Find Location in Text

This page covers:

What is Find location in text?

Using Find location in text

Other ways to search

What is Find location in text?

 Find location in text enables you to look for a particular place in a work, such as an act or scene of a play, or a particular line within a numbered poem.

 Using Find location in text

 1. Click .

2. Type or paste the Author and/or Work title in the relevant boxes, and add the location you want to find in the Location box (e.g. “Shakespeare / Hamlet / 3.1” for act 3, scene 1 of that play).

3. Click  or press Enter .

4. The results of your search are displayed in the Results list.

5. Click on any of the results listed to open it.

  • OSEO attempts to find the most likely match or matches for your search term(s).
  • If you enter a work title and/or author only, OSEO returns the closest match.

Other ways to search

  • To search for a word or phrase anywhere in the library, use a Quick search.
  • For more complicated searches, specifying more than one search term, the type of text to be searched (critical apparatus, plays only), etc., use an Advanced search.

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