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- Close sectionThe Proclamations of King Charles I 1625–1646
- 1 A Proclamation of the Accession of Charles I. [London 27 March 1625]
- 2 By the King. [A Proclamation on his Accession to the Throne.] [St. James 28 March 1625]
- 3 By the King. A Proclamation signifying his Majesty's pleasure, That all men being in Office of government, at the decease of his most dear, and most royal Father King James, shall so continue, till his Majesty's further direction. [St. James 28 March 1625]
- 4 By the King. A Proclamation for better furnishing the Navy, and Shipping of the Realm, with able and skilful Mariners. [St. James 31 March 1625]
- 5 By the King A Proclamation to inhibit the Sale of Latin Books reprinted beyond the Seas, having been first Printed in Oxford or Cambridge. [St. James 1 April 1625]
- 6 By the King. A Proclamation touching Tobacco. [Whitehall 9 April 1625]
- 7 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of Allome, and the buying and spending thereof in any His Majesty's Dominions. [Whitehall 13 April 1625]
- 8 By the King. A Proclamation for the maintenance and increase of the Mines of Saltpetre, and the true making of Gunpowder, and reforming abuses concerning the same. [Whitehall 13 April 1625]
- 9 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Buildings, and Inmates, within the City of London, and Confines of the same. [Whitehall 2 May 1625]
- 10 By the King. A Proclamation for settling the Plantation of Virginia. [Whitehall 13 May 1625]
- 11 By the King. A Proclamation for the Prices of Victuals within the Verge of the Court. [Whitehall 14 May 1625]
- 12 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of disorders in Soldiers, prested for his Majesty's Service. [Whitehall 15 May 1625]
- 13 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of disorderly and unnecessary resort to the Court. [Whitehall 17 May 1625]
- 14 By the King. [A Proclamation concerning the Royal Household.] [Whitehall 26 May 1625]
- 15 By the King. A Proclamation for the continuing of Our Farthing Tokens of Copper, and prohibiting the Counterfeiting of them, and the use of all other. [Whitehall 30 May 1625]
- 16 By the King. A Proclamation for the Adjournment of part of Trinity Term. [Whitehall 18 June 1625]
- 17 By the King. A Proclamation for the better Ordering of Those who repair to the Court for their cure of the Disease called the King's Evil. [Whitehall 18 June 1625]
- 18 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of unnecessary resorts to the Court. [Whitehall 26 June 1625]
- 19 By the King. A Proclamation for a public, general, and solemn Fast. [Whitehall 3 July 1625]
- 20 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the adjournment of the Parliament. [Oatlands 12 July 1525]
- 21 By the King. A Proclamation for removing the Receipt of his Majesty's Exchequer from Westminster to Richmond. [Ricot 31 July 1625]
- 22 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the keeping of Bartholomew Fair, and Stourbridge Fair. [Woodstock 4 August 1625]
- 23 By the King. A Proclamation for recalling his Majesty's Subjects from the Seminaries beyond the Seas, and putting the Laws against Jesuits and Popish Priests in execution. [Woodstock 14 August 1625]
- 24 By the King. A Proclamation for making current certain French Coin. [Titchfield 4 September 1625]
- 25 By the King. A Proclamation for the adjournment of part of Michaelmas Term. [Titchfield 4 September 1625]
- 26 By the King. A Proclamation commanding Captains and Commanders of Soldiers to attend their Charge. [Titchfield 4 September 1625]
- 27 By the King. A Proclamation for the calling home of all such His Majesty's Subjects as are now employed either by Sea, or Land, in the services of the Emperor, the King of Spain, or the Archduchess. [Titchfield 11 September 1625]
- 28 By the King. A Proclamation for the further Adjournment of Michaelmas Term. [Salisbury 11 October 1625]
- 29 By the King. A Proclamation for the avoiding of all intercourse between His Majesty's Royal Court, and the Cities of London and Westminster, and places adjoining. [Salisbury 17 October 1625]
- 30 By the King. A Proclamation for the commanding of all Soldiers, lately employed in the Fleet, upon their arrival, not to depart from their Colours. [Windsor 15 December 1625]
- 31 By the King. A Proclamation to forbid the Subjects of the Realm of England, to have any Trade or Commerce within any the Dominions of the King of Spain or the Archduchess. [Hampton Court 24 December 1625]
- 32 By the King. A Proclamation for the well manning and arming of the Ships, of, or belonging to this Realm, upon their setting forth to Sea. [Hampton Court 24 December 1625]
- 33 By the King. A Proclamation against embezzling of Armour, Munition, and Victual, and other Military provisions. [Hampton Court 25 December 1625]
- 34 By the King. A Proclamation to declare His Majesty's pleasure, that a former restraint enjoined to the Citizens of London, for repairing to Fairs for a time, is now set at liberty. [Hampton Court 30 December 1625]
- 35 By the King. A Proclamation to declare, that all Ships carrying Corn, or other Victuals, or any Munition of War, to, or for the King of Spain, or any of his Subjects, shall be, and ought to be esteemed as lawful Prize. [Hampton Court 31 December 1625]
- 36 By the King. A Proclamation for the better Confining of Popish Recusants, Convict according to the Law. [Whitehall 11 January 1626]
- 37 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish days, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people. [Whitehall 14 January 1626]
- 38 By the King. A Proclamation to declare His Majesty's pleasure touching His Royal Coronation, and the Solemnity thereof. [Whitehall 17 January 1626]
- 39 By the King. A Proclamation for a general and public Thanksgiving to Almighty God, for his great mercy in staying his hand, and assuaging the late fearful Visitation of the Plague. [Whitehall 22 January 1626]
- 40 [A Proclamation at the King's Coronation]. [Westminster 2 February 1626]
- 41 By the King. A Proclamation for the better furnishing of the Navy, and increase of Shipping. [Whitehall 24 April 1626]
- 42 By the King. A Proclamation for Fee Deer. [Whitehall 26 May 1626]
- 43 By the King. A Proclamation for the establishing of the Peace and Quiet of the Church of England. [Whitehall 14 June 1626]
- 44 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the publishing, dispersing and reading of a Declaration or Remonstrance, drawen by some Committees of the Commons-House of the late dissolved Parliament, and intended to have beene preferred by them to his Majestie. [Westminster 16 June 1626]
- 45 By the King. A Proclamation for the better ordering of those who repayre to the Court, for their cure of the disease called the Kings Evill. [Whitehall 18 June 1626]
- 46 By the King. A Proclamation touching Mariners. [Whitehall 18 June 1626]
- 47 By the King. A Proclamation for a generall Fast throughout this Realm of England. [Whitehall 30 June 1626]
- 48 By the King. A Proclamation commanding all Inhabitants on the SeaCoastes, or in any Ports or Sea-Towns, to make their speedy repaire unto, and continue at the places of their Habitations there, during these times of Danger. [Whitehall 10 July 1626]
- 49 By the King. A Proclamation touching the currencie of certame French Coyne. [Whitehall 24 July 1626]
- 50 By the King. A Proclamation to declare and publish His Majesty's resolution, to ascertaine His Revenue, by granting His Lands holden aswell by Copie, as otherwise in Fee-Farme. [Nonsuch 13 August 1626]
- 51 By the King. A Proclamation for all Captaines, Masters, and Officers of Ships, and Mariners, which are to serve in the Kings Fleete, to make their present repaire to Portesmouth. [Whitehall 27 August 1626]
- 52 By the King. [A Proclamation Stabilizing the Currency.] [Westminster 4 September 1626]
- 53 By the King. [A Proclamation concerning Repayment of Benevolences.] [Hampton Court 22 September 1626]
- 54 By the King. A Proclamation for the restraint of the disorderly repaire* of Mariners and Souldiers, unto the Kings Court, or Citie of London. [Whitehall 7 October 1626]
- 55 By the King. A Declaration of His Majesty's clear intention, in requiring the Ayde of His loving Subjects, in that way of Loane which is now intended by His Highness. [Whitehall 7 October 1626]
- 56 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the repaire of Noblemen, Knights, and Gentlemen of qualitie, unto their Mansion Houses in the Countrey, there to attend their services, and keepe Hospitality. [Whitehall 23 November 1626]
- 57 By the King. A Proclamation to restraine the unlawfull transportation of Hides and Leather. [Whitehall 14 December 1626]
- 58 By the King. A Proclamation for the better making of Saltpeter within this Kingdome. [Whitehall 2 January 1627]
- 59 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish-dayes, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter observed by all sorts of people. [Hampton Court 25 January 1627]
- 60 By the King. A Proclamation that all Captaines, Lieutenants, and other Officers shall repayre to their Companies, and that all Souldiers shall repayre to their Colours. [Whitehall 29 January 1627]
- 61 By the King. A Proclamation for the Suppressing and Dispersinge of the Sea Men, Mariners, and other loose persons now gathered together in a tumultuous manner in and about the Cittie of London. [Westminster 2 February 1627]
- 62 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the execution of the Lawes against Recusants. [Whitehall 16 February 1627]
- 63 By the King. A Proclamation touching Tobacco. [Whitehall 17 February 1627]
- 64 By the King. A Proclamation to prevent the furnishing of the King of Spaine and his Subjects, with provisions for Shipping, or Munition for the Warres, and with Victuals. [Newmarket 4 March 1627]
- 65 By the King. A Proclamation for the Apprehension of John Holland, and Robert Blow, Gentlemen, late servants to the Earle of Lincolne. [Whitehall 21 March 1627]
- 66 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Sealing of Tobacco. [Whitehall 30 March 1627]
- 67 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of any Goods or Merchandize whatsoever, in any French Shippes or Bottomes. [Whitehall 28 April 1627]
- 68 By the King. A Proclamation for the explaining of a former Proclamation lately published, intituled a Proclamation prohibiting the importation of any goods or merchandize whatsoever, in any French Shippes or Bottomes. [Whitehall 12 May 1627]
- 69 By the King. A Proclamation for the better execution of the Office of His Majesty's Exchanger, and Reformation of sundry Abuses and Fraudes practised upon his Majesty's Coynes. [Whitehall 25 May 1627]
- 70 By the King. A Proclamation against unjust pretences for colouring of French goods, taken by way of Reprize. [Whitehall 25 June 1627]
- 71 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's pleasure, concerning the forfeitures of Recusants in the Northerne parts of this Kingdome. [Whitehall 27 June 1627]
- 72 By the King. A Proclamation for the maintaining and increase of the Mines of Saltpeter, and the true making and working of Saltpeter and Gunpowder, and reforming of all abuses concerning the same. [Ampthill 23 July 1627]
- 73 By the King. A Proclamation for the ordering of Tobacco. [Windsor Castle 9 August 1627]
- 74 By the King. A Proclamation for the Transportation of any kinde of Corne, Graine, or Victuals for the supply of the Navie, or Armie in the parts of France. [Bagshot 18 August 1627]
- 75 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's gracious intention, concerning His Commission lately granted, to enquire of new Offices erected, and new Fees exacted in Courts of Justice, since xi Elizabethae. [Whitehall 12 October 1627]
- 76 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the use of Snaffles, and commanding the use of Bittes for Riding. [Whitehall 20 November 1627]
- 77 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the repaire of Noblemen, Knights, and Gentlemen of qualifie, unto their Mansion houses in the Countrey, there to attend their services, and keepe Hospitalitie. [Whitehall 28 November 1627]
- 78 By the King. A Proclamation that all Captaines, Lieutenants, and other Officers shall repayre to their Companies, and that all Souldiers shall repayre to their Colours. [Whitehall 30 November 1627]
- 79 By the King. A Proclamation to prevent the Purloyning and Stealing of Armes, Powder, and other Munition, and Habilliments of Warre. [Whitehall 8 December 1627]
- 80 By the King. [A Proclamation confirming Matthew de Quester as Foreign Post Master.] [Westminster 20 January 1628]
- 81 By the King. A Proclamation for all Souldiers to Repaire to their Companies. [Whitehall 25 January 1628]
- 82 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish-dayes, appointed by the Law, to be hereafter strictly observed by all sorts of people.1 [Whitehall 4 February 1628]
- 83 By the King. A Proclamation against the unnecessary waste of Gunpowder [Whitehall 10 February 1628]
- 84 By the King. A Proclamation for the better incouragement and advancement of the Trade of the East Indye Company. [Whitehall 15 February 1628]
- 85 By the King. A Proclamation for the execution of the Statutes made against Rogues and Vagabonds. [Whitehall 16 February 1628]
- 86 By the King. A Proclamation declaring the Kings Royall pleasure for the Assembling of the Parliament. [Whitehall 16 February 1628]
- 87 By the King. A Proclamation for the repressing of disorders of Marriners. [Whitehall 17 February 1628]
- 88 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Buying and Selling of any of His Majesty's Armes or Munition, and to reforme the Abuses committed at Musters and Traynings by borrowing of Armes. [Whitehall 9 March 1628]
- 89 By the King. A Proclamation for a generall Fast to bee solemnized throughout this Realm of England. [Whitehall 29 March 1628]
- 90 By the King. A Proclamation for His Majesty's better Service, either at Sea, or Land. [Whitehall 17 June 1628]
- 91 By the King. A Proclamation for the better ordering of those who repaire to the Court, for their Cure of the Disease, called, The Kings Evill. [Whitehall 17 June 1628]
- 92 By the King. A Proclamation for the calling in, and suppressing of two Sermons, Preached and Printed by Roger Manwaring, Doctor in Divinity, intituled, Religion and Allegiance. [Whitehall 24 June 1628]
- 93 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's pleasure, concerning the proceedings had, and to be had, against Popish Recusants, according to the Lawes, and for directions to His Majesty's Commissioners for that Service, both in the Southerne and Northerne parts. [Whitehall 7 July 1628]
- 94 By the King. A Proclamation directing how Prisoners shall bee ordered which are taken at Sea, by men of Warre. [Portsmouth 23 July 1628]
- 95 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding the Lodging of any Strangers, or His Majesty's owne Servants, in His Palaces of White-Hall, and Denmarke-house, in the time of the absence of His Majestie, and His Royall Consort the Queen, from those houses. [Portsmouth 23 July 1628]
- 96 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's Royall pleasure and Command, for putting the Lawes and Statutes made against Jesuites, Priests, and Popish Recusants, in due execution. [Southwick 3 August 1628]
- 97 By the King. A Proclamation for the further Proroguing of the Parliament. [Hampton Court 1 October 1628]
- 98 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the transportation of any Corne, Graine, Victuals, Ordinance, Armes, or Munition for Warre, into the Kingdome of France. [Whitehall 15 October 1628]
- 99 By the King. A Proclamation declaring the Kings Majesty's Royall pleasure touching the Inhabitants of Algier, Tunis, Sallie, and Tituan, in the parts of Africa. [Whitehall 22 October 1628]
- 100 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's Royall pleasure touching the English Souldiers late imployed at Sea in His Service, and now discharged. [Whitehall 15 November 1628]
- 101 By the King. A proclamation for the preservinge, recovering, and restoring of such goods & papers as have beene taken out of the house of the lord Ambassador to the lordes The States Generall of the United Provinces lamentably fyred, and out of the houses thereunto adjoining. [Whitehall 19 November 1628]
- 102 [By the King] [A Proclamation that Inferior Officers must leave London.] [London 4 December 1628]
- 103 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's Royall grace, and pleasure, to confirme to His Subjects their defective Titles, Estates, and Possessions, (aswell by colour of former Grants, as without any Grant from the Crowne) by His Commission granted to that purpose. [Whitehall 6 December 1628]
- 104 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehension of Richard Smith, a Popish Priest, stiled, and calling himselfe, the Bishop of Calcedon. [Whitehall 11 December 1628]
- 105 By the King. A Proclamation, for the suppressing of a Book, intitled, Appello Caesarem, or, An Appeal to Caesar. [Whitehall 17 January 1629]
- 106 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish-dayes appointed by the Law, to be hereafter observed by all sorts of people. [Whitehall 7 February 1629]
- 107 By the King. A Proclamation for a generall Fast to bee held throughout this Realm of England. [Whitehall 14 February 1629]
- 108 By the King. A Proclamation about the dissolving of the Parliament. [Whitehall 2 March 1629]
- 109 By the King. A second Proclamation for the apprehension of Richard Smith, a Popish Priest, stiled, and calling himselfe, The Bishop of Calcedon. [Whitehall 24 March 1629]
- 110 By the King. A Proclamation for suppressing of false Rumours touching Parliament. [Whitehall 27 March 1629]
- 111 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehension of Walter Long, Esquire, and William Strode, Gentleman. [Whitehall 27 March 1629]
- 112 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Exportation of Corne and Graine. [Greenwich 2 May 1629]
- 113 By the King. A Proclamation for Peace between England and France. [Greenwich 10 May 1629]
- 114 By the King. A Proclamation for the speedy sending away of the Irish Beggers out of this Kingdome, into their owne Countrey, and for the suppressing and ordering of the English Rogues and Vagabonds, according to the Lawes. [Greenwich 17 May 1629]
- 115 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the due execution of the Lawes made for setting the poore on worke. [Greenwich 17 May 1629]
- 116 By the King. A Proclamation for the better ordering of those who repaire to the Court, for their cure of the disease, called, The Kings Evill. [Greenwich 28 June 1629]
- 117 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the making of Starch, and avoiding the annoyances thereby. [Greenwich 30 June 1629]
- 118 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Importation of French Wines. [Nonsuch 7 July 1629]
- 119 By the King. A Proclamation against selling of Ships. [Nonsuch 12 July 1629]
- 120 By the King. A Proclamation for the better discovery and apprehension of those Malefactors, who were Actors in the late insolent Riots and Murders committed in Fleetstreet, London, upon Friday, the tenth day of this instant month of July. [Whitehall 18 July 1629]
- 121 By the King. A Proclamation for preventing the decayes of Churches and Chappels for the time to come. [Hampton Court 11 October 1629]
- 122 By the King. A Proclamation that all Soldiers nowe returned from theire ymployments shall forthwith retorne into their Country where they were borne or to their dweling places. [Westminster 27 December 1629]
- 123 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of Killing, Dressing, and Eating of Flesh in Lent, or on Fish-dayes appointed by the Law, to be hereafter observed by all sorts of people. [Whitehall 18 January 1630]
- 124 By the King. A Proclamation reviving and enlarging a former Proclamation made in the Reigne of King James, prohibiting the bringing in of any Commodities traded by the Eastland Merchants into this Kingdome, aswell by Subjects as Strangers, not free of that Company, with a publication of certaine Statutes for the restraint of all His Majesty's Subjects, from shipping any Commodities in Strangers Bottomes, either into, or out of this Kingdome. [Whitehall 7 March 1630]
- 125 By the King. A Proclamation for the Restraint of excessive Carriages, to the destruction of the High-wayes. [Whitehall 9 March 1630]
- 126 By the King. A Proclamation for the better ordering of those who repaire to the Court, for the Cure of their disease, called, The Kings Evill. [Whitehall 6 April 1630]
- 127 By the King. A Proclamation for the preventing of the Exportation of Woolles, Wool-fels, Yarne, Fullers earth, and Woad-ashes and of Hydes, both tand and raw, out of this Kingdome. [Whitehall 17 April 1630]
- 128 By the King. A Proclamation for quickning the Lawes made for the reliefe of the poore, and the suppressing, punishing, and setling of the sturdy Rogues, and Vagabonds. [Whitehall 23 April 1630]
- 129 By the King. A Proclamation for the restraining of the Importation of Iron Wyer into this Kingdome, and for the support of that Manufacture. [Whitehall 7 May 1630]
- 130 By the King. A Proclamation declaring his Majesty's Royall grace and pleasure, to confirme to His Subjects their defective Titles, Estates, and Possessions, (aswell by colour of former Grants, as without any Grant from the Crowne) by His Commission lately renewed and granted to that purpose. [Whitehall 27 May 1630]
- 131 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Exportation of Corne and Graine. [Whitehall 13 June 1630]
- 132 [A Proclamation announcing the Birth of Prince Charles.] [Westminster c.15 June 1630.]
- 133 By the King. A Proclamation for the suppressing of Felons, and Outlawes, their Aiders and Abettors, by bringing them to bee answerable to the severall Lawes of the severall Realms of England and Scotland. [St. James 30 June 1630]
- 134 By the King. A Proclamation for the better discovery and prevention of Burglaries, Robberies, and other Frauds and abuses, and for the suppressing of all secret and unlawfull practises of Retayling Brokers, and others which may occasion the same. [Whitehall 5 July 1630]
- 135 By the King. A Proclamation for the ease of the Subjects in making their Compositions for not receiving the Order of Knighthood, according to the Law. [St. James 6 July 1630]
- 136 By the King. A Proclamation concerning New Buildings, in and about the Citie of London, and against the dividing of houses into severall dwellings, and receiving and harbouring of Inmates. [Nonsuch 16 July 1630]
- 137 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the keeping of Bartholomew Fayre, Sturbridge Fayre, and our Lady Fayre in Southwarke. [Nonsuch 1 August 1630]
- 138 By the King. A Proclamation against the false dying of Silke. [Farnham 9 August 1630]
- 139 By the King. A Proclamation for Adjourning the Terme. [Wanstead 9 September 1630]
- 140 By the King. A further Proclamation for the suppressing and punishing of Rogues and Vagabonds, and Reliefe of the Poore, according to the Law. [Theobalds 17 September 1630]
- 141 By the King. A Proclamation for preventing the dearth of Corne and Victuall. [Hampton Court 28 September 1630]
- 142 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding the disorderly Trading with the Salvages in New England in America, especially the furnishing of the Natives in those and other parts of America by the English with Weapons, and Habiliments of Warre. [Whitehall 24 November 1630]
- 143 By the King. A Proclamation for Peace with Spain. [Westminster 5 December 1630]
- 144 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Tobacco. [Whitehall 6 January 1631]
- 145 By the King. A Proclamation for the better direction of those who desire to repaire to the Court, for the Cure of their disease, called, The Kings Evill. [Whitehall 25 March 1631]
- 146 By the King. A further Proclamation prohibiting the Exportation of Corne and Graine. [Whitehall 25 March 1631]
- 147 By the King. A Proclamation for the better ordering of Fishing, upon the Coasts of His Majesty's Dominions. [Greenwich 24 May 1631]
- 148 By the King. A Proclamation for preventing of Deceipt used in the Importation of Madder. [East Greenwich 15 June 1631]
- 149 By the King. A proclamation for the new making, altering, amending, dressing, repairing, prooving, and stamping of Armours, Gunnes, Pikes, and Bandaliers, both of the common Armes, and Armes of the Trayned Band throughout England and Wales. [Greenwich 30 June 1631]
- 150 By the King. A Proclamation for revoking the Commission concerning Archery. [Woodstock 23 August 1631]
- 151 By the King. A Proclamation for the better direction of those who desire to repaire to the Court for the Cure of their Disease called, The Kings Evill. [Hampton Court 13 October 1631]
- 152 By the King. A Proclamation inhibiting the resort of His Majesty's people to the Court, for Cure of the Kings Evill, untill the middle of Lent, and to restraine the accesse of others from infected places. [Whitehall 8 November 1631]
- 153 By the King. A proclamation concerning the Trade of Ginney, and Binney, in the parts of Africa. [St. James 22 November 1631]
- 154 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the due execution of the Lawes made against Eating and Selling of Flesh in Lent, and other times prohibited. [Whitehall 27 January 1632]
- 155 By the King. A Proclamation for the better encouragement, and advancement of the Trade of the East Indie Companie, and for prevention of excesse of private Trade. [Whitehall 19 February 1632]
- 156 By the King. A Proclamation for enabling all His Majesty's Subjects to Trade within His severall Dominions, without being further charged with Customes, or other dueties, then they of that Kingdome wherein they trade, ought to pay. [Whitehall 20 February 1632]
- 157 By the King. A Proclamation for the well ordering of the Silke Trade, throughout England, &c. [Newmarket 16 March 1632]
- 158 By the King. A Proclamation, inhibiting the resort of His Majesty's people to the Court for Cure of the Kings Evill, and to restraine the accesse of others from infected places. [Greenwich 20 June 1632]
- 159 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the Gentry to keepe their Residence at their Mansions in the Countrey, and forbidding them to make their habitations in London, and places adjoyning. [Greenwich 20 June 1632]
- 160 By the King. A Proclamation commanding a due execution of Lawes, concerning Lent, and Fasting dayes. [Greenwich 24 June 1632]
- 161 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the well-making of Soape. [Greenwich 28 June 1632]
- 162 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the Post-master of England for Forreigne parts. [Oatlands 19 July 1632]
- 163 By the King. A Proclamation to restraine the transportation of Corne, Wooll, Wooll-fells, Fullers earth, and Leather. [Hampton Court 30 September 1632]
- 164 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Gold-weights. [Whitehall 20 December 1632]
- 165 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the making up of Girdles, Belts, Hangers, and other Wares for mens wearing, or for Warreservice, with Brasse-Buckles. [Whitehall 12 January 1633]
- 166 By the King. A Proclamation for Prizing of Wines. [Whitehall 18 February 1633]
- 167 By the King. A Proclamation against making Collections without Licence under the Great Seale. [Whitehall 21 March 1633]
- 168 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the prizing of French Wines. [Whitehall 22 March 1633]
- 169 By the King. A Proclamation against frauds and deceits used in Draperie, and for discoverie and preventing of the same. [Westminster 16 April 1533]
- 170 By the King. A Proclamation for the prizes of Victuals within the Verge of His Majesty's houshold. [Whitehall 4 May 1633]
- 171 By the King. A Proclamation for the well ordering of His Majesty's Court and Traine, as well in His present Journey intended towards His Kingdome of Scotland, and returne from thence, as in all other His Majesty's Journeys and Progresses hereafter. [Whitehall 5 May 1633]
- 172 By the King. A Proclamation for the use of the Bowe and the Pike together in Militarie Discipline. [Oatlands 12 August 1633]
- 173 By the King. A Proclamation for preventing of the abuses growing by the unordered Retailing of Tobacco. [Whitehall 13 October 1633]
- 174 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Tynne. [Whitehall 22 January 1634]
- 175 By the King. A Proclamation for Prizing of Wines. [Whitehall 25 January 1634]
- 176 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Soape and Soape-makers. [Whitehall 26 January 1634]
- 177 By the King. A Proclamation for the prizes of Poultry, Rabbits, Butter, Candles, Charcoale, and all manner of Fuell of Wood. [Whitehall 12 February 1634]
- 178 By the King. A Proclamation for the speedie sending away of the Irish Beggars out of this Kingdome into their owne Countrey, and for suppressing of English Rogues and Vagabonds, according to Our Lawes. [Whitehall 12 February 1634]
- 179 By the King. A Proclamation restraining the abusive venting of Tobacco. [Newmarket 13 March 1634]
- 180 By the King. A Proclamation appointing the time when his Majesty's subjects may approach to the Court, for cure of the Disease, called The Kings Evill. [Whitehall 22 April 1634]
- 181 By the King. A Proclamation appointing the Flags, aswell for Our Navie Royall, as for the Ships of Our Subjects of South and North Britaine. [Greenwich 5 May 1634]
- 182 By the King. A Proclamation commanding all Our Subjects, being Seamen and Ship-wrights, in the service of any forreigne Prince or State, to returne home within a certaine time. [Greenwich 5 May 1634]
- 183 By the King. His Majesty's Proclamation restraining the abuses in Gold Weights fraudulently committed contrary to a former. [Greenwich 5 May 1634]
- 184 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Tobacco. [Greenwich 19 May 1634]
- 185 By the King. A Proclamation concerning saving of Fuell, Materials, Labour, and lessening the great annoyance of Smoake. [Greenwich 25 June 1634]
- 186 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the well-ordering the Trade of making and selling of Soape. [Theobalds 13 July 1634]
- 187 By the King. A Proclamation appointing the time when his Majesty's subjects may attend to be cured of the Disease, commonly called, The Kings Evill. [Hampton Court 23 September 1634]
- 188 By the King. A Proclamation against the keeping and using of Setting Dogs. [Hampton Court 7 October 1634]
- 189 By the King. A Proclamation for reforming and preventing the frauds frequently practised, aswell in the over-weight of ButterCasks, as in the false packing of Butter. [Theobalds 13 November 1634]
- 190 By the King. A Proclamation for reformation of the many abuses committed against the Corporation of Gardners. [Whitehall 3 December 1634]
- 191 By the King. A Proclamation for the better ordering the Transportation of Clothes, and other Woollen Manufactures into Germany, and the Low-Countreys. [Whitehall 7 December 1634]
- 192 By the King. A Proclamation against the making, or using of any Nets or Engines, for taking of Phesants and Partridges. [Westminster 11 December 1634]
- 193 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding any resort to His Majesty's Court, for cure of the Kings-Evill, untill Easter next. [Whitehall 14 December 1634]
- 194 By the King. A Proclamation for the Prizing of Wines. [Whitehall 20 January 1635]
- 195 By the King. A Proclamation for the well ordering and setling the Manufacture of Soape, under a Rule and Government. [Whitehall 25 January 1635]
- 196 By the King. A Proclamation for preservation of Grounds for making of Saltpeter, and to restore such grounds as are now destroyed, and to command Assistance to be given to His Majesty's Saltpeter-Makers. [Whitehall 14 March 1635]
- 197 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the use of the Net or Engine, called a Trawle. [Whitehall 2 April 1635]
- 198 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Transportation of Butter out of this Realm. [Oatlands 18 July 1635]
- 199 By the King. A Proclamation to restraine the Kings Subjects from departing out of the Realm without licence. [Oatlands 21 July 1635]
- 200 By the King. A Proclamation for the suppressing of profane Swearing and Cursing. [Oatlands 26 July 1635]
- 201 By the King. A Proclamation for the better ordering of those who repaire to the Court for their cure of the Disease, called, The Kings Evill. [Oatlands 28 July 1635]
- 202 By the King. A Proclamation for the setling of the Letter Office of England and Scotland. [Bagshot 31 July 1635]
- 203 By the King. A Proclamation declaring his Majesty's Royall Grace and Pleasure, to confirme to his Subjects their defective Estates in their Lands and Possessions, by his Commission lately renewed and enlarged to that purpose. [Oatlands 24 August 1635]
- 204 By the King. A Proclamation for prevention of abuses of Informers, Clerkes, and others in their prosecutions upon the Lawes, and Statutes of this Realm. [Windsor Castle 6 September 1635]
- 205 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of Purles, Cutworkes, and Bonelaces, made in forraine Parts, and for the Sealing of such as are made within the Realm of England and Dominion of Wales. [Hampton Court 30 September 1635]
- 206 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of all sorts of Glasse whatsoever, made in Forreigne parts. [Royston 14 October 1635]
- 207 By the King. A Proclamation to restraine the landing of Men, or Goods, out of such Ships as shall come from the parts of France, or the Low-Countries now infected with the Plague, till they have warrant from the Officers or Farmours of His Majesty's Customes. [Hampton Court 1 November 1635]
- 208 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of excessive Carriages, to the destruction of the High Wayes. [Hampton Court 1 November 1635]
- 209 By the King. A Proclamation for the restraint of the consumption of the Coyne and Bullion of this Realm, and the deceitfull making of Gold and Silver Threed, and for the regulating thereof for the time to come. [Whitehall 18 January 1636]
- 210 By the King. A Proclamation for the restraint of the multitude, and promiscuous use of Coaches, about London and Westminster. [Westminster 19 January 1636]
- 211 By the King. A Proclamation for the prizing of Wines. [Newmarket 1 February 1636]
- 212 By the King. A Proclamation for the suppressing of Felons and Outlawes, their Aiders and Abettors, by bringing them to be answerable to the severall Lawes of the severall Realms of England and Scotland. [Westminster 25 February 1636]
- 213 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Farthing Tokens. [Whitehall 1 March 1636]
- 214 By the King. A Proclamation commanding all Mariners and others to His Majesty's Ships, for which they are Prest. [Westminster 5 April 1636]
- 215 By the King. A Proclamation inhibiting all persons to repaire to His Majestie for cure of the Disease called, The Kings Evill, untill Michaelmas next. [Westminster 7 April 1636]
- 216 By the King. A Proclamation to forbid the Importing, Buying, Selling, or Publishing any foreign Edition of a Book lately printed at London by His Majesty's Command, Intitled Mare Clausum. [Westminster 15 April 1636]
- 217 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the wearing, buying, or selling of Counterfeit Jewels. [Whitehall 18 April 1636]
- 218 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's pleasure touching Orders to be observed for prevention of dispersing the Plague. [Westminster 22 April 1636]
- 219 By the King. A Proclamation touching Books first Printed here, and after reprinted beyond the Seas, and imported hither. [Westminster 1 May 1636]
- 220 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of Fishing upon His Majesty's Seas and Coasts without Licence. [Westminster 10 May 1636]
- 221 By the King. A Proclamation inhibiting the Importation of Whale Finnes, or Whale Oile, into His Majesty's Dominions by any, but the Muscovia Company. [Westminster 16 May 1636]
- 222 By the King. A Proclamation for Adjournement of part of Trinitie Terme. [Hampton Court 27 May 1636]
- 223 By the King. A Proclamation for the due execution of the office of Clarke of the Market of Our Houshold, and thorowout Our Realm of England, and Dominion of Wales: And for the surveying and sealing of the constant Reele appointed to be used by all Clothiers, and workers in Cloth and Yarne; And for the increase of the poores wages labouring therein. [Oatlands 9 July 1636]
- 224 By the King. A Proclamation for the putting off Tutbury Faire in the County of Stafford, and of the Musitians or Minstrels Court there. [Windsor Castle 18 July 1636]
- 225 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the keeping of Bartholomew Faire, and our Ladie Faire in Southwarke. [London 26 July 1636]
- 226 By the King. A Proclamation to prohibit the keeping of this next Sturbridge Faire. [Warwick Castle 20 August 1636]
- 227 By the King. A Proclamation for adjourning of part of Michaelmas Terme. [Lindhurst 6 September 1636]
- 228 By the King. A Proclamation for the further adjourning of Michaelmas Terme. [Windsor Castle 2 October 1636]
- 229 By the King. A Proclamation for a generall Fast to be Weekely observed thorowout the Realm of England. [Newmarket 18 October 1636]
- 230 By the King. A Proclamation for cleansing the River of Thames of Shelves and Annoyances, and for ballasting of Ships with the Sand and Gravell thereof. [Windsor 28 November 1636]
- 231 By the King. A Proclamation for the revocation and repeale of certaine letters Patents, and of part of a Proclamation lately published for the keeping of a constant Reele in Cloathmaking, and for the increase of the poores wages labouring therein. [Hampton Court 11 December 1636]
- 232 By the King. A Proclamation for the prizing of Wines. [Hampton Court 23 January 1637]
- 233 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the Importation of forraine Gun-powder, and that His Majesty's Subjects may be constantly supplied out of His Majesty's Store-houses. [Westminster 20 February 1637]
- 234 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's pleasure, in the Incorporating of the Tradesmen and Artificers, inhabiting within three miles of the Citie of London. [Westminster 24 February 1637]
- 235 By the King. A Proclamation for putting off the healing of the Kings Evill at Easter next. [Westminster 5 March 1637]
- 236 By the King. A Proclamation to restraine the making or having of Keys for any His Majesty's Houses, Gardens, or Parkes, without speciall warrant. [Westminster 26 March 1637]
- 237 By the King. A Proclamation against the disorderly Transporting His Majesty's Subjects to the Plantations within the parts of America. [Whitehall 30 April 1637]
- 238 By the King. A Proclamation for calling in a Book, entituled, An Introduction to a Devout life; and that the same be publikely burnt. [Whitehall 14 May 1637]
- 239 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Manufacture of Playing-Cards, and Dice. [Whitehall 15 May 1637]
- 240 By the King. A Proclamation touching common Maultsters, and Brewers. [Greenwich 9 July 1637]
- 241 By the King. A Proclamation against false packing up of Butter, and other deceits and misdemeanors concerning Butter-Caske, discovered since the publishing of a former Proclamation in that behalfe. [Oatlands 16 July 1637]
- 242 By the King. A Proclamation for putting off this next Bartholomew Faire in Smithfield, and our Lady Faire in Southwarke. [Oatlands 23 July 1637]
- 243 By the King. A Proclamation for the surveying and marking of Iron, and survey of Woods to bee used in the making thereof. [Oatlands 29 July 1637]
- 244 By the King. A Proclamation declaring that the proceedings of His Majesty's Ecclesiasticall Courts and Ministers, are according to the Lawes of the Realm. [Lindhurst 18 August 1637]
- 245 By the King. A Proclamation for putting off this next Sturbridge-Faire. [Lindhurst 21 August 1637]
- 246 By the King. A Proclamation for putting off the healing of the disease, called the Kings Evill, at Michaelmas next. [Oatlands 3 September 1637]
- 247 By the King. A Proclamation for restraining the use of Wine-Casks, by Brewers, and sellers of Beere and Ale. [Whitehall 19 November 1637]
- 248 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the Tradesmen and Artificers within three miles of the Citie of London, not yet admitted into the new Corporation. [Westminster 22 November 1637]
- 249 By the King. A Proclamation restraining the withdrawing His Majesty's Subjects from the Church of England, and giving scandall in resorting to Masses. [Whitehall 20 December 1637]
- 250 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Corporation of Sope-makers of London. [Whitehall 28 December 1637]
- 251 By the King. A Proclamation declaring the seasonable times when Warrants for Venison in the Kings Forrests, Chases, or Parks are to be served. [Whitehall 17 January 1638]
- 252 By the King. A Proclamation concerning certain Kilnes for the sweet and speedy drying of Mault and Hops at a small charge. [Whitehall 8 February 1638]
- 253 By the King. A Proclamation for the prizing of Wines. [Whitehall 8 February 1638]
- 254 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the carrying and recarrying of Letters, aswell within his Majesty's Realms and Dominions, as into and from forreigne parts. [Whitehall 11 February 1638]
- 255 [By the King.] [A Proclamation to put down Greyhounds.] [Newmarket Before 26 February 16381]
- 256 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Our Iron-Oar, Iron-Mynes and Cynders within Our Forrest of Dean. [Newmarket 4 March 1638]
- 257 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Tobacco. [Whitehall 14 March 1638]
- 258 By the King. A Proclamation for the Apprehension of Gilbert Carre and James Locker. [Whitehall 3 April 1638]
- 259 By the King. A Proclamation that all woollen Clothes and Stuffes made or mixed with Wooll, and brought to London to be sold or transported, be first brought to Blackwell Hall, there to be searched. [Whitehall 16 April 1638]
- 260 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of the unlawfull sale and transportation of English Horns. [Whitehall 20 April 1638]
- 261 By the King. A Proclamation to restrain the transporting of Passengers and Provisions to New England, without Licence. [Whitehall 1 May 1638]
- 262 By the King. A Proclamation for allowance of the use of hard Silk in some speciall Manufactures. [Whitehall 18 May 1638]
- 263 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Corporation of Bever-makers of London, and to restrain the Importing of forrain Hats, and the wearing of Demy-casters within his Majesty's Dominions. [Whitehall 26 May 1638]
- 264 By the King. A Proclamation for the free and lawfull use of Maulting. [Greenwich 18 June 1638]
- 265 By the King. A Proclamation concerning playing-Cards and Dice. [Greenwich 18 June 1638]
- 266 By the King. A Proclamation appointing the times for His Majesty's healing of the Disease called The Kings Evill. [Greenwich 1 July 1638]
- 267 By the King. A Proclamation for the well ordering the Trade and Vent of Wines thorowout the Kingdome. [Greenwich 15 July 1638]
- 268 By the King. A Proclamation for restraining the importation of Lattin Wire into this Kingdome, and for support of that Manufacture here. [Oatlands 19 August 1638]
- 269 By the King. A Proclamation for suspending the time of healing the Disease called, The Kings Evill, untill Easter next. [Oatlands 2 September 1638]
- 270 By the King. A Proclamation for reforming sundry abuses in Manufactures of Silks and Stuffs of forrain Materials made here, or imported from forraign parts. [Bagshot 5 September 1638]
- 271 By the King. A Proclamation for the due Assizing of Bread. [Westminster 19 November 1638]
- 272 By the King. A Proclamation providing for the relief of Maimed, Shipwreckt, and other distressed Sea-men, their Widows, and Children. [Whitehall 25 November 1638]
- 273 By the King. A Proclamation for the well ordering Making and Selling of hard Sope in the Western Counties. [Whitehall 9 December 1638]
- 274 By the King. A Proclamation for the well ordering the Trade and Vent of Wines thorowout the Kingdome. [Whitehall 21 December 1638]
- 275 By the King. A Proclamation for the prizing of Wines. [Whitehall 11 January 1639]
- 276 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the repair of all Noblemen, Knights, Gentlemen, and others, unto their Houses and Lands in the Northern parts, by the first day of March next, and there to abide for the service and safegard of their Countrey. [Whitehall 29 January 1639]
- 277 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's pleasure touching an Office in London, for reformation of abuses in the Dying of Silks. [Westminster 7 February 1639]
- 278 By the King. A Proclamation for the well ordering the making of white Starch within the Realm, and for restraint of the Importation thereof from forreign parts. [Whitehall 9 February 1639]
- 279 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Tin, and to restrain the Importation thereof from forreign parts. [Westminster 19 February 1639]
- 280 By the King. A Proclamation and Declaration to inform Our loving Subjects of Our Kingdom of England of the seditious practices of some in Scotland, seeking to overthrow Our Regall Power under false pretences of Religion. [Whitehall 27 February 1639]
- 281 By the King. A Proclamation for restraint of disorders in Souldiers, prested, and to be prested for His Majesty's Service. [Whitehall 22 March 1639]
- 282 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Tobacco. [Whitehall 25 March 1639]
- 283 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's gratious pleasure touching sundry Grants, Licences, and Commissions, obtained upon untrue surmises. [York 9 April 1639]
- 284 By the King. A Proclamation for the better ordering the Transportation of Clothes, and other Woollen Manufactures, into Germany, and the Low-Countreys: And to restrain the transportation of Wooll, Woollfels, Woollen-Yarn, Fullers-Earth, and Tobacco-pipe Clay. [York 5 May 1639]
- 285 By the King. [A Proclamation directing that Butter be shipped to Northern Ports.] [Newcastle 9 May 1639]
- 286 By the King. [A Proclamation Declaring the King's Intention Toward the Scots.] [Newcastle 14 May 1639]
- 287 By the King. A Proclamation to restrain the Transportation of Butter out of this Realm. [Berwick 10 June 1639]
- 288 By the King. A Proclamation for the better Regulation of the Offices of Clark of the Market, and Water-Bailiffe; and to restrain the execution of the Charter of Brick and Tile-makers; And to redresse Abuses in the Farming out of the Issues of Jurors. [Berwick 7 July 1639]
- 289 By the King. A Proclamation to enhable the Transporting of Welsh Butter according to his Majesty's former licence. [Whitehall 4 August 1639]
- 290 By the King. A Proclamation publishing an Act of State, and His Majesty's command concerning a scandalous Paper lately dispersed amongst many of His Subjects. [Westminster 11 August 1639]
- 291 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's pleasure to continue His Commission, and Letters Patents for licensing Retailors of Tobacco. [Whitehall 19 August 1639]
- 292 By the King. A Proclamation for suspending the time of healing the Disease, called, The Kings Evill, untill Easter next.1 [Whitehall 24 September 1639]
- 293 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the making or wearing of Demicasters, and the using or mixing of any Wooll or Stuffe with Bever in the making of Bever-Hats. [Whitehall 14 December 1639]
- 294 By the King. A Proclamation to enable the transporting of Butter from the Northern parts, according to His Majesty's former Licence. [Whitehall 17 December 1639]
- 295 By the King. A Proclamation for the prizing of Wines. [Whitehall 17 January 1640]
- 296 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the due execution of the Laws made against eating and selling of Flesh, in Lent and other times prohibited. [Whitehall 6 February 1640]
- 297 By the King. A Proclamation against libellous and seditious Pamphlets, and Discourses sent from Scotland. [Whitehall 30 March 1640]
- 298 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the abuse of His Majesty's Royall Prerogative, in the levying of Debts. [Whitehall 30 March 1640]
- 299 By the King. [A Proclamation that the Members of Parliament take the Oaths.] [Westminster, 13 April 1640]
- 300 By the King. A Proclamation commanding all Deputie-Lieutenants, and Justices of Peace, to attend those places in their proper Counties: And that those that have houses and lands in the Northern parts, shall resort thither, and reside there with their Families. [Whitehall 14 May 1640]
- 301 By the King. A Proclamation for the repressing and punishing of the late Rebellious and Traiterous assemblies in Lambeth, Southwark, and other places adjoyning; and particularly for the apprehension of John Archer, George Seares, William Seltrum, and divers other Rebellious persons. [Whitehall 15 May 1640]
- 302 By the King. A Proclamation, commanding the due execution of the Laws made for setting the Poor on Work. [Whitehall 20 May 1640]
- 303 By the King. A Proclamation for a generall Fast to be solemnized thorowout this Realm of England. [Whitehall 7 June 1640]
- 304 By the King. [A Proclamation for] Officers to repair to their Charges. [Westminster 14 June 1640]
- 305 By the King. A Proclamation for apprehending and punishing of Souldiers prested for His Majesty's Service, who shall depart from their Commanders, or shall be Mutinous, or otherwise disorderly in their passage to the North. [Whitehall 1 July 1640]
- 306 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's gracious Pardon to such of the late Mutiners at Farringdon, as shall render themselves by the dayes herein limited: And for the apprehension, and due punishment of the principall Actors therein. [Whitehall 1 July 1640]
- 307 By the King. A Proclamation concerning Tin and Pewter. [Whitehall 24 July 1640]
- 308 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehending and due punishing of the late Mutiners at Wellington, in the County of Somerset. [Whitehall 24 July 1640]
- 309 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the sequestration of the Office of Post-master for forraign parts, and also of the LetterOffice of England, into the hands of Philip Burlamachi of London, Merchant. [Oatlands 6 August 1640]
- 310 By the King. A Proclamation declaring those of Scotland, who have entred, or shall enter this Kingdom in a Warlike manner, and their Adherents, to be Rebels and Traitours to His Majestie. [Whitehall 20 August 1640]
- 311 By the King. A Proclamation for the levying and payment of the ShipMoneys1 in Arreare. [Whitehall 20 August 1640]
- 312 By the King. A Proclamation to summon all such as hold of His Majestie by Grand Sergeanty, Escuage, or Knights Service, to do their Services against the Scots, according to their Tenures. [Whitehall 20 August 1640]
- 313 By the King. A Proclamation commanding all the Trained Bands and others on this side Trent,1 to be in readinesse with Horse and Arms, to serve His Majestie for defence of the Kingdome. [York 31 August 1640]
- 314 By the King. A Proclamation for a general Fast to be kept thorowout the Realm of England. [Whitehall 11 November 1640]
- 315 By the King. A Proclamation commanding Popish Recusants to repair to their own dwellings, and not afterwards to come to Court, or within ten miles of London, without speciall Licence: And for disarming of them, as the Law requireth. [Whitehall 11 November 1640]
- 316 By the King. A Proclamation for freedom of passage out of Ireland into England. [Whitehall 18 November 1640]
- 317 By the King. A Proclamation for putting the Lawes against Jesuites, Seminaries, and Popish Priests, in Execution. [Westminster 8 March 1641]
- 318 By the King. A Proclamation commanding Henry Percy, Esquire, Henry Jermyn, Esquire, Sir John Sucklyn, Knight, William Davenant, and Captain Billingsley, to render themselves within ten dayes. [Whitehall 8 May 1641]
- 319 By the King. A Proclamation for obedience to be given to His Majesty's Captain Generall, and Officers, in the Disbanding of His Majesty's Armie in the Northern parts. [Whitehall 28 June 1641]
- 320 By the King. A Proclamation for the speedy payment of the Monies assessed by Parliament for Disbanding the Armies. [Westminster 6 July 1641]
- 321 By the King. A Proclamation for the Peaceable and Quiet Passage of the Troopes of Horse to be Disbanded in the North Partes. [Whitehall 8 August 1641]
- 322 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the true payment of Tonnage and Poundage. [Whitehall 24 August 1641]
- 323 By the King. A Proclamation for the securing of the Peace and safety of His Majesty's Subjects, against Outrages and disorders by any that were Souldiers of His Majesty's Armie lately disbanded, or others taking upon them to be such, or living idlely, or out of any good course of life. [Whitehall 22 October 1641]
- 324 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the true payment of Tonnage and Poundage.1 [3 December 1941]
- 325 By the King. A Proclamation for obedience to the Lawes ordained for establishing of the true Religion in this Kingdom of England. [Whitehall 10 December 1641]
- 326 By the King. A Proclamation for the attendance of the Members in both Houses in Parliament. [Whitehall 12 December 1641]
- 327 By the King. [A Proclamation against Riotous Assemblies in London and Westminster.] [Whitehall 28 December 1641]
- 328 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehending of Mr Denzell Hollis, Sir Arthur Haslerigg, Mr John Pym, Mr John Hampden, Mr William Strode. [Whitehall 6 January 1642]
- 329 By the King. A Proclamation for a general fast thorowout this Realm of England. [Whitehall 8 January 1642]
- 330 By the King. A Proclamation for the prizing of Wines.1 [Windsor Castle 22 January 1642]
- 331 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the true payment of Tonnage and Poundage.1 [29 January 1642]
- 332 By the King. A Proclamation for putting the Laws against Popish Recusants in due execution. [Stanford 16 March 1642]
- 333 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the true payment of Tonnage and Poundage.1 [York 24 March 1642]
- 334 By the Kinge. A Proclamation concerninge the true payment of Tonnage and Poundage.1 [York 2 May 1642]
- 335 By the King. [A Proclamation summoning the Gentry to York.] [York 14 May 1642]
- 336 By the King. A Proclamation for Peace between the King of England and Portugal. [York 22 May 1642]
- 337 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding all His Majesty's Subjects belonging to the Trained Bands, or Militia of this Kingdom, to Rise, March, Muster, or Exercise, by Virtue of any Order or Ordinance of one, or both Houses of Parliament, without Consent or Warrant from His Majestie, upon pain of punishment, according to the Laws. [York 27 May 1642]
- 338 By the King. [A Proclamation summoning] Freeholders of Yorkshire to meet at Heworth Moor. [York 27 May 1642]
- 339 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding all Levies of Forces without His Majesty's expresse pleasure, signified under His Great Seale, and all Contributions or Assistance to any such Levies. [York 18 June 1642]
- 340 [By the King.] His Majesty's Proclamation for the more free passage of all His loving Subjects, and the free carriage and conveyance of their Horses, Provisions, or other Goods from any one place or part to another, within His Kingdom of England, and the Dominions thereof. [York 18 June 1642]
- 341 By the King. A Proclamation to informe all Our loving Subjects of the Lawfulnesse of Our Commissions of Array, issued into the severall Counties of Our Realm of England, and Dominion of Wales, and of the use of them: And commanding them to obey Our Commissioners therein named, in the Execution of their said Commissions. [York 20 June 1642]
- 342 By the King. A Proclamation against the forcible Seizing, or Removing any the Magazine or Ammunition of any County. And concerning the Execution of the Militia within this Kingdom. [York 4 July 1642]
- 343 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding all Releeving or succouring of the Town or County of Kingston upon Hulle against His Majestie. [York 4 July 1642]
- 344 By the King. [A Proclamation offering Pardon to all Officers and Soldiers in Hull.] [York 4 July 1642]
- 345 By the King. A Proclamation declaring Our purpose to go, in Our Royall Person, to Hull; And the true occasion and end thereof. [Beverley 8 July 1642]
- 346 By the King. A Proclamation for the suppressing of the present Rebellion, under the Command of Robert Earle of Essex; And the gracious offer of His Majesty's free pardon to him, and all such his Adherents, as shall within six dayes after the date hereof lay downe their Armes. [York 9 August 1642]
- 347 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's expresse Command, That no Popish Recusant, nor any other, who shall refuse to take the two Oathes of Allegiance and Supremacie, shall serve Him in His Army: And that the Souldiery commit no rapines upon the People, but be fitly provided of necessaries for their money. [York 10 August 1642]
- 348 By the King. A Proclamation by His Majestie, requiring the Aid and Assistance of all His Subjects on the Northside Trent, and within twenty Miles Southward thereof, for the suppressing of the Rebels, now marching against Him. [York 12 August 1642]
- 349 By the King. His Majesty's Proclamation for the Adjournment of part of Michaelmasse Term. [Shrewsbury 4 October 1642]
- 350 By the King. A Proclamation for the better Peace and quiet of Our County of Salop. [Bridgnorth 14 October 1642]
- 351 By the King. [A Proclamation of] his Majesty's offer of Pardon to the Rebells now in Arms against Him. [Edgehill 24 October 1642]1
- 352 By the King. [A Proclamation of Pardon.] [Woodstock 26 October 1642]
- 353 By the King. His Majesty's gratious Proclamation to the Cittyes of London and Westminster. [Aynhoe1 27 October 1642]
- 354 By the King. A Proclamation for the Free and safe Passage of all Persons, who shall desire to repaire to His Majestie, and of all Packets, and Letters sent by His Majesty's Ministers. [Oxford 1 November 1642]
- 355 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon, to the Inhabitants of His County of Berks. [Oxford 1 November 1642]
- 356 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon, to the Inhabitants of His County of Willts. [Oxford 2 November 1642]
- 357 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon, to the Inhabitants of His County of Oxon. [Oxford 3 November 1642]
- 358 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon, to the Inhabitants of His County of Glocester. [Oxford 3 November 1642]
- 359 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon, to the Inhabitants of His County of Sussex. [Reading 7 November 1642]
- 360 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His County of Kent. [Reading 8 November 1642]
- 361 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His County of Devon. [Maidenhead 9 November 1642]
- 362 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His County of His Citty of Exceter. [Maidenhead 9 November 1642]
- 363 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His County of Somersett. [Maidenhead 9 November 1642]
- 364 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to all Sea-men, Sailers, Marriners and other Water-men. [Maidenhead 10 November 1642]
- 365 By the King. [A Proclamation to further Adjourn Michaelmas Term.] [Oatlands 15 November 1642]
- 366 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His County of Dorsett. [Oatlands 16 November 1642]
- 367 By the King. A Proclamation for the better Government of His Majesty's Army, and for the preventing the Plundring, Spoyling, and Robbing of His Majesty's Subjects, under any Pretence whatsoever, upon paine of the Punishments herein Declared. [Reading 25 November 1642]
- 368 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His County of Southampton. [Reading 26 November 1642]
- 369 By the King. [A Proclamation calling for Horse in Oxfordshire.] [Oxford C.27 November 1642]
- 370 By the King. A Proclamation requiring all Officers and Souldiers of his Majesty's Army not to depart thence from their respective quarters without leave on payne of death. [Reading 28 November 1642]
- 371 [By the King.] [A Proclamation for the King's Service.] [Oxford 3 December 1642]
- 372 By the King. A Proclamation for the free and safe passage of all Clothes, Goods, Wares, and Merchandize to Our Citty of London. [Oxford 8 December 1642]
- 373 By the King. His Majesty's Proclamation to all the Inhabitants of His Counties of Oxford, North-Hampton, Buckingham, Middlesex, Surrey, Berks, South-Hampton, Wilts, Glocester, Worcester, Warwicke, Sussex, and Kent; Commanding them to give notice to the next Quarter of His Majesty's Army, of the Approach of any of the Rebells forces neere unto them. [Oxford 9 December 1642]
- 374 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His County of Chester. [Oxford 9 December 1642]
- 375 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His County of Lancaster. [Oxford 9 December 1642]
- 376 By the King. His Majesty's Proclamation concerning the bringing in of Armes to His Magazine in the Citty of Worcester. [Oxford 14 December 1642]
- 377 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the payment and receipt of Customes, and other Maritime Duties upon the late pretended Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament. [Oxford 16 December 1642]
- 378 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the payment and receipt of Tonnage and Poundage, and other impositions upon Merchandises, under colour of the late pretended Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament. [Oxford 16 December 1642]
- 379 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His County of Buckingham. [Oxford 24 December 1642]
- 380 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Adjourning of Part of Hilary Terme. [Oxford 27 December 1642]
- 381 By the King. His Majesty's Proclamation forbidding all His Loving Subjects of the Counties of Glocester, Somerset, and Wilts, to obey any Warrants of the Earle of Stanford, Sir Edward Bainton, or any others commanding them to appeare with Armes, without His Majesty's Expresse Consent. [Oxford 28 December 1642]
- 382 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the buying or disposing of any the lading of the Ship called the Sancta Clara, lately brought into South-Hampton. [Oxford 2 January 1643]
- 383 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting all Persons within this County of Oxford from buying or receiving Horse or Armes of any kind from any Souldiers of His Majesty's Army, with a Command for bringing in of all such as have been Sold, Pawned, Left, or Lost by any Souldier. [Oxford 5 January 1643]
- 384 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His County of Hertford. [Oxford 7 January 1643]
- 385 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His County of Essex. [Oxford 9 January 1643]
- 386 By the King. A Proclamation requiring all His Majesty's Tenants within the Counties of Oxford and Berks to pay their severall Rents, and other yearely payments, at the Citty of Oxford. [Oxford 11 January 1643]
- 387 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His County of Lincolne, and of His Citty of Lincolne, and County of the same Citty. [Oxford 12 January 1643]
- 388 By the King. [A Proclamation] To Our trusty and welbeloved Our Colonells, Lieutenant Colonells, Serjeant-Majors, Captains, and all other Our Officers of Our Army. [Oxford 12 January 1643]
- 389 By the King. A Proclamation for the ease of the Citty of Oxford, and Suburbs, and of the County of Oxford, of unnecessary Persons lodging or abiding there. [Oxford 17 January 1643]
- 390 By the Kinge. A Proclamation Comaunding all officers and souldiers of his Majesty's Army both of horse and foote imediately to repaire unto and reside constantly in theire severall quarters. [Oxford 22 January 1643]
- 391 By the King. A Proclamation for the Payment of His Majesty's Rents, and Revenues into His Receipt of His Exchequer, at His Citty of Oxford. [Oxford 8 February 1643]
- 392 By the King. A Proclamation for the free and safe resort to the Markets of the Town of Cyrencester in the County of Glocester, and for the Indempnity and safety of His Majesty's Subjects of that County. [Oxford 10 February 1643]
- 393 By the King. A Proclamation for the strict Observance, and Execution of the Lawes, and Statutes made against Carrying, or Sending of Gold, or Silver, out of the Kingdom. [Oxford 10 February 1643]
- 394 By the King. A Proclamation for the safety of His Majesty's Navy, and the Kingdome. [Oxford 10 February 1643]
- 395 By the King. A Proclamation for the better meanes of making Provision for the Kings Army. [Oxford 14 February 1643]
- 396 By the King. His Majesty's Proclamation forbidding all His loving Subjects of the Counties of Kent, Surry, Sussex, and Hampshire, to raise any Forces without His Majesty's Consent, or to enter into any Association or Protestation for the Assistance of the Rebellion against His Majesty. [Oxford 16 February 1643]
- 397 By the King.* A Proclamation for the speedy payment of all such summes of Money as are due to His Majesty for Customes, or other Duties upon Merchandize, into His Majesty's Receipt at His Citty of Oxford. [Oxford 23 February 1643]
- 398 By the King. A Proclamation for the better Government of the County of Glocester, and for the Security of His Majesty's good Subjects there. [Oxford 3 March 1643]
- 399 By the King. A Proclamation concerning His Majesty's Navy. [Oxford 6 March 1643]
- 400 By the King. A Proclamation offering His Majesty's Gratious Pardon to all Officers, Gunners, Armourers, Gunsmiths, Carpenters, Wheelewrights, and other Artificers belonging to the Office of the Ordinance, and requiring their attendance at Oxford, before the Eighteenth day of this instant March. [Oxford 7 March 1643]
- 401 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding all Assessing, Collecting, and Paying of the Twentieth Part, and of all Weekly Taxes by Colour of Orders or Ordinances, And all entring into Protestations and Associations against His Majesty. [Oxford 8 March 1643]
- 402 By the King. A Proclamation against the spoyling and loosing of Armes by the Souldiers of His Majesty's Army, for the keeping of them fixt, and bringing all Armes hereafter into His Majesty's Magazines. [Oxford 10 March 1643]
- 403 By the King. His Majesty's Proclamation on the behalfe of Sir Ralph Hopton and his proceedings in the Counties of Cornewall and Devon, by virtue of His Majesty's Commission. [Oxford 13 March 1643]
- 404 By the King. A Proclamation for preventing the Plundring, Spoyling, or Robbing of any His Majesty's Subjects, and for restraining of stragling and Idle People from following the Army, as likewise for supplying His Majesty's Army with necessary provisions during their March. [Oxford 17 March 1643]
- 405 By the King. A Proclamation for the better government of the County of Worcester, and for the Security of His Majesty's good Subjects there. [Oxford 17 March 1643]
- 406 By the King. A Proclamation Comaunding all Persons Whatsoever in this our Citty of Oxford that have any musquetts in theire Custody to bringe them into his Majesty's Magazine at New College by twelve of the Clocke this instant Day. [Oxford 21 March 1643]
- 407 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's Grace, Favour, and Pardon to the Inhabitants of His Counties of Stafford and Derby. [Oxford 25 March 1643]*
- 408 By the King. A Proclamation for the better preserving of the Corne and Grasse about the City of Oxford, and other places where the Kings Army is, or shall be Quartered. [Oxford 31 March 1643]
- 409 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Adjournement of part of Easter Terme, and His Majesty's proceedings concerning Wardships and Lyveries. [Oxford 1 April 1643]
- 410 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting the assessing collecting or paying any Weekly Taxes, and Seizing or Sequestring the Rents or Estates of Our good Subjects, by colour of any Orders or pretended Ordinances of one or both Houses of Parliament. [Oxford 7 April 1643]
- 411 By the King. [A Proclamation of] His Majesty's gratious offer of Pardon to the Rebells now in Armes against Him, under the Command of Robert Earle of Essex. [Oxford 18 April 1643]
- 412 By the King. A Proclamation Commandinge the Inhabitants of the City of Oxford to bringe in all theire Armes to the Magasine in New College. [Oxford 22 April 1643]
- 413 By the King. A Proclamation of His Majesty's gratious Resolution for the reliefe of all such Souldiers as are or shall be maymed in His Majesty's Service. [Oxford 2 May 1643]
- 414 Charles R. [A Proclamation of] Collection for Wounded Souldiers. [Oxford 7 May 1643]
- 415 By the King. His Majesty's Proclamation and Declaration concerning a Clause in one of the late Articles at Reading. [Oxford 12 May 1643]
- 416 By the King. A Proclamation against the Oppression of the Clergy by the Intrusion of Factious and Schismaticall Persons into their Cures, and inverting and detaining their Tithes and possessions by Orders of one or both Houses of Parliament, contrary to all Law and Justice. [Oxford 15 May 1643]
- 417 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Adjournement of part of Trinity Terme. [Oxford 19 May 1643]
- 418 By the King. A Proclamation for the redresse of certaine Grievances complained of by the Inhabitants of the County of Oxford. [Oxford 3 June 1643]
- 419 By the King. A Proclamation concerning some illegall Warrants lately issued into severall places in Our Counties of Buckingham and Bedford, and other Counties, under the name of the Earle of Essex, or by his pretended Authority. [Oxford 7 June 1643]
- 420 Charles R. [A Proclamation of] The Kings Majesty's speciall direction concerning the finishing of the Fortifications, in and about the City of Oxford. [Oxford 8 June 1643]
- 421 By the King. A Proclamation Comaunding all Officers and Souldiers to repaire to theire quarters uppon payne of Death. [Oxford 8 June 1643]
- 422 By the King. A Proclamation against wast and excesse in Apparell. [Oxford 9 June 1643]
- 423 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the Brewing of Beere and Ale within the Quarters of the Kings Army. [Oxford 12 June 1643]
- 424 By the King. A Proclamation for the inhibiting all manner of Oathes, other Abuses and Prophanations by any of His Majesty's Army, As likewise strictly Commanding the due and constant frequenting of the Service of God, by all the Officers and Souldiers of the same. [Oxford 13 June 1643]
- 425 By the King. A Proclamation warning all His Majesty's good Subjects no longer to be misled by the Votes, Orders, and pretended Ordinances of one or both Houses, by reason the Members do not injoy the Freedom and Liberty of Parliament, with His Majesty's gracious Offer of Pardon to the Members of both Houses, and of Protection to such of them as shall repaire to Him. [Oxford 20 June 1643]
- 426 By the King. His Majesty's Proclamation forbidding the Tendring or Taking of the late Vow or Covenant, devised by some Members of both Houses to engage His Majesty's good Subjects in the maintenance of this odious Rebellion. [Oxford 21 June 1643]
- 427 By the King. A Proclamation inhibiting the Assembly of any Divines, or others, by colour of a pretended Ordinance of the Lords and Commons of the Twelfth of June last past, or any Proceedings thereupon. [Oxford 22 June 1643]
- 428 By the King. A Proclamation requireinge the speedy finishinge the Workes about the Citty of Oxford, and directinge the Maner of receiveinge Money to performe the same. [Oxford 28 June 1643]
- 429 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting all persons to obey the ordinances* of Parliament. [c.30 June 1643]
- 430 [By the King.] [A Proclamation prohibiting Rebellion.] [1 July 1643]
- 431 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's Grace to the Mariners and Sea-men. [Oxford 7 July 1643]
- 432 By the King. A Proclamation for the reliefe of the Poor sick and maymed Souldiers of His Majesty's Army. [Oxford 7 July 1643]
- 433 By the King. A Proclamation for Soldiers to repayre to their proper Colours. [Oxford 11 July 1643]
- 434 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting from henceforth all entercourse of Trade between Our Citty of London and other parts of this Our Kingdom, untill other direction given by Us. [Oxford 17 July 1643]
- 435 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding any of His Majesty's Subjects to assist the Rebells with Men, Mony, Armes, Victualls, or Intelligence, to stop any His Majesty's Messengers, or Pacqets, or to offer violence to any His Majesty's Souldiers. [Oxford 18 July 1643]
- 436 By the King. A Proclamation Commandinge all officers and souldiers to repaire to theire respective Commands. [Oxford 18 July 1643]
- 437 By the King. A Proclamation declaring his majesty's gracious pardon to the subjects and inhabitants of the isle of Jersey. [Oxford 18 July 1643]
- 438 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the Fortifications about the Citty of Oxford. [Oxford 21 July 1643]
- 439 By the King. A Proclamation Inhibitinge any Officers of his Majesty's Armye to send any warrants for any Contribution by theire own Authority nor to send for any Contribution without expressinge by whose Warrants they are authorized to doe the same uppon payne of death. [Bristol 6 Aug 1643]
- 440 Charles R By the Kinge. A Proclamation Commanding all the Souldiers of his Majesty's Army not to molest, robb, or spoyle any people bringing victualls of any kinde to the Campe before Glocester upon payne of death. [Paynewicke 10 August 1643]
- 441 By the Kinge. A Proclamation against Plundering. [12 August 1643]
- 442 By the Kinge. A Proclamation Prohibitinge undue Warrants for any provision of Victualls for his Majesty's Army. [14 August 1643]
- 443 By the Kinge. A Proclamation Commanding all the Officers and Souldiers of his Majesty's Army to repayre to their respective Quarters. [Oxford 30 August 1643]
- 444 By the King. A Proclamation forbidding all the Tenants or Debtors of such who are in actuall and open Rebellion, or who adhere to, or assist the Rebells, to pay any Rents or Debts to such Persons or any of them. [Oxford 25 September 1643]
- 445 By the King. THE Agreements made Between His Majesty and the Knights, Gentlemen, Free-holders, and Inhabitants of the County of Oxford, for the better Provision and Ordering of His Majesty's Army … And His Royal Proclamation commanding the due observation thereof in all Parts. [Oxford 27 September 1643]
- 446 By the King. A Proclamation for the Adjournment of part of Michaelmas Terme. [Oxford 5 October 1643]
- 447 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Lodgers in the University and City of Oxford. [Oxford 5 October 1643]
- 448 By the King. A Proclamation for a General Fast to be held throughout this Kingdom on the second Friday in every Month. [Oxford 5 October 1643]
- 449 By the King. His Majesty's Proclamation forbidding the tendering or taking of a late Covenant, called, A solemne League and Covenant for Reformation, &c. [Oxford 9 October 1643]
- 450 By the King. A Proclamation to Declare, that the Procez of Green Waxe may be sealed at Oxford as well as at London, for the Courts of Kings-Bench, Common-Pleas and Exchequer, during these times of this unhappy distraction. [Oxford 12 October 1643]
- 451 By the King. A Proclamation Declaring certain Monies coyned in the Kingdome of Ireland to be currant in this Kingdome. [Oxford 13 October 1643]
- 452 By the King. A Proclamation to restrain all Trade or Commerce with the City of London, and some other Cities and Towns now in Actuall Rebellion. [Oxford 17 October 1643]
- 453 By the King. The Agreements made between His Majesty and the Knights, Gentlemen, Freeholders, and Inhabitants of the County of Berks for the better provision and ordering of His Majestie's Army, and a Declaration of His Majesty's gratious acceptance thereof, and His Royal Proclamation commanding the due observance thereof in all parts. [Oxford 17 October 1643]
- 454 By the King. A Proclamation Commanding the Muster Master Generall to take exact and true Musters, and directing the manner thereof, with his Majesty's declaration of paying his Army for their better Encouragement. [Oxford 11 November 1643]
- 455 By the King. A Proclamation concerning the due and orderly proceedings in the Court of Wards and Liveries. [Oxford 11 November 1643]
- 456 By the King. A Proclamation for the Venting and Transporting of the Cloth and Wollen Manufactures of this Kingdome. [Oxford 21 November 1643]
- 457 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Counterfeit Great Seale, Ordered by the two pretended Houses of Parliament to be put in use. [Oxford 24 November 1643]
- 458 By the King. A Proclamation to give Assurance unto all His Majesty's Subjects in the Islands and Continent of America, of His Majesty's Royall Care over them, and to preserve them in their due Obedience. [Oxford 24 November 1643]
- 459 By the King. A Proclamation for Muster Masters. [Oxford 27 November 1643]
- 460 By the King. A Proclamation Commaundinge all officers of the Army, under the Ld. Hopton to repaire to theire Collors uppon payne of death. [Oxford 29 November 1643]
- 461 By the King. A Proclamation for the apprehending and punishing all stragling Souldiers, for the greater security of His Majesty's good Subjects. [Oxford 1 December 1643]
- 462 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting Free-Quarter, or taking any Provisions in the Counties of Oxford, Berks, and Wilts, without paying upon paine of death. [Oxford 1 December 1643]
- 463 By the King. The Agreements made between His Majesty and the Knights, Gentlemen, Free-holders, and Inhabitants of the County of of Wilts, for the better Provision and Ordering of His Majesty's Army … and His Royall Proclamation commanding the due observation thereof in all Parts. [Oxford 1 December 1643]
- 464 By the King. A Proclamation commanding all Debts, Rents, and Mony whatsoever, owing unto Persons that are in Rebellion against His Majesty, or residing in places where Garrisons are kept without Commission from His Majesty, to be brought into His Majesty's Receipt at Oxford. [Oxford 10 December 1643]
- 465 By the King. A Proclamation for the Assembling the Members of both Houses at Oxford, upon occasion of the Invasion by the Scots. [Oxford 22 December 1643]
- 466 By the King. The Agreements made between His Majesty and the Gentlemen and Other the Free-holders of Berkley division in the County of Glocester, for the better Provision and Ordering of His Majesty's Forces … And His Royal Proclamation commanding the due observation thereof in all Parts. Printed by His Majesty's Command at Oxford, Decemb. 29. By Leonard Lichfield, Printer to the University. 1643. [Oxford 26 December 1643]
- 467 By the King. A Proclamation for the removing of the Courts of KingsBench and of the Exchequer, from Westminster to Oxford. [Oxford 1 January 1644]
- 468 By the King. A Proclamation for the discovery of Rebells invading the County of Glocester, and for the apprehending of Spies and Intelligencers. [Oxford 14 January 1644]
- 469 By the King. A Proclamation touching the new Seale of the Court of Wards and Liveries, and the proceedings of that Court. [Oxford 15 January 1644]
- 470 By the King. A Proclamation for the speedy clearing of Lodgings for Accommodation of the Members of both Houses, summoned to assemble in Oxford, the Two and twentieth day of this instant Month of January. [Oxford 15 January 1644]
- 471 By the King. A Proclamation Commanding the due observation of the Desires of the Commissioners for the Contribution of the County of Oxford, and for punishing all stragling Souldiers and others, Robbing, and Plundering the Country. [Oxford 14 February 1644]
- 472 By the King. A Proclamation for the Reliefe of His Majesty's Army, and good Subjects in Ireland, with Corne and other Victuall. [Oxford 28 February 1644]
- 473 By the Kinge. A Proclamation Commandinge all officers of the Army not members of either house or of the Garrison forthwith to depart the Citty. [Oxford 28 February 1644]
- 474 By the King. A Proclamation for making of severall pieces of Forreigne Coyne to be Currant in this Kingdome, for the furtherance of the Trade thereof. [Oxford 4 March 1644]
- 475 By the King. A Proclamation Comaunding all Officers and Souldiers (besides those of the Garrison) forthwith to repaire to theire Collours on payne of death. [Oxford 4 March 1644]
- 476 By the King. A Proclamation for the security and Protection of the Possessors of Delinquents Lands, in the County of Wilts, who have, or shall become his Majesty's Tenants. [Oxford 5 March 1644]
- 477 By the King. A Proclamation for the reliefe of His Majesty's Army and good Subjects in Ireland with Corne and other Victualls and Necessaries.1 [Oxford 7 March 1644]
- 478 By the King. A Proclamation for the security and Protection of the Possessors of Delinquents Lands in the County of Southampton, who have, or shall become His Majesty's Tenants. [Oxford 12 March 1644]
- 479 By the Kinge. A Proclamation for markeing all Armes in his Majesty's Army, and such as shalbee delivered out of his Magasines. [Oxford 13 March 1644]
- 480 By the King. THE Agreements made between His Majesty and the Knights, Gentlemen, Free-holders, and Inhabitants of the County of Southampton, for the better Provision and Ordering of His Majesty's Army … and His Royall Proclamation commanding the due observation thereof in all Parts. [Oxford 18 March 1644]
- 481 By the King. A Proclamation commanding all His Majesty's Subjects and Servants that have any Office, Place, or Fee, of His Guift or Grant, forthwith to give their attendance upon His Person. [Oxford 22 March 1644]
- 482 By the King. A Proclamation for the better Recruiting of His Majesty's Army. [Oxford 24 March 1644]
- 483 By the King. A Proclamation Commanding all Officers and Souldiers of His Majesty's Armies, not to interrupt the driving or sale of Cattle out of Wales, or the Marches thereof, into any parts within His Majesty's Quarters. [Oxford 28 March 1644]
- 484 By the King. A Proclamation for the further restraint of Prophane Swearing and Cursing, and the better observing of Prayer and Preaching in His Majesty's Armies, and the City of Oxford, and in all other parts of the Kingdome. [Oxford 8 April 1644]
- 485 By the King. A Proclamation for the Vent of Cloth, and Woollen Manufactures of this Kingdome. [Oxford 9 April 1644]
- 486 By the King. A Proclamation for the better Preservation of the Countrey and the Garrison at Oxford, and securing of their Corne, and other provisions of Victuals, and food for Men and Horse. [Oxford 15 April 1644]
- 487 By the King. A Proclamation Commanding all Persons resident in this City to furnish themselves with victuals for 3 Months
- 488 By the King. A Proclamation for the Effectuall and speedy payment of the moneys taxed for finishinge the fortifications. [Oxford 19 April 1644]
- 489 By the King. A Proclamation touching the Excise* layd by the Advice of the Lords and Commons of Parliament Assembled at Oxford. [Oxford 24 April 1644]
- 490 By the King. A Proclamation for the better defence of the Kings Royall Person, and of the University and City of Oxford. [Oxford 28 April 1644]
- 491 By the King. A Proclamation for the Bringeinge in of Arms into his Majesty's Magazine. [Oxford ?30 April 1644]
- 492 By the King. A Proclamation Commanding the due Execution and Observance of certaine Orders lately Published concerning Contributions. [Oxford 8 May 1644]
- 493 By the King. A Proclamation for taking of Prizes at Sea in the Time of this Rebellion. [Oxford 9 May 1644]
- 494 By the King. A Proclamation directing the manner of paying the Arreares of Contribution of this County of Oxford. [Oxford 14 May 1644]
- 495 By the King. A Proclamation for the better Defence of the Kings Royall Person, and of this Universitie and City. [Oxford 24 May 1644]
- 496 By the King. A Proclamation requiringe an Accompt of what Corne hath been brought into this Citty for the victuallinge thereof. [Oxford 24 May 1644]
- 497 By the King. A Proclamation requireinge an Accompt of Corne brought in for the victuallinge the Citty. [Oxford 24 May 1644]
- 498 By the King. A Proclamation Comaundinge all persons not already listed to put themselves and horses under the Command of the Earle of Peterborough. [Oxford 30 May 1644]
- 499 By the King. A Proclamation Inhibitinge any Townsman or other person to passe Muster in His Majesty's Army uppon payne of death. [Oxford 21 June 1644]
- 500 By the King. A Proclamation for the more regular takinge of Victualls for the supply of his Majesty's Army. [Oxford July–August (?) 1644]
- 501 By the King. A Proclamation Commanding all Persons whatsoever in the Army to list* themselves and March in some Troope or Company on payne of Death. [The Field 9 August 1644]
- 502 By the King. A Proclamation to prorogue the Assembly of the Lords and Commons of Parliament at Oxford, untill the Ninth day of November next. [Exeter 21 September 1644]
- 503 By the King. A Proclamation declaring His Majesty's Resolution for settling a speedy Peace by a good Accommodation, and an Invitation to all His Loyall Subjects to joyne together for His Assistance therein. [Chard 30 September 1644]
- 504 CHARLES R. [A Proclamation Ordering All Fit Persons to Enlist.] [Oxford 5 November 1644]
- 505 By the King. A Proclamation Commandinge all Straglinge horse to repaire to the horse Quarters of the Army. [Farringdon 22 November 1644]
- 506 By the King. A Proclamation for repealing and making voyd of all Letters of Marque or Reprisall, and Commissions of that nature, granted before the first of July, in the 18th year of His Majesty's Raigne. [Oxford 19 December 1644]
- 507 By the King. A Proclamation for all Officers & Souldiers to repaire to their Commands & Regiments. [Oxford December 1644]
- 508 Charles R. A Proclamation for the better secureinge of the Markets at Oxford, and the safe passage of Travellers unto and from that Citty. [Oxford 18 January 1645]
- 509 By the King. A Proclamation for a solemne Fast on Wednesday the Fifth of February next, upon occasion of the present Treaty for Peace. [Oxford 27 January 1645]
- 510 By the King. A Proclamation for the regulating of His Majesty's Souldiers in the Associated Counties of Salop, Worcester, Hereford, and Stafford, and Cities of Worcester, Hereford, and Lichfield. [Oxford 26 February 1645]
- 511 [By the King.] [A Proclamation to All Sea-men and Mariners.] [Oxford 5 March 1645]
- 512 By the King. A Proclamation prohibiting any Officer or Souldier of his Majesty's Armyes, or any other person whatsoever to hinder or stopp the comming of any manner of Provision to this Garrison of Oxford upon payne of Death. [Oxford 10 March 1645]
- 513 By the King. A Proclamation requiring all such as have any Office or Command in Ireland, to make theire speedy repaire thither to attend their Imployments. [Oxford 17 March 1645]
- 514 By the King. A Proclamation for the speedy calling in of all Sheriffes, Escheators, Receivers, Fee-Farmers, Farmers of Recusants Lands, and all other Tenants who hold of the King in Capite by Knights-Service, To pay His Majesty's Duties at His Exchequer at Oxford. [Oxford 25 March 1645]
- 515 By the King. A Proclamation of Grace and Pardon to all such as shall returne to their Obedience, and submit to, and seek His Majesty's mercy before the end of May next. [Oxford 19 April 1645]
- 516 By the King. A Proclamation for the Raiseinge of Auxiliaries in the County of Hereford according to the Comissions Granted for the same. [Oxford 30 June 1645]
- 517 By the King. A Proclamation of grace and pardon to all such of the Countye of Yorke and Countye and Citty of Yorke as shall submitt to his Majesty's mercy, and returne to theire Allegiance. [Welbeck 17 August 1645]
- 518 By the King. A Proclamation commanding the use of the Book of Common-Prayer according to Law, notwithstanding the pretended Ordinances for the New Directory. [Oxford 13 November 1645]
- 519 By the King. A Proclamation for preventing of Disorders in the Nighttime, in the Garrison of Oxford. [Oxford 3 February 1646]
- Close section End Matter