Browse Works
4. A Brief Comment by the Abbé D. C., showing Mr G. G. Leibniz the paralogism contained in the preceding objection: François Abbé de Catelan, Nouvelles de la République des Lettres, September 1686
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy3. A Brief Demonstration of a Notable Error by Descartes and others concerning a Law of Nature according to which they maintain that God always conserves the same Quantity of Motion in matter, a law which they also misuse in mechanics: G. W. Leibniz, Acta eruditorum, March 1686
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy5. A Reply by Mr L. to the Abbé D. C., contained in a letter written to the Editor of these Nouvelles on 9th January 1687, concerning what was said by Mr Descartes: that God always conserves in nature the same quantity of motion: G. W. Leibniz, Nouvelles de la République des Lettres, February 1687
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy14. A Reply to the articles that the illustrious J. B. published in the May issue of these Acta: G. W. Leibniz, Acta eruditorum, July 1690
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy23. A Short Note on p. 537ff. of the December Acta of 1695: G. W. Leibniz, Acta eruditorum, March 1696
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy9. A Sketch Concerning the Resistance of a Medium and the motion of heavy bodies projected in a resisting medium: G. W. Leibniz, Acta eruditorum, January 1689
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy22. A Specimen of Dynamics, for the disclosing of the admirable laws of nature concerning the forces of bodies and their mutual actions, and reducing them to their causes: G. W. Leibniz, Acta eruditorum, April 1695
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy1. A Unitary Principle of Optics, Catoptrics, and Dioptrics: G. W. Leibniz, Acta eruditorum, June 1682
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy16. Addition to the Sketch on the Resistance of the Medium published in these Acta in February 1689: G. W. Leibniz, Acta eruditorum, April 1691
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy10. An Essay on the Causes of the Celestial Motions: Acta eruditorum, February 1689
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy24. An Excerpt from a Letter of G. G. L. that he wrote to a friend in favour of his physical hypothesis about the motions of the planets, once inserted in these Acta (Febr. 1689): Acta eruditorum, October 1706
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy15. An Opinion about the Motive Forces of Mechanics, offered by D. Papin against the objections of the most distinguished G. G. L: Denis Papin, Acta eruditorum, January 1691
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy6. Comment by the Abbé D. C. on Mr L’s response with regard to Mr Descartes’s principle of mechanics; in Article 3 of these Nouvelles, February 1687: François Abbé de Catelan, Nouvelles de la République des Lettres, June 1687
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy20. General Rule for the Composition of Motions: G. W. Leibniz, Journal des Sçavans, September 1693
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy26. Letter from Baron von Leibniz to Mr Hartsoeker, 12 July 1711: G. W. Leibniz, Mémoires de Trévoux, April 1712
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy25. Letters from Baron von Leibniz to Mr Hartsoeker, with the replies of Mr Hartsoeker: G. W. Leibniz and Nicolaas Hartsoeker, Mémoires de Trévoux, March 1712
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy2. New Demonstrations Concerning the Resistance of Solids: G. W. Leibniz, Acta eruditorum, July 1684
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural PhilosophyThe New System of the Nature of Substances (1695)
in Roger S. Woolhouse and Richard Francks (eds), Leibniz's 'New System' and Associated Contemporary Texts11. Observations on the Cause of Gravity and its Properties: Denis Papin, Acta eruditorum, April 1689
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural Philosophy8. On Optical Lines and other matters: Excerpts from a letter to – –. G. W. Leibniz, Acta eruditorum, January 1689
in Richard T. W. Arthur, Jeffrey K. McDonough, Lea Aurelia Schroeder, Samuel Levey, Richard Francks, Roger Woolhouse, and Tzuchien Tho (eds), Leibniz from Oxford: Journal Articles on Natural PhilosophyPage:12