
Find texts and resolve references – instantly

How many times have you found references to texts and passages on the web and thought you’d love to check those references, right now? But if you don’t have the texts to hand, the moment is lost, and following the references becomes just another job to do later. And we know what that means.

If the text you want to look-up is in Oxford Scholarly Editions Online (OSEO), then you can use one of our bookmarklets to take you straight to it – and even particular passages in it – from your browser’s toolbar: just select the reference, and then click on the bookmarklet:

All works on OSEO

Watch our short film to see this in action.

Once you’ve added our bookmarklet to your browser, you’ll be able to:

Click on a work title anywhere on any web page and go straight to that work in OSEO – titles like:

  • Mansfield Park
  • 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner'
  • Horace, Odes, 3.1

Click on a more precise reference anywhere on a web page and go straight to that passage in OSEO – references like:

  • Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act III Scene 1 line 57
  • Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, 1.2.18
  • Hor. Carm. 1.11.8

Use its simple search field to find texts of works quickly searches like

  • Hamlet
  • 'Westminster Bridge'
  • Diary of John Evelyn

Our bookmarklet makes following these references just a click away, and takes no time at all.

How does it work?

  1. Select a reference on a web page.
  2. Click the OSEO search bookmarklet.
  3. OSEO tries to take you to that text or line in OSEO.

How to install

The bookmarklet is like a bookmark, but contains some javascript to run the search. (So you will need javascript enabled for it to work.)

Chrome, Firefox, and Safari users: install the bookmarklet by dragging the following link onto your toolbar: OSEO search

Internet Explorer users: add this bookmark to “My bookmarks”, and then pin as a favourite: OSEO search

We’ve tested this bookmarklet in up-to-date versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. We’d love to hear feedback on the bookmarklet, (email us at, but we’re sorry, we can’t provide support for installation or trouble-shooting. 

Want to find out more on using the OSEO bookmarklet? Take a look at our frequently asked questions >


Works of Plato

We have a plug-in just for Plato: highlight any Stephanus number, on any web page, click the bookmarklet, and you'll be taken via a disambiguation page to the right passage or line in Plato.

What are Stephanus numbers? They are the universally used referencing system for Plato, and they look like this: 65d4, or 459d.

Watch our short film to see a user install and then use our bookmarklet:


  • With this bookmarklet, select just the Stephanus number -- don't include the work title.
  • You'll likely be taken to a number of results in OSEO; pick the one you want. This is because we may have multiple versions of the passage you want (e.g. Greek and English translation), and because Stephanus numbers aren't unique -- there can be three passages of Plato to which each number refers. The results you see in OSEO will clearly show which dialogue, and which editions, match your request, so you can select the one you want.
  • Not all our editions use the full form, including line numbers; translations function only to the Stephanus letter, so choose 65d rather than the whole 65d4 if you want a translation.
  • If the reference is a range, select the opening number only.
  • You can also simply type a Stephanus number in the bookmarklet: click on it without first selecting anything and it will offer you a dialogue box.

How to install in your toolbar

Click, or drag the following link onto your toolbar: Plato : Stephanus

You may be asked to confirm that you want to add it.

It really is that easy to install. It's just a bookmark, which includes some javascript code that converts the text you highlight into a query for OSEO. It's for this reason that you need to have javascript enabled for it to work; unless you've turned it off, it will be.

We'd love to hear feedback on the bookmarklet (email us at, but we’re sorry, we can’t provide support for installation or trouble-shooting.

Works of Aristotle

We also have a plug-in just for Aristotle: highlight any Bekker number, on any web page, click the bookmarklet, and you’ll be taken via a disambiguation page to the right passage or line in Aristotle.

What are Bekker numbers? They are the universally used referencing system for Aristotle, and they look like this: 1098a or 1449b26.


  • This works just like the Plato / Stephanus bookmarklet.
  • Select just the Bekker number – don’t include the work title.
  • Translations are never precisely line for line against the original.
  • If the reference is a range, select the opening number only.
  • You can also simply type a Bekker number in the bookmarklet: click on it without first selecting anything and it will offer you a dialogue box.

How to install in your toolbar

Click, or drag the following link onto your toolbar: Aristotle: Bekker

You may be asked to confirm that you want to add it.

It really is that easy to install. It's just a bookmark, which includes some javascript code that converts the text you highlight into a query for OSEO. It's for this reason that you need to have javascript enabled for it to work; unless you've turned it off, it will be.

We'd love to hear feedback on the bookmarklet (email us at, but we’re sorry, we can’t provide support for installation or trouble-shooting.

We have noticed that sometimes the bookmarklet doesn’t work first time in Chrome, but does after you’ve clicked on another bookmark.

New Oxford Shakespeare

We have a plug-in just for NOS, too. It works in exactly the same way, but only finds passages in the New Oxford Shakespeare.

There’s no need to include an author name, and it will work with commonly used abbreviations for the play titles – so entering “Richard III, 1.1.1” will take you to “Now is the winter of our discontent” – but so will just “R3, 1.1.1”. Be sure to include the comma. (Just “R3” will present you with all the scenes in the play for you to choose your next move.)

How to install

Chrome, Firefox, and Safari users: install the bookmarklet by dragging the following link onto your toolbar: NOS search

Internet Explorer users: add this bookmark to “My bookmarks”, and then pin as a favourite: NOS search

As with the OSEO bookmarklet, we'd love to hear feedback on the bookmarklet, (email us at, but we’re sorry, we can’t provide support for installation or trouble-shooting.