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Age of Greek 700 BC - 211 BC
Age of Latin 210 BC - 700 AD
Medieval 701 AD - 1484
Renaissance 1485 - 1602
Early seventeenth century 1603 - 1660
Restoration 1661 - 1700
Eighteenth century 1701 - 1788
Romantics 1789 - 1836
Nineteenth century 1837 - 1901
Byron, George
Burke, Edmund
Wanley, Humfrey
Hopkins, Gerard Manley
Shakespeare, William
Dryden, John
Dickens, Charles
Congreve, William
Timrod, Henry
Wordsworth, William
Montagu, Mary Wortley
Bentham, Jeremy
Boyle, Robert
De Quincey, Thomas
Pater, Walter
Fielding, Henry
Middleton, Thomas
Bunyan, John
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Gay, John
Newman, John Henry
Stephen, James Fitzjames
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Clare, John
Behn, Aphra
Hardy, Thomas
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Locke, John
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Grey, Arthur
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Donne, John
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Symons, Arthur
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Otway, Thomas
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Reid, Thomas
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Johnson, Samuel
Ford, John
Marlowe, Christopher
Massinger, Philip
Hume, David
Smollett, Tobias
Churchill, Charles
Hoccleve, Thomas
Lodwick, Francis
Sidney, Philip
Deloney, Thomas
Vaughan, Thomas
Caxton, William
Spenser, Edmund
Boswell, James
Farquhar, George
Barnes, William
Andrewes, Lancelot
Gregory VII
Synge, J. M.
Waller, Edmund
Smart, Christopher
Smith, Adam
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Gray, Thomas
Thomson, James
Lydgate, John
Dekker, Thomas
Davies, John
Southerne, Thomas
Campion, Thomas
Fanshawe, Richard
Brontë, Charlotte
Herbert, George
Vaughan, Henry
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Addison, Joseph
Edgeworth, Maria
Stanley, Thomas
Brome, Alexander
Graham, James
Marvell, Andrew
Davenant, William
Fletcher, John
Southwell, Robert
Eliot, George
Shirley, James
Steele, Richard
Greene, Robert
Skelton, John
Crashaw, Richard
Kyd, Thomas
Malory, Thomas
Rowley, William
Lillo, George
Jordan, Thomas
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Browne, Thomas
Paman, Clement
Jonson, Ben
Sterne, Laurence
Herrick, Robert
Strode, William
Gladstone, William Ewart
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Chatterton, Thomas
Wilmot, John
Lyly, John
Macpherson, James
Beaumont, Francis
Wroth, Mary
Randolph, Thomas
Oldham, John
Clough, Arthur Hugh
Wordsworth, Dorothy
Cartwright, William
William of Malmesbury
Byrhtferth of Ramsey
Grosseteste, Robert
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
Suckling, John
Dunbar, William
Barrie, J. M.
Butler, Samuel
King, Henry
Coleridge, Sara
Hannay, Patrick
Leapor, Mary
Villiers, George
Charles I
Dalgarno, George
Rossetti, William Michael
Wake, William
Carlyle, Thomas
Walpole, Horace
Pepys, Samuel
Munday, Anthony
Wycherley, William
Chapman, George
Heywood, Thomas
Nedham, Marchamont
Denham, John
Cavendish, Margaret
Lovelace, Richard
Hutchinson, Lucy
Collins, William
Henryson, Robert
Pinero, Arthur Wing
Habington, William
Davidson, John
Kynaston, Francis
Heath, Robert
Cary, Patrick
Herbert, Henry
Herbert, Edward
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Macdonald, Iaim Lom
Chortatsis, Georgios
Cunningham, Waddell
Greg, Thomas
Halley, Edmond
Blake, William
James, Henry
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Meredith, George
Cavendish, William
Opie, Amelia Alderson
Peele, George
Traherne, Thomas
Gascoigne, George
Carew, Thomas
Felltham, Owen
Field, Nathan
Benlowes, Edward
Smith, Albert
Wills, William Henry
Osborne, Dorothy
Stevenson, Matthew
Chalkhill, John
Fisher, John
Guicciardini, Francesco
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Bacon, Roger
Eadmer of Canterbury
Fane, Mildmay
Cooper, Anthony Ashley
Julian of Norwich
Cromwell, Oliver
Temple, William
Manning, Henry Edward
Turner, Joseph Mallord William
Briggs, Samson
Trapnel, Anna
Llwyd, Morgan
Valerius Flaccus
Symson, Joseph
Copleston, Edward
Whittier, John Greenleaf
Morris, Jane
Tallemant, Paul
Lesage, Alain-René
Very, Jones
Hardy, Florence
Bierce, Ambrose
Walwyn, William
Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin
Stirling, Edward
Itier, Bernard
Walter of Châtillon
Herman the Archdeacon
Shepherd, Mary
Kenrick, Samuel
of Longchamp, Nigel
Pope, Alexander
Tennyson, Alfred
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Trollope, Anthony
Hazlitt, William
Arnold, Matthew
Wither, George
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward
Nashe, Thomas
L'Estrange, Roger
Webster, John
Taylor, John
Keble, John
Brontë, Emily
Thrale, Hester Lynch
Young, Edward
Lewes, George Henry
Drayton, Michael
Herbert, Mary Sidney
Collins, Wilkie
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
Pugin, A. W. N.
Urquhart, Thomas Cromarty
Gerald of Wales
Josselin, Ralph
Townshend, Aurelian
Lemon, Mark
Brontë, Anne
Hutton, Richard Holt
Wilkins, George
Forster, John
Henry of Huntingdon
Spence, Joseph
Barbauld, Anna Letitia
Coleridge, Hartley
Corbett, Richard
Johnson, Richard
Brontë, Branwell
Gervase of Tilbury
Lluelyn, Martin
Gawain-Poet, The
Hall, John
Chamberlayne, William
Beaumont, Joseph
Philipot, Thomas
Collop, John
Burney, Sarah Harriet
Ayres, Philip
Sharp, Robert
Wulfstan Cantor
Bosworth, William
Baxter, Richard
Greville, Fulke
Descartes, René
Taylor, Jeremy
Stuart, Elizabeth
Schopenhauer, Arthur
Usk, Adam
Wyclif, John
Thomas of Marlborough
Orderic Vitalis
Butler, Joseph
Hyde, Edward
Abelard, Peter
Fairfax, Edward
Harington, John
Tasso, Torquato
Wotton, Henry
Roe, Thomas
Polwhele, John
Townly, Zouch
Roe, John
Cary, Lucius
Phillips, Susanna Elizabeth
Jeake, Samuel
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Mandeville, Bernard
Sheridan, Thomas
Johnson, Joseph
Mackenzie, Murdo
Rousseau , Jean-Baptiste
Varro, Marcus Terentius
Silius Italicus
Millar, Andrew
Best, Henry
Jeffreys, Joyce
Dufresnoy, Charles Alphonse
Young, Hamilton
Nussey, Ellen
Browning, Robert
Simeon, Charles
Le Bovier de Fontenelle, Bernard
Walkley, A. B.
Purbrick, Edward J.
Alcott, Louisa May
Trevisa, John
Albertus Magnus
Rodolfus Glaber
Nicholas of Clairvaux
Stephens, William
Reginald of Durham
Papin, Denis
Nolle, Heinrich
Leonardo da Vinci
Burchard of Mount Sion
Wodrow, James
Gentili, Alberico
Selder, Heinrich
Disraeli, Benjamin
St. John, Henry
Defoe, Daniel
Stephen, Leslie
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Swinburne, Algernon Charles
Daniel, Samuel
Godwin, William
Peacock, Thomas Love
Langland, William
Howard, Henry
Gower, John
Martineau, Harriet
Wyatt, Thomas
Gilbert, W. S.
Prior, Matthew
Walton, Izaak
Brome, Richard
Smith, Sydney
Lodge, Thomas
Kingsley, Charles
Quarles, Francis
Evelyn, John
Drummond, William
Mason, William
Rossetti, Christina
Burton, Robert
Marston, John
Lee, Nathaniel
Philips, Katherine
Harrison, Frederic
Churchyard, Thomas
Map, Walter
Arbuthnot, John
Smith, Alexander
D'Urfey, Thomas
More, Henry
Sidney, Robert
Boucicault, Dion
Owen, Wilfred Edward Salter
Sims, George Robert
Fielding, Sarah
Cary, Elizabeth
Marmion, Shackerley
Chettle, Henry
Jones, Henry Arthur
Morys, Huw
Hollingshead, John
Parker, Martin
Finch, Anne
Barbour, John
Taylor, Tom
Horne, Richard Hengist
Temple, William Johnson
Davies, John
Ritchie, Anne Isabella
Carey, Henry
Cokayne, Aston
Weever, John
Mandeville, John
À Beckett, Gilbert Abbott
Fitzball, Edward
Thomas, (Philip) Edward
Moncrieff, W. T.
Brooks, Charles William Shirley
Wheatley, Phillis
Daniel, George
Godolphin, Sidney
Coyne, Joseph Stirling
MÀiri, nighean Alasdair Ruaidh
Mannyng, Robert
Cocks, Richard
Douglas, Alfred
Fowler, William
Duke, Richard
Cannon, John
Bancroft, Thomas
Hamilton, Edward Walter
Barker, Jane
Warner, William
Chudleigh, Mary
Parrot, Henry
Knevet, Ralph
Hoadly, John
Holland, Hugh
Sheppard, Samuel
Turner, Thomas
William of Poitiers
Gaimar, Geffrei
Oldisworth, Nicholas
Lewis, David
Smith, Alexander
Egerton, Elizabeth
Guildford, Nicholas of
Fane, Francis
Salusbury, Thomas
Scogan, Henry
Roos, Richard
Albery, James
Feirité ar, Piaras
Soane, George
Digges, Leonard
Whiting, Nathaniel
Jevon, Rachel
Shipman, Thomas
Gould, Robert
Murdoch, John
Hammond, William
Conway, Anne
Wesley, Charles
Cooper, Anthony Ashley
Nichols, John
Malebranche, Nicolas
Gassendi, Pierre
Hooker, Richard
Ignatius of Loyola
Charles II
James VI and I
Cobden, Richard
Mill, John Stuart
Green, T. H.
Burney, Charles
Tone, Theobald Wolfe
Marsh, Adam
Guy d'Amiens
John of Worcester
Knighton, Henry
Becket, Thomas
Walsingham, Thomas
Peter of Celle
Symeon of Durham
Albert of Aachen
Fulbert of Chartres
Sidgwick, Henry
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Richard fitz Nigel
William of Jumièges
Salluste Du Bartas, Guillaume de
Flatman, Thomas
Barker, John
Star, Thomas
Jones, Inigo
Gifford, George
Garnier, Robert
Dudley, Robert
Cecil, William
Devereux, Robert
Hall, Hugh Gaston
Bruno, Henricus
Sorbière, Samuel
Mersenne, Marin
Martel, Thomas de
Cornaro, Luigi
Truchsess von Waldburg, Gebhard
Traherne, Philip
Strachey, William
Bolton, Edmund Mary
Digges, Dudley
Cooke, John
Scory, Edmund
George, Lucy
Heyward, Edward
James, Richard
C., I.
Goodwin, R.
Gill, Alexander
Hodgson, William
Anton, Robert
Holyday, Barton
C., R.
Barksdale, Clement
Andrewes, Francis
Lovelace, Dudley Posthumus
Howell, James
Lowther, John
Loeaechius, Andreas
Harrison, Stephen
Ariosto, Ludovico
Smith, Thomas
Gamage, William
Eliot, John
Austinn, Master
Stutvile, George
Prujean, Thomas
Willford, Thomas
Downey, Nicholas
Tubbe, Henry
Dennis, John
Moseley, Humphrey
Burnes, William
Elphinstone, Hester Maria
Cromwell, Thomas
Twining, Thomas
Burney, Charles
Saint-Evremond, Charles de
Thomson, William
Brounower, Sylvester
Fairfax, Thomas
Owen, John
Tillotson, John
Hunt, Thomas
Ashmole, Elias
Nicolson, William
Maynwaring, Arthur
Hooke, Robert
Freemantle, Bridget
Harley, Robert
Creech, Thomas
Spencer, John
Magennis, Hugh
O'Neill, Hugh
Bagena, Nicholas
Preston, Christopher
Butler, Thomas
Bolzano, Bernard
Lily, William
Chambers, Robert
Frazer, J. G.
Gathorne-Hardy, Gathorne
Hardy, Emma Lavinia
Palmer, Samuel
Arnold-Forster, Florence
Dodderidge, John
Fleetwood, William
Norris, John
Norris, Thomas
Burke, Richard Yn Yeren
Harrington, Henry
Scargill, Daniel
Clarkson, Laurence
Major, Elizabeth
Ogilby, John
Neale, Thomas
Stewart, Dugald
van Husen, Jeremiah
Morley, Thomas
Carey, Robert
Cosin, John
Bentley, Richard
de Staël, Germaine
Johnson, James
Aulus Gellius
Macer, Aemilius
Pedo, Albinouanus
Silo, Arbronius
Asinius Pollio, Gaius
Cornelius Gallus
Helvius Cinna, Gaius
Caluus, C. Licinius Macer
Maecenas, C.
Memmius, C.
Rabirius, C.
Cornelius Nepos
Severus, Cornelius
Marsus, Domitius
Montanus, Iulius
Bibaculus, M. Furius
Laurea, M. Tullius
Varro Atacinus, Publius Terentius
Cornificius, Q.
Hortalus, Q. Hortensius
Scaeuola, Q. Mucius
Quintus Tullius Cicero
Ena, Sextilius
Rufus, Valgius
Rufus, L. Varius
Lewis, Erasmus
Williams, Zachariah
Taylor, John
Boileau, Daniel
Coleridge, John Taylor
Whitelocke, Bulstrode
Astell, Mary
Blackstone, William
Allen, Maria
Burney, Elizabeth
Hyde, Anne
Maimbourg, Louis
Vaughan, John
Boileau, Sieur de
Law, James
Murray, Gideon
Kock-Cronström, Abraham
Temple, Peter
Dwight, John
Gilpin, William
Batteux, Charles
Leveson-Gower, Granville
Hamilton, David
Morley, John
Bright, Richard
Ward, William George
Hawkins, Edward
Whately, Richard
Stephen, James
Culley, George
Culley, Matthew
Culley, Matthew
Grew, Nehemiah
Herbert, William
Howard, Thomas
Whitgift, John
Fisher, Jabez Maud
Fisher, Joshua
Connor, John
Lloyd, Thomas
Beatty, Edward
Machault d'Arnouville, Jean-Baptiste de
Rowley, William
Edgrumby, R.
Dennis, John
Burnet, Alexander
Burdett-Coutts, Angela Georgina
Dolby, George
Temple, Anne
Bruce, James
Gibb, Andrew
Keith, George
Tzetzes, John
Barlow, Nora
Ullathorne, William
Palmer, Samuel
Palmer, Alfred Herbert
Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
Penrose, Charles Thomas
Hunt, William Holman
Thomas, William Cave
La Rochefoucauld, François de
La Chapelle-Bessé, Henri de
Bonnecorse, Balthazar de
Chapman, Edward
Chadwick, Edwin
Dickens, Kate
Maynard, Frederick
Thompson, Caroline
Tennant, William
Weller, Thomas Edward
Dickens, Alfred D'Orsay Tennyson
Owen, Richard
Waterhouse, George Robert
Darwin, Francis
Gondon, Jules
Austin, William
Fénelon, François
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de
Melville, Elizabeth Shaw
Shaw, Samuel S.
Dudley, John
Bonner, Edmund
Hoby, Philip
Gray, Dorothy
Brown, James
Nicholls, Norton
Bonstetten, Charles Victor de
Audley, John
Saujeon, Hippolyte de
Davenport, Richard
Howe, Julia Ward
Burge, Dolly Lunt
Henniker, Florence
Yeats, John Butler
Porter, George
Delany, William
Condren , Charles de
Davy, Humphry
Macdonell, John
Stephen, Dorothea
Folkes, Martin
Mairan, Jean-Jacques d'Ortous de
Latham, Richard
Jacob, Henry
Fitzgerald, Robert
Boyle, Joan
Webb, Charles
Fantosme, Jordan
Shadwell, Charles Lancelot
Gilo of Paris
Saxo Grammaticus
King, Anna Matilda Page
Corneille, Pierre
Perreaud, François
Bils, Lodewijk de
Schreiber, Aloys
Alexis, Willibald
Walwayn, John
Ely, Gregory of
Gloucester, Robert of
Sully, Maurice de
Francis Xavier
Arundel, Thomas
Dan Michel
Laurentius Gallus
Guido delle Colonne
Higden, Ranulf
Kennett, White
James, William
Peter of Spain
Charleville Poet
Abbo Cernuus
William of Tyre
Lefèvre, Raoul
Jacobus de Cessolis
Geoffroy IV de la Tour Landry
Jacobus de Voragine
Adelard of Ghent
Eustace of Boulogne
Bartholomaeus Anglicus
Burnett, J. P.
Bragi Boddason
Þjóðólfr of Hvínir
Þorbjǫrn Hornklofi
Egill Skalla-Grímsson
Þórir Snepill Ketilsson
Hallsteinn Þengilsson
Eyvindr Finnsson Skáldaspillir
Kormákr Ǫgmundarson
Gísli Súrsson
Þórarinn Svarti Þórólfsson
Víga-Glúmr Eyjólfsson
Einarr Helgason Skálaglamm
Bjǫrn Ásbrandsson Breiðvíkingakappi
Steinunn Refsdottír Skáldkona
Úlfr Uggason
Hallfreðr Óttarsson Vandræðaskáld
Þormóðr Trefilsson
Þórðr Kolbeinsson
Sigvatr Þórðarson
Bjǫrn Arngeirsson Hítdœlakappi
Arnórr Þórðarson Jarlaskáld
Hofgarða-Refr Gestsson
Þjóðólfr Arnórsson
Ralph de Insula
Ayrmin, William
Maldon, William
O'Hedigan, Richard
Christmas, Thomas
Vertue, John
Dudley, Edmund
Mordaunt, John
Mitchell, Langdon Elwyn
Usk, Thomas
Walton, John
Chartier, Alain
Phelps, Lancelot Ridley
Mence, Samuel
Guillaume de Deguileville
Guillaume de Lorris
Jean de Meun
Clanvowe, Thomas
Olszowski, Andrzej III
Nesham, Thomas Williams
Warner, John
Lavater, Johann Kaspar
Baggesen, Jens
Henry VII
Clarke, Samuel
Bonnet, Charles
Ravaisson, Félix
Lewis, (Percy) Wyndham
Prodromos, Theodoros
Holst, Amalia
Pease, J. A.
British Drama 1533–1642: A Catalogue
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English, Middle (1100-1500)
English, Old (ca.450-1100)
French, Old (842-ca.1400)
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Greek, Modern (1453-)
Norse, Old
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Publication year of the edition (start)
Publication year of the edition (end)
Ackerman, Robert
Ackrill, J. L.
Adams, Christopher
Ahl, Frederick
Akkerman, Nadine
Alcock, N. W.
Alexander, J. H.
Allan, William
Allen, T. W.
Amory, Hugh
Amt, Emilie
Annas, Julia
Archer, Jayne Elizabeth
Arthur, Richard T. W.
Asheri, David
Augoustakis, Antony
Ayres, Philip
Aziz, Maqbool
Bahlman, Dudley W. R.
Baird, John D.
Baker, Peter S.
Balderston, Katharine C.
Balme, D. M.
Bancroft-Marcus, Rosemary E.
Bander, Elaine
Banks, S. E.
Barber, Noel
Barbour, Reid
Barclay, Andrew
Barcus, James E.
Barker, Ernest
Barlow, Nora
Barlow, Frank
Barr, William
Barrett, Paul H.
Bartlett, John R.
Bartlett, Robert
Basker, James G.
Battestin, Martin C.
Bawcutt, N. W.
Baxter, Edmund
Beadle, Richard
Beasley, Jerry C.
Beauchamp, Tom L.
Beaurline, L. A.
Becher, Anne
Beckson, Karl
Beeley, Philip
Beer, E. S.
Behrends, Frederick
Belcher, Margaret
Bennett, J. A. W.
Bentley, G. E.
Bernard, Stephen
Bernstein, Neil W.
Best, Michael R.
Bethurum, Dorothy
Bevan, Jonquil
Bevington, David M.
Bigelow Merriman, Roger
Binns, J. W.
Bisson, Thomas N.
Blair, Rhonda L.
Blake, N. F.
Blamires, Cyprian
Blanchard, Rae
Blanton Wharey, James
Blehl, Vincent Ferrer
Boas, Frederick S.
Bogdanor, Vernon
Bond, R. Warwick
Bond, Donald F.
Booth, Michael R.
Booth, Bradford Allen
Bornand, Odette
Bosco, Ronald A.
Bostock, David
Boucé, Paul-Gabriel
Boulton, James T.
Bourus, Terri
Bower, Alan A.
Bowers, Fredson
Bowra, (Cecil) Maurice
Box, Mark A.
Brack, O. M.
Bratton, Jacky
Braund, Susan H.
Braunmuller, A. R.
Breazeale, Daniel
Brennan, Elizabeth M.
Brett, M.
Brice Smith, Donal Ian
Bright, Philippa
Brightman, Frank H.
Brink, David O.
Brissenden, Alan
Bristow, Joseph
Broad, John
Broadie, Sarah
Broadie, Alexander
Brooke, Nicholas
Brooke, C. F. Tucker
Brooke, C. N. L.
Brooke, Rosalind B.
Brookes, Derek R.
Brooks, Harold F.
Brown, Lesley
Brown, Nancy Pollard
Brown, Mark N.
Brown, Gregory
Brown, Andrew
Brown, Carleton
Bryant, Donald C.
Bryce, J. C.
Bryson, John Norman
Bryson, Alan
Budd, Adam
Bugg, John
Bulst, Neithard
Bunker Wright, H.
Burgess, C. F.
Burgis, Nina
Burlinson, Christopher
Burnett, T. A. J.
Burns, J. H.
Burns, J. H.
Burrow, Colin
Burston, W. H.
Burton, T. L.
Burton, Mary E.
Burwick, Frederick
Cain, Tom
Campbell Mossner, Ernest
Cannon, John
Cardwell, Margaret
Carretta, Vincent
Carroll, Robert
Carroll, David
Carruthers, Gerard
Carter, Christine Jacobson
Castelletti, Cristiano
Castelli, Laura M.
Cauchi, Simon
Caudle, James J.
Chambers, A. B.
Chapman, R. W.
Charles-Edwards, Thomas
Charlton, William
Charlton, Tom
Chibnall, Marjorie
Childs, Wendy R.
Chilton, Leslie A.
Chitham, Edward
Chua, Brandon
Church, S. D.
Clapinson, Mary
Clark, Lorna J.
Clarke, Elizabeth
Clayton, Thomas
Clej, Alina
Clemit, Pamela
Clericuzio, Antonio
Cline, C. L.
Clover, Helen
Coffey, John
Colclough, David
Cole, Richard C.
Coleman, Kathleen M.
Coleridge, Ernest Hartley
Coley, W. B.
Colgrave, Bertram
Collins, John Churton
Collins, Robert G.
Collins, Philip
Colvin, Christina
Connolly, Ruth
Constable, Giles
Conti, Brooke
Cooke, Stewart J.
Coombe, Margaret
Cooper, Andrew
Cooper, Tim
Copenhaver, Brian P.
Corbeill, Anthony
Corcella, Aldo
Corns, Thomas N.
Coulter, E. Merton
Cowan, Robert
Cowdrey, H. E. J.
Craik, T. W.
Cram, David
Crawford, Thomas
Creech, Melinda
Crimmins, James E.
Croft, P. J.
Cromartie, Alan
Crowther, Janice E.
Crowther, Peter A.
Crum, Margaret
Crump, Galbraith Miller
Cucchiarelli, Andrea
Cullen, L. M.
Cullington, J. Donald
Cumming, Mark
Curley, Thomas M.
Currie, Janette
Currie, Jacob
Dahl, Marcus
Dalrymple-Champneys, Norma
Dalziel, Pamela
Danziger, Marlies K.
Darbishire, Helen
Darlington, R. R.
Darwin, Francis
Davidson, Peter
Davie, John
Davis, Edward B.
Davis, R. H. C.
Davis, Jim
Davis, P. J.
Dawson, Anthony B.
Day, W. G.
Day, Robert Adams
De Lancey Ferguson, J.
de Voogd, Peter
Dearing, Vinton A.
Deese, Helen R.
Delany, Veronica
Dessain, Charles Stephen
Dewald, Carolyn
Dewar, Michael
Dickson, Donald R.
Dinwiddy, J. R.
Donohue, Joseph
Dorsten, Jan
Doughty, Oswald
Dronke, Ursula
Duggan, Anne J.
Duncan, Ian
Duncan-Jones, Katherine
Dunlap, Rhodes
Dyer, Alan
Dymond, David
Eales, Faith
Earnest, James David
Easson, Angus
Edgington, Susan B.
Edwards, Philip
Edwards, Michael
Edwards, Paul
Egan, Gabriel
Ellis, Frank H.
Ellis, J. B.
Elofson, Warren M.
Engell, James
England, Richard
Erb, Peter C.
Erickson, Robert A.
Esche, Edward J.
Ettenhuber, Katrin
Evans, Lawrence
Fallon, Peter
Fantham, Elaine
Fate Norton, David
Faulkner, Thomas C.
Feldman, Paula R.
Felsenstein, Frank
Field, P. J. C.
Fielding, Penny
Fielding, K. J.
Findlay, J. N.
Fitzpatrick, Martin
Fitzpatrick, Barbara Laning
Fleeman, J. D.
Folkenflik, Robert
Fong, Bobby
Foot, M. R. D.
Foreville, Raymonde
Forrest, James F.
Fowler, Don
Fowler, Robert L.
Fowler, Rowena
Fowler, Peta
Fox, Denton
France, John
Francks, Richard
Fredeman, William E.
Freeman, R. B.
Friedman, Arthur
Friis-Jensen, Karsten
Frost, William
Fucecchi, Marco
Fulford, Tim
Fuller, David
Fuller, John
Fuller, Catherine
Gaertner, Jan Felix
Gagarin, Michael
Gage, John
Gang, T. M.
Gardner, Helen
Garrett Horder, W.
Garside, P. D.
Gaskill, Howard
Gasper, Giles E. M.
Gassman, Byron
Gatrell, Simon
Gaukroger, Stephen
George, Rolf
Gerard, W. B.
Ghosh, J. C.
Gibbs, A. M.
Gibson, Colin
Gibson, Bruce
Gibson, Margaret
Giddens, Eugene
Gilbert, Suzanne
Gill, Roma
Gillespie, Stuart
Ginelli, Francesco
Given-Wilson, Chris
Gladish, David F.
Godden, Malcolm
Godman, Peter
Goldgar, Bertrand A.
Goldie, Mark
Goldring, Elizabeth
Goldworth, Amnon
Gomme, A. W.
Gordon, E. V.
Gornall, Thomas
Gough, Alfred B.
Gouws, John
Gradon, Pamela
Graham, Daniel W.
Graham, Walter
Grainger, Margaret
Grant, Douglas
Grant, Teresa
Gray, Douglas
Grayson, Cecil
Graziosi, Barbara
Greaves, Richard L.
Greene, Richard
Greene, Richard Leighton
Greenway, Diana
Greer, David
Gregory, Annabel
Greig, J. Y. T.
Grenander, M. E.
Grierson, Herbert J. C.
Griffin, Jasper
Griggs, Earl Leslie
Griggs, Grace Evelyn
Grindle, Juliet
Grocock, C. W.
Groves, David
Grundy, Isobel
Gruzelier, Claire
Guffey, George Robert
Guthkelch, A. C.
Guy, Josephine M.
Gwosdek, Hedwig
H. Hinnant, Charles
Ha, Polly
Haakonssen, Knud
Haan, Estelle
Haight, Gordon S.
Hainsworth, D. R.
Hale, John K.
Halio, Jay L.
Hall, Joseph
Halliday, Wilfrid J.
Halsband, Robert
Hammond, Martin
Handley, Graham
Hankins, David
Harris, James A.
Harris, Jonathan
Harrison, Stephen J.
Hart, H. L. A.
Hart, H. L. A.
Hartle, Paul
Haseldine, Julian
Hasler, Antony
Hatt, Cecilia A.
Hawkins, Richard
Hawlin, Stefan
Hayford, Harrison
Hayton, D. W.
Hazlehurst, Cameron
Healey, George Harris
Healy, T. S.
Heath, Helen Truesdell
Heaton, Gabriel
Hemlow, Joyce
Henderson, Felicity
Hendrickson, J. R.
Herford, C. H.
Hewitt, David
Heyworth, P. L.
Hibbard, George Richard
Higgins, Lesley
Higgins-Biddle, John C.
Hill, George Birkbeck Norman
Hill, Alan G.
Holdsworth, Roger
Holford-Strevens, Leofranc
Holland, Peter
Hollindale, Peter
Hollis, Adrian S.
Holmes, Geoffrey
Hook, A. D.
Hooker, Edward Niles
Hopkins, Lisa
Hoppit, Julian
Hornblower, Simon
Horsford, Howard C.
Horsman, Alan
Horth, Lynn
House, Madeline
Houts, Elisabeth M. C.
How, Walter W.
Howe, Anthony
Hudson, John
Hudson, Anne
Hughes, Ann
Hughes, Paul L.
Hughes, Gillian
Hume, Robert D.
Humphreys, Arthur
Hunter, Michael
Hussey, Edward
Hutchinson, F. E.
Hutton, Sarah
Hyde Kelly, Patrick
Hynes, Samuel
Ingleheart, Jennifer
Inglesfield, Robert
Inglis, Tony
Instone, Stephen
Inwood, Michael
Irvine, Robert P.
Irvine, Susan
Jack, Ian
Jack, Jane
Jackson, MacDonald P.
Jackson, Richard D.
James, Michael
James, M. R.
Johnson, Nancy
Johnson, Nancy E.
Johnson, Christopher
Johnson, Charles
Johnston, R. C.
Jones, Clyve
Jones, Frederick L.
Jordan, Robert
Jordan, Frank
Josten, C. H.
Joukovsky, Nicholas A.
Jowett, John
Judson, Lindsay
Juster, A. M.
Kaminsky, Alice R.
Karlin, Daniel
Kaster, Robert A.
Kay, Sarah
Kayachev, Boris
Kaye, F. B.
Keeble, N. H.
Keeble, Neil
Keir, Gillian
Kelly, Edward E.
Kelly, Adrian
Kemp, Geoff
Kemp, Martin
Kenney, Edward J.
Kenny, Anthony
Kenny, Shirley Strum
Kenny, Anthony
Ker, Ian T.
Kerrigan, John
Keynes, Geoffrey
Keyt, David
Kiefer Lewalski, Barbara
Kiernan, Michael
Kiessling, Nicolas K.
King, Edmund
King, James
King, Shelley
King, Judy
King, John N.
King, Pamela
Kingsbury, Benedict
Kinsley, James
Kinsman, Robert S.
Kirby, Torrance
Kirk, James
Kirk, G. S.
Kirwan, Christopher
Klibansky, Raymond
Knapp, Lewis M.
Knight, Sarah
Knoppers, Laura Lunger
Knowles, David
Knox, Thomas Malcolm
Kovacs, David
Kramer, Dale
Kraut, Richard
Krueger, Robert
Kuin, Roger
Lamont, Claire
Langford, Paul
Lapidge, Michael
Larkin, James F.
Latham, Robert
Laurenza, Domenico
Lavagnino, John
Law, Robin
Lawrence, C. H.
Lawson, Jane A.
Le Faye, Deirdre
Lea, Kathleen M.
Leask, Nigel
Lee, Guy
Legouis, Pierre
Leheny, James
Lemmings, David
Lennox, James G.
Levene, D. S.
Levenson, Jill L.
Levey, Samuel
Lewis, Andrew W.
Licence, Tom
Lightfoot, J. L.
Lightman, Bernard
Lindberg, David C.
Lindop, Grevel
Lister, Raymond
Littlewood, R. Joy
Lloyd, Alan
Lockwood, Thomas
Loewenstein, David
Loftis, John
Lohr, Alfred
LoLordo, Antonia
Long, Douglas G.
Longley, Edna
Lonsdale, Roger
Love, Harold
Love, Rosalind C.
Lowe, Eleanor
Lowry, Howard Foster
Lumsden, Alison
Lund, Mary Ann
Luscombe, D. E.
Lyne, R. O. A. M.
Maat, Jaap
MacDougall, Alma A.
Macfarlane, Alan
Macfie, A. L.
Mack, Douglas S.
Mackenzie, Donald
MacKenzie, Norman H.
Macleod, Emma
MacMillan, Dougald
MacPike, Eugene Fairfield
Macray, William Dunn
Madigan, Arthur
Makin, Stephen
Malcolm, Noel
Maltby, Robert
Mann, Francis Oscar
Mann, Jill
Manuwald, Gesine
Marenbon, John
Mares, F. H.
Margoliouth, H. M.
Mari, Tommaso
Marsden, Hilda
Marshall, P. J.
Marshall, Catherine
Martin, L. C.
Martin, Randall
Martin, Carol A.
Martin, G. H.
Matthew, H. C. G.
Matthews, William
Maurer, A. E. Wallace
May, Steven W.
McAdam, Edward L.
McCarthy, William
McClellan, Rachel
McCue, Kirsteen
McCullough, Peter
McDonald, James H.
McDonough, Jeffrey K.
McDowell, Nicholas
McDowell, R. B.
McGann, Jerome J.
McGee, J. Sears
McGovern, Barbara
McGrade, Arthur Stephen
McGrath, Francis J.
McGurk, P.
McInnis, David
McKenzie, D. F.
McKusick, James C.
McLeish, Tom C. B.
McLoughlin, T. O.
McMichael, Jack R.
McNaughton, David
McNulty, Robert
Meek, R. L.
Melo, Wolfgang David Cirilo
Melville, A. D.
Melville, Ronald
Meredith, Michael
Merkelbach, R.
Messenger, Ann
Midgeley, Graham
Milgate, W.
Miller, Henry Knight
Miller, A. V.
Millett, Bella
Millgate, Michael
Milton, Philip
Milton, J. R.
Miner, Earl Roy
Mitchell, L. G.
Money, John
Monk, Samuel Holt
Monro, D. B.
Monsarrat, Gilles
Monsman, Gerald
Montgomery, William
Moody, T. W.
Moody, Margaret
Moore Smith, G. C.
Moorman, Mary
Moreno, Alfonso
Morgan, Kenneth
Morison, Benjamin
Morrill, John
Morris, Brian
Morrison, Robert
Morrissey, Mary
Mossner, Ernest C.
Mugnai, Massimo
Muir, Kenneth
Muir, Bernard J.
Mulhauser, Frederick L.
Murray, E. B.
Murray, Placid
Murray, Oswyn
Myerson, Joel
Mynors, R. A. B.
Neill, Michael
Nelson, Eric
Nemser, Ruby
New, Melvyn
New, Joan
Newport, Kenneth G. C.
Nichol Smith, David
Nichol Smith, David
Nicholson, Andrew
Nicolson, Marjorie Hope
Nidditch, Peter H.
Niskanen, Samu
Nixon, Jude V.
Noble, Richard
Noble, Thomas A.
Nogami, Katsuhiko
Norbrook, David
Normore, Calvin
North, Julian
Norton, Mary J.
Nothaft, C. Philipp E.
Novak, Maximillian E.
Nuovo, Victor
Nuttall, Geoffrey F.
Ogilvie Anderson, Marjorie
Ohlmeyer, Jane
Oliver, H. J.
Olsen Sønnesyn, Sigbjørn
Orde, Anne
Orgel, Stephen
Orlandi, Giovanni
Orr Anderson, Alan
Osborn, James M.
Osborne, Robin
Østermark-Johansen, Lene
Owen, W. J. B.
Owens, W. G.
Page, Anthony
Pakaluk, Michael
Palliser, D. M.
Panti, Cecilia
Parker, R. B.
Parker, Hershel
Parkes, Ruth
Parkinson, George Henry Radcliffe
Parks, Edd Winfield
Parks, Aileen Wells
Parsons, Terence
Pavich-Lindsay, Melanie
Payne, E. F. J.
Pease-Watkin, Catherine
Pelling, Christopher
Perlman, Paula
Peters, Helen
Pettit, Henry
Pheifer, J. D.
Phillips, Catherine
Pierce, John B.
Pigman, G. W.
Pittock, Murray G. H.
Pollard, Arthur
Poole, William
Potolsky, Matthew
Potter, Jane
Pottle Hankins, Nellie
Powell, Jason
Powell, L. F.
Powell, Barry B.
Preston, Thomas R.
Price, Alan
Price, Cecil
Prickett, Stephen
Primavesi, Oliver
Principe, Lawrence M.
Probyn, Clive T.
Pronay, Nicholas
Pulleyn, Simon
Purdy, Richard Little
Quehen, Hugh
Quinn, Michael
Raby, Peter
Rachels, David
Ramm, Agatha
Raphael, D. D.
Rapp, Christof
Rees, Graham
Reid, Julia
Reid Barbour, Ashley
Rhodes, P. J.
Ribeiro, Alvaro
Richardson, Thomas C.
Richardson, Catherine
Ricks, Christopher
Riley, Patrick
Ringler, William A.
Rizzo, Betty
Robbins, Robin
Roberts, Philip
Roberts, Daniel Sanjiv
Roberts, Jane
Robertson, Jean
Robinson, Richard
Rodensky, Lisa
Rodes, David Stuart
Rollason, David
Roman, Laura
Roper, Alan
Roper, Derek
Rosen, F.
Rosengarten, Herbert
Roseveare, Henry
Ross, Ian Simpson
Ross, I. S.
Ross, W. D.
Rowe, Christopher
Rowland, Richard
Roy, G. Ross
Ruano-García, Javier
Rubenstein, Jill
Rudd, Niall
Rudrum, Alan
Rusnock, Paul
Russell, Paul
Ruston, Sharon
Ruthven, K. K.
Ryan, Robert C.
Ryskamp, Charles
Sabor, Peter
Saddlemyer, Ann
Saintsbury, George
Sambrook, James
Sanders, Valerie
Sanders, I. J.
Saunders, Trevor J.
Sayers, Jane E.
Schiaparelli, Annamaria
Schlicke, Paul
Schneider, Thomas E.
Schofield, Philip
Schroeder, Lea Aurelia
Scott-Kilvert, Diana
Scott-Stokes, Charity
Scriba, Christoph J.
Searle, Eleanor
Seary, Nicole A.
Seaward, Paul
Selden, Raman
Selincourt, Ernest
Serjeantson, Richard
Seymour, M. C.
Sharrock, Roger
Shatto, Susan
Shaver, Chester L.
Shaw, Marion
Shealy, Daniel
Sherburn, George
Shewring, Walter
Shields, Christopher
Short, Ian
Shovlin, John
Siberry, J. E.
Sill, Geoffrey
Simpson, Percy
Simpson, Evelyn
Sinclair, Mark
Sisam, Kenneth
Skeat, Walter W.
Skelton, Robin
Skinner, Quentin
Sloan, John
Small, Ian
Smith, M. J.
Smith, J. C.
Smith, Margaret
Smith, John Harrington
Smith, S. D.
Smith, Philip E.
Smith, Bernard S.
Smith, Robin
Smithers, G. V.
Smithson, Hannah E.
Snyder, Susan
Snyder, Henry L.
Sokoll, Thomas
Soldo, Janja
Solmsen, Friedrich
Somerville, Robert
Sorensen, David R.
Spalding, Ruth
Spears, Monroe K.
Speed, Diane
Spicksley, Judith M.
Spurr, John
Stalley, R. F.
Stanwood, P. G.
Stapleton, Julia
Starr, H. W.
Steffensen, James L.
Stein, Peter
Sternfeld, Frederick W.
Stevenson, Jane
Stewart, Alan
Stokes, John
Storey, Mark
Storey, Graham
Straumann, Benjamin
Strawhorn, John
Striker, Gisela
Strum Kenny, Shirley
Suarez, Michael F.
Sucksmith, Harvey Peter
Sutherland, Kathryn
Svaglic, Martin J.
Swaab, Peter
Swedenberg, H. T.
Sweeney, Anne
Symonds, Barry
Taft, Barbara
Talbot, C. H.
Tanselle, G. Thomas
Taplin, Oliver
Tatum, W. Jeffrey
Taylor, Michael
Taylor, C. C. W.
Taylor, Gary
Taylor, Donald S.
Taylor, John
Tho, Tzuchien
Thomson, Fred C.
Thomson, R. M.
Thornton, R. K. R.
Tillotson, Kathleen Mary
Todd, William B.
Todd, Janet
Tolley, Christopher
Toynbee, Paget
Tracey, Gerard
Traill, David A.
Troide, Lars E.
Truxes, Thomas M.
Tulloch, Graham
Turner, Mark W.
Turner, Andrew J.
Turville-Petre, G.
Underwood, T. L.
Vaisey, David
Van Dixhoorn, Chad
Van Ruler, Han
Varey, Simon
Verity, Anthony
Vessey, D. W. T.
Vickers, Brian
Vinaver, Eugène
Vivian, Percival
Wahl, John Robert
Wahlgren-Smith, Lena
Waingrow, Marshall
Wainwright, Arthur W.
Waith, Eugene M.
Wakely, Maria
Wales, Tim
Wallace, William
Walsh, Peter G.
Walsh, Marcus
Warren, Roger
Warrender, Howard
Waterfield, Robin
Watkins, Owen C.
Watkiss, Leslie
Watt, R. J. C.
Wayne, Valerie
Weatherill, Lorna
Weidner, H. D.
Weinstein, Mark
Weis, René
Weiss, Adrian
Weller, Barry
Wells, Stanley
Wells, J.
Wendorf, Richard
West, M. L.
West, David
Whale, John
Whibley, Leonard
Whiteman, Anne
Whitworth, Charles
Wiggins, Martin
Wightman, W. P. D.
Wilcher, Robert
Wilders, John
Wilkinson, C. H.
Williams, C. J. F.
Williams, Craig A.
Williams, Harold
Williams, Gary
Williamson, Karina
Wilson, N. G.
Wilson, Martin
Windeatt, Barry
Winterbottom, M.
Wiseman, Anne
Wiseman, Peter
Withington, Eleanor
Wogan-Browne, Jocelyn
Wood, Paul
Wood, G. A. M.
Wood, I. N.
Woodland, Christine
Woods, Michael
Woods, John A.
Woods, C. J.
Woodward, Donald
Woof, Pamela
Woolhouse, Roger S.
Woolley, James
Worthington Smyser, Jane
Wright, David F.
Wu, Duncan
Wymer, Rowland
Yachnin, Paul
Yeo, Richard
Yolton, John W.
Yolton, Jean S.
Young, James O.
Zagklas, Nikos
Zerbino, Maria Cristina
Zirker, Malvin R.
Zissos, Andrew
Zitner, Sheldon P.
Zurcher, Andrew
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Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
Gregory Brown (ed.)
, The Leibniz–Caroline–Clarke Correspondence
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June 2024
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
Gregory Brown (ed.)
, The Leibniz–Caroline–Clarke Correspondence
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June 2024
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
Gregory Brown (ed.)
, The Leibniz–Caroline–Clarke Correspondence
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June 2024
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
Gregory Brown (ed.)
, The Leibniz–Caroline–Clarke Correspondence
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June 2024
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,
Gregory Brown (ed.)
, The Leibniz–Caroline–Clarke Correspondence
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June 2024
Thomas Chatterton,
1764 (1764)
Donald S. Taylor (ed.)
, The Complete Works of Thomas Chatterton: A Bicentenary Edition, Vol. 1
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May 2014
Thomas Chatterton,
1768 (1768)
Donald S. Taylor (ed.)
, The Complete Works of Thomas Chatterton: A Bicentenary Edition, Vol. 1
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May 2014
Thomas Chatterton,
1769 (1769)
Donald S. Taylor (ed.)
, The Complete Works of Thomas Chatterton: A Bicentenary Edition, Vol. 1
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May 2014
Thomas Chatterton,
1770 (1770)
Donald S. Taylor (ed.)
, The Complete Works of Thomas Chatterton: A Bicentenary Edition, Vol. 1
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May 2014
Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
1787 (1787)
Ernest Hartley Coleridge (ed.)
, The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Including Poems and Versions of Poems now Published for the First Time, Vol. 1: Poems
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May 2015
Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
1788 (1788)
Ernest Hartley Coleridge (ed.)
, The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Including Poems and Versions of Poems now Published for the First Time, Vol. 1: Poems
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May 2015
Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
1789 (1789)
Ernest Hartley Coleridge (ed.)
, The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Including Poems and Versions of Poems now Published for the First Time, Vol. 1: Poems
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May 2015
Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
1790 (1790)
Ernest Hartley Coleridge (ed.)
, The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Including Poems and Versions of Poems now Published for the First Time, Vol. 1: Poems
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May 2015
Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
1791 (1791)
Ernest Hartley Coleridge (ed.)
, The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Including Poems and Versions of Poems now Published for the First Time, Vol. 1: Poems
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Published online:
May 2015
Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
1792 (1792)
Ernest Hartley Coleridge (ed.)
, The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Including Poems and Versions of Poems now Published for the First Time, Vol. 1: Poems
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May 2015
Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
1793 (1793)
Ernest Hartley Coleridge (ed.)
, The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Including Poems and Versions of Poems now Published for the First Time, Vol. 1: Poems
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Published online:
May 2015
Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
1794 (1794)
Ernest Hartley Coleridge (ed.)
, The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Including Poems and Versions of Poems now Published for the First Time, Vol. 1: Poems
Published in print:
Published online:
May 2015
Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
Ernest Hartley Coleridge (ed.)
, The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Including Poems and Versions of Poems now Published for the First Time, Vol. 2: Dramatic Works and Appendices
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Published online:
May 2015
Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
1795 (1795)
Ernest Hartley Coleridge (ed.)
, The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Including Poems and Versions of Poems now Published for the First Time, Vol. 1: Poems
Published in print:
Published online:
May 2015
Samuel Taylor Coleridge,
1796 (1796)
Ernest Hartley Coleridge (ed.)
, The Complete Poetical Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Including Poems and Versions of Poems now Published for the First Time, Vol. 1: Poems
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May 2015
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