscovy Company. [Greenwich 18 May 1619]
- 188 By the King Hangers-on of the Court sent away. [Greenwich 30 June 1619]
- 189 By the King. A Proclamation for reforming sundry inconveniences touching the Coynes of this Realm. [Abthorpe 31 July 1619]
- 190 By the King. A Proclamation for the annihilating of a former Proclamation, intituled, A Proclamation prohibiting the untimely bringing in of Wines. [Bagshot 2 September 1619]
- 191 By the King. A Proclamation for the better setling of his Majesty's Manufacture of Gold and Silver thread within this his Realm. [Royston 10 October 1619]
- 192 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the viewing and distinguishing of Tobacco in England and Ireland, the Dominion of Wales, and Town of Barwicke. [Theobalds 10 November 1619]
- 193 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish dayes, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people. [Royston 14 November 1619]
- 194 By the King. A Proclamation for restraining Inholders, Cookes, Chandlers, Alehousekeepers, and other Victuallers, from the use of Wine Caskes, or other large vessels prohibited by Law. [Newmarket 9 December 1619]
- 195 By the King. A Proclamation to restraine the planting of Tobacco in England and Wales. [Westminster 30 December 1619]
- 196 By the King. A Proclamation for suppressing of light Golde. [Newmarket 7 February 1620]
- 197 By the King. A Proclamation restraining the Importation of any sort of Glasse from beyond Seas. [Theobalds 25 February 1620]
- 198 By the King. A Proclamation for prevention and restraint of the abuses and inconveniences, occasioned by dying with Logwood. [Whitehall 29 February 1620]
- 199 By the King. A Proclamation for the ordering of the Use of the hot Press. [Westminster 22 March 1620]
- 200 By the King. A Proclamation against making of Starch. [Greenwich 5 May 1620]
- 201 By the King. A Proclamation declaring his Majesty's pleasure concerning Captain Roger North, and those who are gone forth as adventurers with him. [Greenwich 15 May 1620]
- 202 By the King. A Proclamation commanding Conformity to his Majesty's pleasure, expressed in his late Charter to the Tobacco-pipe-makers. [Theobalds 27 May 1620]
- 203 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of the disordered trading for Tobacco. [Greenwich 29 June 1620]
- 204 By the King. A Proclamation for explaining and enlarging his Majesty's former orders for Buildings, in and about London. [Theobalds 17 July 1620]
- 205 By the King. A Proclamation against Tenant-rights. [Charlton 28 July 1620]
- 206 By the King. A Proclamation for settling the Company of Apothecaries of London, And for reforming abuses in that Art. [Salisbury 4 August 1620]
- 207 By the King. Concerning election to next Parliament. [Theobalds 6 November 1620]
- 208 By the King. A Proclamation against excess of Lavish and Licentious Speech of matters of State. [Whitehall 24 December 1620]
- 209 By the King. A Proclamation for the prorogation of the Parliament, from the sixteenth of January next coming, to the three and twentieth of the same month. [Westminster 28 December 1620]
- 210 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish days, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people. [Westminster 30 January 1621]
- 211 By the King. A Proclamation for the finding out and apprehending of Sir Giles Mompesson Knight. [Westminster 3 March 1621]
- 212 By the King. Suppressing the lottery for Virginia, and all others. [Westminster 8 March 1621]
- 213 By the King. A Proclamation for the Banishing of Giles Mompesson. [Westminster 30 March 1621]
- 214 By the King. A Proclamation for repeal of certain Letters Patents, Commissions, and Proclamations, concerning Inns, Ale-houses, and the Manufacture of Gold and Silver Thread. [Westminster 30 March 1621]
- 215 By the King. A Proclamation for abolishing of abuses, by Bills of Conformity. [Westminster 31 March 1621]
- 216 By the King. A Proclamation for suppressing insolent abuses committed by base people against persons of quality, as well Strangers as others, in the Streets of the City and Suburbs of London, with the parts adjacent. [Westminster 8 April 1621]
- 217 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's grace to his Subjects, touching matters complained of, as public grievances. [Whitehall 10 July 1621]
- 218 By the King. A Proclamation against excess of lavish and licentious speech of matters of State. [Ashby 26 July 1621]
- 219 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of the transportation of Corn. [Theobalds 16 September 1621]
- 220 By the King. A Proclamation for the adjournment of the Parliament, from the fourteenth day of November next, to the eight[h] day of February following. [Royston 6 October 1621]
- 221 By the King. A Proclamation against abuses in preparing and preferring Bills and other Writings to his Majesty's Signature. [Royston 7 October 1621]
- 222 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the adjournment of the Parliament. [Whitehall 3 November 1621]
- 223 By the King. A Proclamation declaring his Majesty's pleasure concerning the dissolving of the present Convention of Parliament. [Westminster 6 January 1622]
- 224 By the King. A Proclamation for relief of the subject that might be otherwise damnified by the late burning of Records in the Sixe Clarkes Office.1 [Westminster 7 January 1622]
- 225 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish days, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people. [Newmarket 4 February 1622]
- 226 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the making of Starch. [Theobalds 16 May 1622]
- 227 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of the exportation, waste, and consumption of Coin and Bullion. [Greenwich 11 June 1622]
- 228 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the bringing in of any Commodities traded by the Eastland Merchants into this Kingdom, as well by subjects as strangers, not free of that Company; with a publication of certain Statutes for the restraint of all His Majesty's subjects from shipping any commodities in strangers bottoms, either into, or out of this Kingdom. [Theobalds 21 July 1622]
- 229 By the King. A Proclamation for the preventing of the exportation of Wools, Wool-fels, Yarn, Fullers earth, and Woadashes, and for the better vent of Cloth, and Stuff made of Wool, within this Kingdom. [Oatlands 28 July 1622]
- 230 By the King. A Proclamation for better furnishing the Navy and Shipping of the Realm, with able and skilful Mariners. [Windsor 6 August 1622]
- 231 By the King. A Proclamation to restrain the excessive carriages in Wagons and four wheeled Carts, to the destruction of the Highways. [Windsor 6 August 1622]
- 232 By the King. A Proclamation for garbling of spices, and other things garbleable. [Theobalds 5 November 1622]
- 233 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting interloping and disorderly trading to New England in America. [Theobalds 6 November 1622]
- 234 By the King. A Proclamation for the due making and sizing of Brick. [Theobalds 7 November 1622]
- 235 By the King. A Proclamation commanding Noblemen, Knights, and Gentlemen of quality, to repair to their Mansion houses in the Country, to attend their services, and keep hospitality, according to the ancient and laudable custom of ENGLAND. [Newmarket 20 November 1622]
- 236 By the King. A Proclamation for relief of the poor, and remedying the high prices of Corn. [Whitehall 22 December 1622]
- 237 By the King. A Proclamation for prevention of abuses touching Gunpowder and Saltpetre. [Westminster 16 January 1623]
- 238 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish days, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people. [Whitehall 30 January 1623]
- 239 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's grace to His Subjects for their relief against public Grievances. [Theobalds 14 February 1623]
- 240 By the King. Against sailors taking service with foreign princes. [Newmarket 27 February 1623]
- 241 By the King. A Proclamation commanding persons of quality to reside in their Countries. [Newmarket 26 March 1623]
- 242 By the King. A Proclamation restraining the carrying of munition to Algeers and Tunis. [Whitehall 6 April 1623]
- 243 By the King. A Proclamation for registering of Knights. [Windsor 25 April 1623]
- 244 By the King. A Proclamation for the search and apprehension of Henry Feild. [Greenwich 30 May 1623]
- 245 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Wire, Thread, and other Manufactures made of Gold and Silver. [Greenwich 16 June 1623]
- 246 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Felts. [Theobalds 17 September 1623]
- 247 By the King. A Proclamation against the disorderly Printing, uttering, and dispersing of Books, Pamphlets, &c. [Hampton Court 25 September 1623]
- 248 By the King. A Proclamation for the well storing, and furnishing the Realm with Corn. [Whitehall 27 December 1623]
- 249 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing and eating of Flesh in Lent or on Fish days, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people. [Whitehall 27 December 1623]
- 250 By the King. A Proclamation for Ambassadors and foreign Ministers. [Whitehall 8 March 1624]
- 251 By the King. A Proclamation for the restraint of serving of Fee Deer. [Theobalds 2 May 1624]
- 252 By the King. A Proclamation charging all Jesuits, Seminaries, &c. to depart the Land. [Greenwich 6 May 1624]
- 253 By the King. A Proclamation for avoiding the consumption of Coin and Bullion. [Wanstead 10 July 1624]
- 254 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Royal Mines. [Wanstead 10 July 1624]
- 255 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Buildings in, and about London. [Theobalds 14 July 1624]
- 256 By the King. A Proclamation against Seditious, Popish, and Puritanical Books and Pamphlets. [Nottingham 15 August 1624]
- 257 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Tobacco. [Hampton Court 29 September 1624]
- 258 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the Prorogation of the Parliament. [Whitehall 1 October 1624]
- 259 By the King. A Proclamation commanding persons of quality to reside in their Countries. [Royston 19 October 1624]
- 260 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehension of Edward Ekins. [Cambridge 14 December 1624]
- 261 By the King. A Proclamation for the preservation of Grounds for making of Salt-Peeter, and to restore such Grounds which now are destroyed, and to command assistance to be given to his Majesty's Salt-Peeter-makers. [Westminster 26 December 1624]
- 262 By the King. A Proclamation for proroguing the Parliament. [Newmarket 19 January 1625]
- 263 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish daies, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people. [Newmarket 7 February 1625]
- 264 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Surveying of the Seacoales of Newcastle, Sunderland, and Blythe. [Newmarket 16 February 1625]
- 265 By the King. A Proclamation for the utter prohibiting the importation and use of all Tobacco, which is not of the proper growth of the Colonies of Virginia and the Summer Islands, or one of them. [Theobalds 2 March 1625]
- 266 By the King. A Proclamation for Proroguing the Parliament. [Theobalds 3 March 1625]
- 267 By the King. A Proclamation for better furnishing the Navy, and Shipping of the Realm, with able and skilfull Mariners. [Theobalds 20 March 1625]
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